Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

roflmao.... maybe.... ill go do that soon ^.^ then report back
ran prime95, all of school, so 9 hours, NO ERRORS! and NO PROBLEMS! w00t
and idle temp of
CPU - 95F
MB - 68F
Whats the load temps? Good job on the OC. Try and raise the multiplier now.
CPU - 102F
---- i still havent done any lapping to the heatsink/fan plus i still havent added artic silver 3.... so yeppers, my dad just got home from a trip, and i still havent gotten authorty to buy AS3.... i goofed, and said thermal "grease" to him, and he said i alrdy had some and didnt need it, and i didnt get a chance to explain the rest of it... (ill just go thru the mother soon ^.^)
windows is evil
one day, after awhile of having CPU overclocked fine, and i had done restarts of computer with no problems.

i turned on my computer and windows would fail to boot, motherboard gave me no errors

i had to set back all the overclock levels down.

i was mad, and walked away from the computer when it started up again, and left it too boot from RH9 linux ( i have to select either "dos" or "linux" on boot screen, or else it will just boot linux.

im too lazy to go back to windows, so now im using linux, which im patially blind to using.

if i ever try to OC again, should i put Vcore higher?
I told you, instability during an OC calls for a raise tot he vcore. Try upping it to the next level, get your old OC back, and run prime for 12hours.
okay, raised vcore, ill report with prime95 tests, in a 1day and a half, *otherwise i wont have enough time with computer on*

my computer is in my bedroom, and just a tid bit too noisey to keep on when i sleep :-/ plus there is no other place in the house to put my computer.
I'm using 2500+ Barton. My plan is to reach 3200+ since I was told that it will OC to that safely. However...

In my BIOS setting, I do not see the FSB option. I do see CPU external frequencies and something is set to 11.0x. I did see FSB spectrum but I do not get option of incrementing.

Also, what is the desination point for FSB for 3200?

How do I find FSB:RAM ratio?

What are the side effects?
You must set all options in BIOS to "user defined" This will give you almost full control over everything.

200x11= 3200+

As stated in the guide, you must OC in increments not all at once.

The guide answers every question you just asked.
"To use the OCed CPU, you need to select "enabled" for one of the options in BIOS(cant remember name, just look to the right, itll show an explanation of each setting) Dont forget to chose a good FSB:RAM ratio that wont screw your RAM up."

Where doyou find FSB:RAM in the BIOS? Tell me the exact name for this ratio.

"Ok, so choose what you want to do. Up the multiplier and keep the FSB the same, or up the FSB, which will also up the clock speed without touching the multiplier. Basically, just OC with the FSB unless you want to keep the FSB at stock. "

I do plan to increment the FSB, but I do not seem to find the option EVEN after setting it to USER DEFINED. I do see FSB Spectrum, CPU External Frequencies, and the muliplier, which is set to 11.0x. Now, I have a slight feeling that FSB bump will occur in CPU external frequencies... But tell me where.

"Same thing, slowly apply the OC, instead of 20-50mhz increments, i would do 20mhz increments, or less, on an AMD. Blah, do the stress testing and monitor temps, etc etc. Once it gets unstable try upping the vcore to the next level."

About bumping up, are you talking about incrementing 20 mhz every system reboot? The part that I do not understand is where you said increment 20 mhz. Define incrementing please. Futhermore, how will I know it will be unstable or do the stress testing?

"Once at destination, peform a 12-24 hour stress test with no faults. If all gos well, move on to tweak the RAM(read P4 sec. for details) if it doesnt underclock in 5mhz increments till its ok."

Again, what is stress test?
What mobo are you runnning?

Upping the multiplier will result in an OC on the clock frequency. It will only up the 1.83ghz rating, notthe FSB. Upping the FSB will result in an OC of the FSB and the clock speed.

By incrementing, you are correct. 20mhz each boot. You must run a breif CPU stress test before moving on.

By stress test i mean a program that will stress your CPU, and check for faults in the OC. As stated, prime95 is probably #1 stress test.
Asus a7n8x-deluxe. Again, how do I up the FSB? Also, where do I get prime95? Do I run this program in OS or in BIOS?
Cosmos cmon man, anyone can answer these questions.

Google wouldbe a great place to start on where to DL prime95.

You run it in OS... obviously.

Do you have the latest mobo drivers and latest BIOS?
I do not have fsb settings for my bios. I use Asus a7n8x-deluxe. I think it is combined in CPU External Frequeny. I don't think 200 for 3200 is right because I'm already running on 166 mhz, which gives me 333 mhz fsb.


