Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

umm... the only things i know about the timings of the ram is cl2.5. mobo has 100, 133, 166, and 200 fsb options and at 200 fsb, the DDR:CPU ratio options allowed by the mobo are 1.33X, 1.66X, 2.00X

correct me if im wrong or if it wont work but i should have no problem OC'ing if i get a good barton chip by setting the multiplier to 11 and fsb to 200 (11x200=2200) and the DDR:CPU ratio to 1.66X (200x1.66=332)

so according to what ive said, i would be OCing the proc to 2.2ghz yet still keep my ram at 333mhz?

theres no cpu currently in the comp so i cant check timings of ram, but i have the mobo manual in my hand and this is where im getting my other info
munken said:
How far can I clock my AMD BARTON 3200+ ?

Totally depends on your cooling (boxed I presume) motherboard and memory (OEM and for example TWINMOS or Kingston makes a lot of difference)
But since the 3200+ already runs at a FSB of 200, I doubt your memory could take a lot more. But I'm no expert :)
munken said:
How far can I clock my AMD BARTON 3200+ ?

List your full specs first... You cant just set it at any given setting, or it will be unstable. Maybe i can give an estimate, but you still have to OC in intervals.
Amd 3200+ (boxed)

Motherboard /
Not sure yet / but a good guess would be asus or soltek / nforce2

Ram /
1 GB Kingston HyperX
Ati Radeon 9800XT 256 mb

Harddrive /
2x 80 GB Sata (150) / manufactor not decided yet
well i would like to overclock my p4 2 ghz but i really dont understand from ur tutorial nor do i ever know how to get into my bios or check my motherboard

any help would be appriciated
Do you have a prebuilt comp, like a dell or something? If so then you wont be able to OC, and OCing ona dell or compaq or similar is out of the questions anyway.
LilBoy0626 said:
well i would like to overclock my p4 2 ghz but i really dont understand from ur tutorial nor do i ever know how to get into my bios or check my motherboard

any help would be appriciated

If you baught your computer pre-assembled from an OEM like Dell, you cannot overclock it. :(

If not, pressing the delete key as soon as your system gets power should get you into the BIOS. You may want to try pressing it over and over from the time you press the power button to the time the OS starts to load.
thx for the help both of you
sad to say it is a dell cuz my dad didnt trust me to build a computer although he is letting me build one when i gradjumitate :D

anyway another question
how do i overclock a radeon 9600 cuz i have no clue about that either
LilBoy0626 said:
thx for the help both of you
sad to say it is a dell cuz my dad didnt trust me to build a computer although he is letting me build one when i gradjumitate :D

anyway another question
how do i overclock a radeon 9600 cuz i have no clue about that either

All you have to do is get one of the many good software programs to overclock ATI videocards. I perfer RadClocker.
When OCing the 9600:

Only OC the core clock, and NOT the memory. The memory on the vid depends on the ambient temp of the case, and that is certainly NOT a good temp on prebuilts(very, very poor airflow) The core is cooled from the HSF on the video card, so OC that, but still OC carefully.
so i overclock the core using radlink
how do i know when im overclocking the core and how do i test that it is still stable

oh yeah are there any other program you guys would reccommend because from reading about radlink it seems that i have to set up a profile for each game
I use rage3d tweak. Very simple. It adds a tab to your ATi control panel where you OC. When you OC, youll notice two slider tabs to OC on, the core clock and the memory clock. Leave the memory alone. OC the core clock at like 5mhz intervals, which means, you slide it up 5mhz, apply the settings, then test it.

To test, run 3dmark03 loops, for hours. When or if it starts to lock up, shut down 3dmark and lower the settings. Once it starts "artifacting" dont go any further.
Once it starts "artifacting" dont go any further.

what does that mean?????

oh and where can i get 3dmark2003????
Artifacting is 90% of the time this white snow that will appear around the screen. But in general, any kind of gfx flaw or if it crashes or anything, that means the card is unstable and needs to be lowered.

You can get 3dmark03 at
thx for everything man im gonna try to oc it in a couple of minutes :thumbs:
hope it doesnt fry "fingers crossed"
anyway how high do u think i can oc it, maybe to a 9600 pro???? or a 9700 np
Getting an XP2400+... 2 questions:

1. How many variants?
2. How overclockable are they?
Sgt. Igneri everytime i try to move the core setting in rage3d tweak it just reverts back to default after i hit accept

any suggestions
I have some OCZ Enhanced Latency RAM (PC3200) and I can get the FSB to to 250 but only if the RAM is at 2.85v. I can't get above 250 because then it crashes in 3dMark01.

Any suggestions?
Whats the FSB:RAM ratio? Try upping the CPU voltage if you havent yet, and try tightening the RAM timings some mroe.
it's 5:4. CPU voltage may ruin my CPU, right? Also, my RAM is at 2.5-2-4-5.
What CPU do you have again? There is usually a certain limit which you shouldnt go over because it will damage it. But upping the vcore just to the next level usually doenst hurt it. Itll just raise temps. If you have an P4C i wouldnt go over 1.575, stock is 1.525 i think. If your temps arent great you should up itthough.
I have a 2.4C. CPU-Z says it's at 1.6v. I get a max of 45C on Prime95 on the maxium overheat torture test.
Okay, my new computer's coming tomorrow...

I really would like to know... how overclockable is an AMD XP 2400+? I don't know what variant it is, but there are only a few, right?
i have a question
ive just now figured out how to oc my radeon 9600 with omega drivers and powerstrip
ive clocked my card from core 324 ram 202.5 to core 354 ram 212
ive run 3dmark2003 and i really havent seen artifacting or so i think
should i keep increasing both or just stick with what im at
mind you i havent installed any cooling just the factory dell stuff

Um, keep OCing till you artifact! :D

(well, thats my way :) ) Anyway, I'm not responsible for any damage incurred ;)

Oh, and anyone know how to set FSB frequency using jumpers?
will it be really obvious when it begins to artifact?????
cuz im at 384 clock and 220 mem now and no signs of artifacting
Yeah, run 3dmark03, and you'll know when it artifacts. If that happens, press ESC, and clock it down boy.

Artifacts are black squares and things on the screen etc.
Um, I don't know :/ by the way, I have no idea what cooling you have or anything.. so it's possible if you push it too far without being careful, like in 5mhz steps, you could fry your card. So stay careful :)
If you cant keep your finger on the core of the card for over 5 sec without it seriously burning then its too hot.
Ok, thats a bit extreme, my softmodded 9800SE is really cool, and it's overclocked to hell :)

In fact if I go anyfurther, I get artifacts ;(
Are artifacts caused by overheating or some kind of power drain?

And can someone please answer my XP 2400+ questions? Or tell me why they haven't been answered?
Artifcats can be caused by overclocking damage but most likely not by the overclocking itself.
-but i don't know jack shit about overclockign just about hardwaree in gen. so it may be possible because of memory skipping places and not knowing what to read so it prints out red or black spots
-it also could be from a power drain, not being able to retreive requested memory from the ram so it just says to itself "Self, we've waited here too long. We're screwing the memory request and returning a ff0000!

XP 2400+ Question...
I have no idea personnalyl visit an overclocking site and find the info, its out there.

I need a computer guy to get me into card overclocking and explain how they overclock a processor (is a packet sent to the card to change an option the controls the speed, etc) I already understand PC overclocking (very limited-ly)