Ok guys, I have the PCZone with 10+ pages of info

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Title says all. Since I can't post scans, I'm going to resume here the main points of the interview. Stay tuned. :cheese:
Why dont we make this the pc zone post..

Theres certainly ALOT to discuss
- The playtesters were thoroughly amazed.
- Most advanced physics for FPS to date they said (at least in interactability)
- Steam subscription service will be having things like levels showing off Alyx's backstory if you subscribe
- Those who subscribe to steam get TF2 for free when it comes out
- Valve will choose the best mods to put on Steam...the mod team can decide to charge or not
- In one screen, above the ammo indicator, it says "Squad: Following"...leading people to think that commands to your AI friends can be given.
- Depending on play style, the game can be 2x the length of HL2....Gabe said this was mainly due to people playing with the physics, etc.
- Valve was silent on TF2 becuase they "screwed themselves" as they could not talk about TF2 without revealing the Source engine whioh would give HL2 away
- The previewer said the physics are "more realistic than FC" (at least with respect to vehicles)
- Said HL2 is not only looking to "knock FC off" of its current position, but "blow it away"
- Valve hopes to give a release date at E3
LOL, took words from my mouth (or keys from my hand? bah, wathever)
So all this is considered to be public knowledge? Cool. :)
I'm a bit disapointed :/ Sure, there's a few new screenshots but no new info ;(
I finnally understand the purpose of the steam subscription, and if people pay monthly for massively multiplayer RPG's, there will be alot of people willing to pay the same monthly ammount to get instant access to the expansions, and official mods, (which will also be available in individual units of course) but it sounds like they are planning to do even more expansion material for Hl2 than they did for Hl1.
Very interesting indeed! Good Job, TheWart.
Good times for us HL fanboys... :dork:
no new info munro... seemed like alot to me, what were you hoping for?
Yeah, they'll probably port all the classic mods to hl2, counter strike anyone?, and charge extra for them unless one pays a monthly fee to valve. Ingenius.
the thing about the subscription is that us people in college, who dont have a job, or do but its suky pay needed for rent etc..., how are they gonna be able to get the new stuff that comes out. I would deffo want the new TF2 casue im a huge fan. Anyway, all im saying is that Vale needds to think about the kids befor they tart charging
you would be surprised what the majority of gamers are willing to do, i got blueshift and liked it !!!

Scarey isnt it.
I wouldn't worry trippy, they say in the article that they will also allow people to buy the extra content without using Steam so I would assume they mean in retail packages like expansions and the like.
yes thats exactly what i meant, the subscription simply means u get it automaticly, they will still release the extra stuff in expansion packs like they used to.
wow, this is good news, blow FarCry away eh?

It all sounds good. I would consider the STEAM subscription, i'm sure VALVe will definitly make it worth the monthly charge. Just think, when CS2 is released (assuming it is free) and all the FTP's and VALVe public steam servers hosting it are blocked up for like 2 weeks with the subscription you will probably get access to private servers.

Sounds good.
those extra alyx background telling levels are only for steam subscribers? god i hope someone releases them in the internet for ALL OF THE HL2 FANS!!!!
mortiz said:
wow, this is good news, blow FarCry away eh?

It all sounds good. I would consider the STEAM subscription, i'm sure VALVe will definitly make it worth the monthly charge. Just think, when CS2 is released (assuming it is free) and all the FTP's and VALVe public steam servers hosting it are blocked up for like 2 weeks with the subscription you will probably get access to private servers.

Sounds good.
i thought it was clear by now cs2 will not be free
Na there's nothing new that I haven't seen before except perhaps those 'roller mines' that sound quite interesting.
Yeah, at $20 - $40 a pop they'd be happy to give you the extra content.
It's not Pay to Play it's another payment option... you can still buy all the subscription content through retail stores.
Well Pay to Play is real if you want new content. So basically if you want the new crap like in a mmog then you do. If your happy with the basic package, so be it. I thought the article was good though. I'm interested in the Alien Machine Gun they talked about, sounds sweet.
Damn ... I want those scans. Im in Sweden so getting a copy of PcZone aint the easiest thing in the world.
Tarkus said:
i thought it was clear by now cs2 will not be free

Can you point me to the source where Gabe said CS2 definitly won't be free?
Considering "The CS-Team" are now in-house at Valve, and Cliffe and Gooseman are developers on Valve's pay-roll - you can safely assume that CS2 will be a standalone product.
mortiz said:
Can you point me to the source where Gabe said CS2 definitly won't be free?

Geez man, that's been public knowledge for ages. TF2 won't be free either.
Shame valve is giving exclusive info and screens to print mags. who reads those anymore? =/ Steam was a bad idea from the start and this will only make matters worse. God forbid they give this info to the fans :(

Edit: oops alread there. I <3 spiffae!1
Since it's going to be a full game, not just a mod, it will likely be just like TF2: another full game that you buy separately. I'm sure there will be a price break if you own HL2 already though.

I'm really not too crazy about the whole Pay to Play thing (which I will now be referring to as P2P). I mean, I really got screwed with P2P on Star Wars: Galaxies... I'm still paying, but I'm not still playing.
Anywho, I guess it all depends on the payment plans. Can anyone refer me to a link with information about the length of payment plans, the cost of such plans, etc?
TheSoupNazi said:
I'm really not too crazy about the whole Pay to Play thing (which I will now be referring to as P2P). I mean, I really got screwed with P2P on Star Wars: Galaxies... I'm still paying, but I'm not still playing.
Anywho, I guess it all depends on the payment plans. Can anyone refer me to a link with information about the length of payment plans, the cost of such plans, etc?


It's all speculation until VALVe hammers out the details, though
I believe valve said quite some time ago that TF2 will be sold as a seperate game

And I havent heard anything official about any CS2
TheSoupNazi said:
I'm really not too crazy about the whole Pay to Play thing (which I will now be referring to as P2P). I mean, I really got screwed with P2P on Star Wars: Galaxies... I'm still paying, but I'm not still playing.
Anywho, I guess it all depends on the payment plans. Can anyone refer me to a link with information about the length of payment plans, the cost of such plans, etc?

IT'S NOT PAY TO PLAY!!! STEAM GIVES YOU MODS, YOU CAN STILL PLAY ONLINE W/O PAYING MONTHLY!!! (at least, i think that's still the case :eek: )
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