Oh no!!! No 16 Nov.???


Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I just looked at:

www.freerecordshop.nl its the dutch site and it says 02.12.04 as a release date....

after this shock, I looked at www.freerecordshop.com ... the english version and this one too says 02.12.04!!!

What do we do now?? I mean, I really want the game that day, I dont want to wait so long, Ive waited enough!!!

yeah, dude...it's 04 right now...that date has passed. you're too jumpy.
I hope you're joking. But even if you are, there's no reason for this post.

We know various retailers and sites still post inaccurate dates.
different date format

You do realise they have different date formats in other countries, it could mean 2nd of december 04, not that im saying he's right, just thats what he could mean.
Well, Im really not jumpy :hmph:

I just looked there and it said 2 December.... 2004, whats so outdated about that??? Oh your all english or amer. right??? Ahh, you write it the other way... :)

But I just want to know if anyone had an answer...
Hey, I also saw a advertisement of HL2 in the television says 16. november, so five days to go.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
yeah, dude...it's 04 right now...that date has passed. you're too jumpy.
Haha, you are reading it wrong. It says the second of December.

What are you, British? :rolleyes:
vegeta897 said:
Haha, you are reading it wrong. It says the second of December.

What are you, British? :rolleyes:
pfft...you're right...i'm so used to reading all the damn British dates on this site...grrrr. good call, man.

Edit: wait, no...i'm confused because that's how we write dates here in the US...huh huh! silly me.
Free Record Shop is pretty big....

Why would they write a wrong date???

Half Life 2 isnt just ,,another shooter". They could have

searched better...
sKuNx said:
Hey, I also saw a advertisement of HL2 in the television says 16. november, so five days to go.

oh was it an add from vivendi or was it from a shop game shop retailer.?
the date has not passed
in dutch its written in diffrent order
it sais 2 december 2004 (02.12.04)
Valve information > Random game site
look not all sites are upto date to news....

always take the news directly from the company behind the game over the word of some website
Yeah, I know that, of course...

but still....

well, Im back to earth... lets hope we all will get it on that Final day, HL-Day...

Weve waited long enough, havent we :D
well my hopes arent set high as there has been no word from valve or VU on the matter...so i bet VU will hold it back even longer.

but one can only hope :E
Pureball said:
well my hopes arent set high as there has been no word from valve or VU on the matter...so i bet VU will hold it back even longer.

but one can only hope :E

Why should there be word from them? All signs point towards that everything is going swimmingly :)
but e-plaza(mother company is Bart Smith) says its coming on 25th october. But tell me do the retailers get their games directly form the publishers or not, in that case its still just 16 nov.
I also read on gamestar.de , that Hl2 was preordered so much, they have to make a lot of them again....

that doesnt sound to good... of course, I really want Valve to be happy about all the money they earn, but still, I didnt preorder anything, so, I hope i have just that bit of luck...
We've seen this countless times before. These sorts of sites always get the dates wrong. Besides, the game is gold - you're not telling me it's going to take another month to ship the game.

Why would there be a hold up? And why would this information only go to one site?
Oh, it surely went to other too, but I read it here first :) .. Ill try and find a link...
It was on television and I'm sure there was the VALVe logo in the right bottom corner, also VUG I think. Then the HL2 Logo appears and after that the date (16. Nov).
Dude, dont worry.
dixons / dynabyte still has the 16 nov 04 date.
Look at the date from the collectors edition.
It' s also 3 dec 04.
They just made a mistake in the date for the normal version.

I've seen on several sites here in holland we have to wait till december for the CE.
16thNov - aka judgement day.

Parents Eve AND H-L2.

Anywho, it's too late to pull the game back now. Surely any shop that will be selling it has buy now?
vegeta897 said:
Haha, you are reading it wrong. It says the second of December.

What are you, British? :rolleyes:

That is a british date.

my birthday i the 30/11/85

thats the 30th of november 1985.

its the yanks who do it the stupid way and put the days inbetween the months and years.
its just a mistake on the site. Amazon says 1st november for some reason.
Dougy said:
That is a british date.

my birthday i the 30/11/85

thats the 30th of november 1985.

its the yanks who do it the stupid way and put the days inbetween the months and years.
Oh... That's interesting.. I have a British watch! lol

Us "yanks" have it right though... Definatly.

I would rather say November 30th.

No "of" Much simpler. :)
vegeta897 said:
Oh... That's interesting.. I have a British watch! lol

Us "yanks" have it right though... Definatly.

I would rather say November 30th.

No "of" Much simpler. :)

Its stupid that way.


what is the point of mixxing the dates?

we call the 30/11 november 30th as well.... so its not that.
How on earth could you missunderstand that? Even if you read it from an other way, you could have used logic. Or could you...
vegeta897 said:
Oh... That's interesting.. I have a British watch! lol

Us "yanks" have it right though... Definatly.

I would rather say November 30th.

No "of" Much simpler. :)


Day/Month/Year makes much more sense than Month/Day/Year
Dougy said:
That is a british date.

my birthday i the 30/11/85

thats the 30th of november 1985.

its the yanks who do it the stupid way and put the days inbetween the months and years.

Right on :)
maybe the date isn't wrong...but its for the CE? I'm not getting the CE so I don't know if the dates are different..

and will EVERYONE STFU about how great or crappy us "yanks" or "brits" or "krauts" may be? whats the point?

its like the shiite's and the sunni's warring for centuries and neither side has been able to really change the others point of view

sorry if I spelled anything wrong but hopefully you get the idea that we all breathe oxygen,we all bleed red and some of us everywhere ARE assholes
Not "I think"
Not "Maybe"
Possibly "It WILL Come out on this date"

Retailers just put stuff up thats all they do. I thought we already learned that retailers don't call up vivendi an say(Valve can't fully decide the release date right now considering they arn't the ones making all the cd's etc..)
"Whats the release date for HL2"
And the other dude says, "Well I have the release date right here on my desk"
"It's blablabalbalbala"

They just put a date, they dont care.
sKuNx said:
Hey, I also saw a advertisement of HL2 in the television says 16. november, so five days to go.

Sweet! What channel was it on? I want to see the HL2 advertisement sooo bad...

Maybe somebody can capture it and upload it to the net....Nothing illegal about that is there?