Official Nintendo E3 conference thread

Dec 2, 2004
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Since we are done with MS, let's speculate the great N tomorrow.

Are they going to suck again just like last year?
They'll announce another game for children that will sell 3 billion copies.

Also, Mario/Zelda
Thank you for your contribution to this thread Dumb Dude. You should be proud.
I only care about few upcoming wii games that will probably never see the light of the day at the conference tomorrow.
It's all about the new Wii Zelda for me - if it turns up. I'd love a new Pilot Wings/Star Fox/F-Zero/1080/Wave Race too.

And yes, Dumb Dude. As long as Nintendo continue to develop some of the best games around, we will care :thumbs:
Thank you for your contribution to this thread Dumb Dude. You should be proud.

It was a legitimate question. Your contribution on the other hand was useless.

Seriously, Nintendo does not care about what used to be its core fanbase. They now only cater to the stupid general public of grandmas and grandpas with their "Touch Generation" BS. And then there are the generic rehashes of what also used to be their top games, such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc..

So, once again, I ask.....Does anyone really care about Nintendo anymore?
A new Zelda is enough for me to care about Nintendo right through to my death bed. Call rehash all you want, but Zelda has been evolving and progressing with every release. I cannot wait for a new one.
Only a dumbass would call Galaxy a rehash. Nintendo may be favouring the party crowd these days (party gaming is still great btw), but the quality of design and polish is still obviously there.
A new Zelda is enough for me to care about Nintendo right through to my death bed. Call rehash all you want, but Zelda has been evolving and progressing with every release. I cannot wait for a new one.


Only a dumbass would call Galaxy a rehash. Nintendo may be favouring the party crowd these days (party gaming is still great btw), but the quality of design and polish is still obviously there.

And this.

There are a few killer titles that will keep me coming back to Nintendo my whole life. These are Mario (Main series and Kart), Zelda, Pokemon and to some extent Metroid and F-Zero. Those franchises are, pretty much, worth the entry price to a console alone. Other things on the side like No More Heroes, MadWorld, Madden 07 and Koropina are just the icing on the cake.

I for one can't wait for the conference tomorrow. I know I'll come away disappointed, but I can hope, right?

Hoping for more on Spirit Tracks (including a name change), new Wii Mario and a real killer app for the MotionPlus (a new Zelda... please?).
I call them rehashes only in a sense that they aren't doing anything considerably new with any of the series. Since Mario 64, the formula has remained the same, and yeah, its great and all, but because no one bothers to want otherwiase, they will get away with the same gameplay. That is, replay the same level X amount of times with X changes to get X amount of Stars/Shines/Whatever. The same is true for the Pokemon games. I love them, but the gameplay is exactly the same each and every time. The same is said for Zelda, Metroid, and the Mario Kart games.

What I'm saying is that rehashing them isn't bad, because I know I have enjoyed my fair share of Nintendo rehashes, but what used to make them special is now all gone. And what you come to expect in every game is now all there is to get, nothing new, nothing exciting.

But I guess I'll end here. This same post can be said of about 98% of current games out there and isn't limited to only Nintendo. I am merely defending my stance on the rehash statement, which again, I'm not saying makes for bad games, so don't go attacking me on that, but it definitely doesn't make for anything notciably exciting either.

And don't go bringing in DS/Wii "innovations" as being new and exciting. That merely adds a whole new level of unnecessaryness to just a method of control, not gameplay.
A new Zelda game in the style of Twilight Princess might finally convince me to buy a Wii.
Hmm....not what I'd expect, but it's Zelda at least (albeit with huge 3d bug eyes).
I know I bring a UK perspective to this, but I'm not even remotely interested in what the Wii has to offer until they announce a price-drop. I generally like what they've been doing, but it's a damned expensive novelty machine at the moment.

Also, if I was Nintendo, and I wanted to corner a market of lonely housewives, I can think of one nun-chuk attachment their family friendly attitudes will hold them back from officially releasing. Come on Nintendo, you know where the big money is.

Of course Peggle Wii would have the same effect, but there'd be less tabloid newspaper fun to be had.
Apparently, as well as a new Zelda title made just for the Wii, there's a new Wii Mario Bros. and a Megaton.

Fingers crossed.
Anyone else watching? She's there patronising us again :)

- New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
Single Player can be played in a Four Player Co-Op version... Loved the DS version, good move. Holiday 2009.
- WiiFit Plus
Original: 15 Million Sold 'tens of millions enjoying it' (so, there could be about 5 million people who're wondering why they got it in the first place? sounds about right). 15 new balance games (one of them a platforming mode), new training 'brain-age for your backside'.
- Wii Motion-Plus
Expansion goes on the bottom of the control, wrapped around the rest of the unit with a plasticy rubber condom thing.
- Wii-Sports Resort
Bundled with above. Parachuting, Archery (looks neat, uses the nun-chuk). Basketball.
- New FF Crystal Chronicles coming, complete with rubbish Voice Work. (Wii)
- New Kingdom Hearts game makes you feel uncomfortable about your sexual orientation. (Wii)
- New Mario & Luigi RPG for DS
- Golden Sun DS
- DSi exclusive Mario Vs Donkey Kong March of the Minis emphasises user-created content, as long as new WiiWare title.
- New Female-Orientated titles emphasise patriarchal order and condescension.
- Wii Vitality Sensor is a look into the future of gaming. By measuring your pulse.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 coming to Wii, the first 3D
- 3rd Person / Sidescrolling "Metroid: Other M" for Wii (co-developed with Team Ninja), next year .
wii fit+. Pfft can Nintendo just go away and set up tent at some women's age conference and allow games to be shown here.

O/T: Does anyone else, after watching the conferences, wonder how ppl like her get to the top of companies?
''3rd party developers flocking to Nintendo''


oh great moar ghey jrpg shit.
I'm yawning off my chair at the moment, I'm waiting for something really interesting.
Oh wow Women's Murder Club. James PATTERSON!!? Games of Passion? Fuking lol'd.
What's he talking about now? The sociology of gamers or sumit.
Does Nintendo even make anything remotely worth getting excited over anymore?
I'm not following any of this right now, but can I look forward to funny Youtube videos of the conference just like I did with Nintendo's last E3 failure?
Nintendo wants to be the console for 'everyone'. K. Sony next.
I'm not following any of this right now, but can I look forward to funny Youtube videos of the conference just like I did with Nintendo's last E3 failure?

Anyone that can make that borefest entertaining deserves a medal.
Tedious new hardware sucked a great amount of joy out of the conference really. Some interesting new titles coming along, but they're prefixed with names you could have picked out well before the conference. The return of Golden Sun is just about the only thing approaching a surprise.
Too much industry jargon and packing material, about Nintendo being super cool. Put your money where your mouth is and show us something really interesting.

There wasn't even anything funny this year, like the ravi drums. Cammie and Reggie made an appearance again Absinthe, but you just wanted them to develop a rare tropical disease.