Ok guys i'm leaving.

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thats true too

i told him i would go with him, its just i had to be back by 6:00 because of dinner :(
RakuraiTenjin said:
He's leaving because he's going back in time, he found someone to go with him (joule)- but safety is not guaranteed (he's only done it once before) so he might not make it back.

It makes so much sense now
And they're going back to stop TheSomeone from taking over the world!

(he was spurred by all the arguments he lost)
Well, I'll be leaving then too. Realised this is taking up too much of my time and I'm getting bitched at to take up an activity other than forum posting..

*hugs various members*

*looks around* *is saddened by lack of protest*
M'lady, no! What shall we do without you?
Skaadi said:
Well, I'll be leaving then too.

*looks around* *is saddened by lack of protest*

I wouldn't want you to leave.
OvA said:
The forum will eventually devolve into Cptstern creating threads and arguing with imaginary conservatives.
That made me laugh so hard.
Oh God, thankyou :laugh: Sigging that.

Man, hard to see you leave Short Recoil. And Nat too?! I've always liked Nat :( These past days have been depressing on the forums... What if the dominoes continue to fall and more people leave because others are leaving? I know for one thing I'm staying forever.
Raziaar said:
LMAO evil milk, wtf is that?

a 1-minute way of expressiing how i stare emptily into space and watch everything disintegrate helpessly ;)

i must get back to work :(
evil^milk said:
a 1-minute way of expressiing how i stare emptily into space and watch everything disintegrate helpessly ;)

i must get back to work :(

and I thought it was a peeing eyeball D:
but who will protect us from chuck norris? :(

bye Short recoil, your name will live on!
Shorty's leaving too? :(
now whos gonna fend off the crazies?...

oh well, good luck Short Recoil.
esplin said:
It's kind of depressing that a month after I join a forum three "I'm leaving" threads pop-up.

It's your fault! Mwaahahahahah!
lol, leavers suck piss off

It's a pity you're leaving Shorty, because you were either the best person in the world or a comic genius. Personally, I think it's a stupid reason because if you find the forum boring with a lack of interesting threads...make your own interesting threads. Sorry to see you go, but maybe when you've come back to the future you can pop in some time. :p
I woudl much rather play worl do fwarcraft than post here

but i have fapping homework to do, so if i do go on wow, all will be lost! must finish homework faster!!
Ask yourselves, WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?

Lats Recoil. I know where you live.

-Angry Lawyer
I hope none of the normal posters leave. HEY YOU! Get back here! No...don't turn that doorknob....don't give me the finger either!
Everybodys leaving.

It was fun having you around, pop back sometime.


This has been a sombering few days here...you will be missed Shorty, Joule, and if you are going, Nat :(

I must stay though, it is my destiny! :D

The Short Recoil Song - A Tribute

The Short Recoil Song

I used to search the forums
And flame all the m'rons
While thoose persitent Moderators
Tried to ba-an me
But every time they did
And I ran away and hid
A man fourght on regardless

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea

Now not many know him well
But they know he broke down hell
And for him it was just a vacation
How he got you one by one
With nowhere to run
And he took you down into damnayaytion.

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea

The time is coming fast
And it'l soon be here at last
When HL2.net will again belong to the PEEOOOPLE
And short recoil will be gone
But still we'll sing this song
For he truly was the peoples HEEEROOO

Come out ye Moderators
For youre all hetairian traitors
Show your boyfreinds how you banned n00bs
Who ignorance show-owd no fear
Show them how the Short Recoil way
Made you turn and run away
To the godforsaken plains of Heta-rea
Awesome song, comrade solaris.

*wears anti-flame suit and gets out riot shield*
your posts were always ''interesting'' to say the least, particurly back in the day when you were VERY extreme, i'll remember you for your ''having sex is dirty, i need to keep my body pure'' posts and your ''i punch logs to strengthen my fists'' posts, good times indeed :)
Short Recoil!! Don't leave us!! ;( ;( ;(

What will we do now if Earth gets invaded by aliens? Who will save us? WHOOO?
Jangle said:
What will we do now if Earth gets invaded by aliens? Who will save us? WHOOO?
Yeah, what the ****? Talk about irresponsible, you bald bastard.
to all the great people that have left... :cheers:
including me
jerkasaur said:
to all the great people that have left... :cheers:
oh yea, thats right jerkasaur left...see they all come back, you cant just walk away from HL2.NET!
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