"Official" How far will it be dalayed????!!

Valve now officially sucks

Personnaly I think we will not see the game till mid 2004, now they have slipped it once they can do it again saying its for optimizations etc.
I'm mean, it's pretty obvious they won't have it out this year. Notice how they said they would *try* to have it out by the holidays. In other words, no.
Gabe Newell let us know that the 'news' posted on Shacknews yesterday (story) is a fake and that Half-Life 2 has gone Gold and in production now. Here's the official word: "The release will still remain on schedule for Sep 30th. People who have pre-orded it via Steam will still get it before the Sep 30th but we are currently ironing out a couple of bugs, people may have seen Half Life 2 yesterday for a minute on it while we were in our testing stages (...) The SDK will be available for download tomorrow 2.00pm EST. Now you've heard it from the horses mouth so rest assured. More news to follow on Sep 26th so watch this space."

From gamershell.com.

Only reason I post it is didnt someone here say they saw HL2 on steam for a brief moment?
Y'know... I'm gonna laugh if what Aknot is reporting becomes true...
Originally posted by BreakPoint
I need to bust a cap into someone.

Ouch! :p

Mid to late November is my guess; that ties in well with the holidays.
hmm, i wonder what holiday season for valve is?
Let's not forget that the retail holiday shopping season begins in October. That is usually when the largest amount of Christmas related items become available.
Originally posted by Hawk8250
Y'know... I'm gonna laugh if what Aknot is reporting becomes true...
Cant take credit for it. Someone else posted it and I think it got deleted. Like I said the only reason I think it is worth mentioning is because I read somewhere today in these forums that someone said they briefly saw HL2 on steam in the last day or so. Someone then quickly came back with a "you are wrong".
August 38th, 1856.65 AC is when it should be out.

The delay is gonna be more than a week folks. Look in the valve info thread. They're talking about a new schedule before making a new release date...not good news

EDIT: About gamershell...look at the damn sticky..
Originally posted by AmishSlayer

EDIT: About gamershell...look at the damn sticky..
Yeah I see that now. Had my post b4 that. Be nice if there was an explaination why it is "fake".
not sure what i believe anymore, might even goto church and see whats that all about !!
Im thinking about making a reality show about this whole ordeal.

Originally posted by AmishSlayer
According to this link fake Gabe emails have been going around and gamershell fell for it..
Wacky. What ya gonna do. Although I do recall someone here posting that they saw HL2 on steam briefly......Really.
The Holiday season always starts earlier and earlier, so maybe we will see HL2 on Sept 30th. People will probably be doing their christmas shopping by then.
i still dont understand it, they could have given any date they wanted.
Why september.
Did HL1 come out in september?They wanted an important date for the second game maybe?
In doubt why not say December for the holidays?
Beacuse holidays can mean anything.

There are many different holidays round the world.
Originally posted by Aknot
Im thinking about making a reality show about this whole ordeal.


Yeah, make a series of flash videos with bad voice acting!:cheers:
PC version: 30th June 2004

Xbox Version 29th January 2004

yeah...thats right.
Man i woke up this morning hoping the whole thing had blown over.

i was wrong.

the worst thing is that the asshole at the local eb is now right. stupid prick, i wanted to see his face on september 30 when he was wrong and id have some smartass comment about him being wrong.

oh well, im still hoping for an october release but im gonna try and forget about release dates for now and focas on new media and other info about the game.

Gabe, im not angry, im just dissapointed. however i do respect your dessision (if it was his) in delaying it to give us the best game ever.

peace out.
Originally posted by Sunbeam
PC version: 30th June 2004

Xbox Version 29th January 2004

yeah...thats right.

as if.

fu*king xbox fanboy
Originally posted by burnzie
Man i woke up this morning hoping the whole thing had blown over.

i was wrong.

the worst thing is that the asshole at the local eb is now right. stupid prick, i wanted to see his face on september 30 when he was wrong and id have some smartass comment about him being wrong.

oh well, im still hoping for an october release but im gonna try and forget about release dates for now and focas on new media and other info about the game.

Gabe, im not angry, im just dissapointed. however i do respect your dessision (if it was his) in delaying it to give us the best game ever.

peace out.

It's people like you that this forums needs more of. :cheers:
Some of us just need to chill and accept that we can't do anything about the release date.
I can't believe we fell for it...so close to a release date and an email from a website is all we get...that is pathetic.!!!!!....I remember when HL1 came out....I got the free hat with the logo and HL1 in the old orange box from EB on the second day it was on the shelf..I couldn't stand the multiplayer interface so I forked over 20 bucks to Gamespy for the registered version with HL support on the old ladie's credit card just to jump in on the first days...oh man I'll never forget that first multiplayer session..it rocked!!
Some of us should give Gabe emails patting him on the back for deciding to keep it and make it the best it can be (if that is indeed why its delayed).

@Sunbeam: Yeah right! Like Valve has even started porting it to XBox!
@Sunbeam: Yeah right! Like Valve has even started porting it to XBox! [/B]

Well my great grandmother is the cleaning lady for Bill Gates office and she said she read a memo that he left on his desk....so it is true.
Originally posted by EC2
It's people like you that this forums needs more of. :cheers:
Some of us just need to chill and accept that we can't do anything about the release date.

can't do anything? thats where yur wrong! *looks around with evil in eyes* MUHAHAHAHAH muHAHAHAHAHAHA muuuuHAHAHAHAHA



*Runs away crying*
i believe SEPT 30th or close to it the steam version will be released....retail=month later

AND whats all this about Halo...is it going to be that good of a game??? i never even hardly looked at it
I wonder if ati is still going to release their new video card. If it was slated to be released on the 30th with hl2 inside, wtf does that put them. Are they going to delay the hardware release because by christmas nvidia will have the dx9 issue resolved and ati might be screwed. It just doesn't make any sense.
Heh I say it goes gold on sept 30 and release's like two weeks later hehe.