oh god no :( :( :(

  • Thread starter Thread starter xor3xor
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sounds like bs to me, especially since Valve religiously backs up their files, on site as well as off site.
I need to make a website and do nothing but post crazy fake shit on it!

Then sit back and watch the riots happen.
Oh come on now guys. You're smarter than that.
No need to email anyone, this is total garbage. Just trying to rile people up and its working.

yah ... that's right ... I know how to use my caps lock
it leads to nothing.. bunch of kids if you ask me, look at all those bad words...
Originally posted by Tork
I dont know but i have emailed gabe with the link asking him if its legit or not..

You have to ask? Do you think Valve is dumb enough to only have one copy of the code? lmao.
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
You have to ask? Do you think Valve is dumb enough to only have one copy of the code? lmao.

i havnt pressed the send button yet.. so chill out... once i saw all the kiddie remarks i changed my mind..
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, dudes just click there source its blank, why is this on a second page? haha
Hi guys, I'm a bright shiny newbie.

If you check out the link to Adrenaline Vault the Ninjase "story" has, you will find it leads to a blank Avault news post. If you dig further in the news section of Avault, there's no stories on HL2 at all on the first page.

Scared the crap out of me though. :lol
duh-oh! me dahleete cooode. now must staart again!
Originally posted by DaveKap
I laughed so hard when I read that.

You're avatar is so great it can't be expressed in words.
"Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta."
duh, Valve keeps weekly code backups in TRIPLICATE, no way to lose it all.
hint to the small presentage of people who are believing this: it's fake.