3200+ runs at 2.2ghz clock speed and 400FSB.

AS I already asked, DO you have latest mobo drives AND latest BIOS?
I know have 3200+. However, when I run Prime95, I get error on the hardware failure. The temperature is 42c and vcore is set to 1.700. What should I do?
What should you do? Obviously downclock it.

If there is an error, then its not a stable OC.
moto: then dont post here :D
igneri: i ran prime95 for 16 hours, no problems/errors
- and my temperatures are still the same as ever :afro:
- this will be good help to my friend, hes getting the same cpu heatsink/fan as me, and has same processor/mobo, so he can get correct cpu OC settings right away!
-thx for all the help!
Originally posted by Washuu
- this will be good help to my friend, hes getting the same cpu heatsink/fan as me, and has same processor/mobo, so he can get correct cpu OC settings right away!
-thx for all the help!

Different hardware overclocks to different levels so your "correct" OC setting may or may not work for your friend.
Washuu hold up. NO OC is the same. Hell have to go through the same process that you did.
Just one quick question. I read the guide and others, over and over again but im a little scared to overclock, never done it before.

I am running P4- 2.4 GHZ on a 845PE max MSI board (533 fsb i think)
1024 ram (2700).

Im wondering how much I could up this too and how hard it would be for someone with no knowledge what soever...and if its very risky.

Cheers and thanks!:)
(I had a athlon xp2000 before, and it was running at like 70c all the time, for over a year LOL)
Nobody can tell you how far you can OC it. Every OC is different. Understand the guide as best you can, and talk to me if you have any more questions.
K thanks
Ill try it in a while maybe, theres not much need for me to OC now anyway its not like i have any performance problems with my current set up and a Radeon 9800 pro.

Just a thought though, a p4 2.4, could you get it up to 2.8-3.0 ghz under the right circumstanes? (good board, cooling etc.etc)
Originally posted by BigD
K thanks
Ill try it in a while maybe, theres not much need for me to OC now anyway its not like i have any performance problems with my current set up and a Radeon 9800 pro.

Just a thought though, a p4 2.4, could you get it up to 2.8-3.0 ghz under the right circumstanes? (good board, cooling etc.etc)

i think 2.8 would be about your top-end if your use air cooling.

and mabey not even wont know untill you try.
another adrenaline rush for me soon :D
im all stable and purty at 11x200 vcore=1.7
my goal is 12.5x200 for a chip = 3200+
but, when the system wont boot from harddrive, and other stabilities, am i harming anything? and if it is in progress of "crashing" should immediatly restart, and change bios?
- should i wait to get some articsilver 3/cerminque/5 before going higher?
Got my [email protected]/1100 right now. 1.55 vcore. 2-2-2-5 timings on street racer GAT.

Sucks that one of the sticks i got in my package was bad, so im only using 512 right now.

EDIT: Ive decided to keep it at 3.12, maybe ill even lower it to 3.0. I had prime running for 16 hours at 3.12, no probs. There was some stability probs runnning 3.2 or higher.

Im sure the performance right now is close to a A64 3200+ because of so much mem. bandwith.
okay, so i tryed to increase multiplier, system boots, but i get immediate errors from prime95..., so increase vcore, same thing again, should i increase vcore again?
Even if your temps dont increase much with the vcore, its putting more voltage on your CPU. If you give the CPU too much voltage, it can cause permanent damage. Thats a great OC you have for that setup. Im sure you wouldnt be able to get much more out of it on air.
so i should go back to my original overclock?
right now vcore is at 1.7 and failed prime95. best to go back , eh?
Originally posted by Washuu
so i should go back to my original overclock?
right now vcore is at 1.7 and failed prime95. best to go back , eh?

1.7V isn't very much. You should be fine increasing it to about 1.8V as long as your temps are reasonable.
I just finished running prime for about 8 hours, and it seems that my XP2500 is 100% stable at 2.5GHz!! god damn I'm so happy!!
This is by far the best overclocking chip ever, Sandra 2004 shows my CPU slightly faster then P4 3.4 GHz, I cannot believe this!!!!!
The vcore is at 1.85 @ 40C idle and 50C full load :cheers:
i might try the higher vcore again, when it was as high as i said before, my temperature was still like only 35C/96F
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I just finished running prime for about 8 hours, and it seems that my XP2500 is 100% stable at 2.5GHz!! god damn I'm so happy!!
This is by far the best overclocking chip ever, Sandra 2004 shows my CPU slightly faster then P4 3.4 GHz, I cannot believe this!!!!!
The vcore is at 1.85 @ 40C idle and 50C full load :cheers: