Ok , in this thread we cant use the letter E , lets talk

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He_Who_Is_Steve said:
No sir! Punish this traitor not with such an awful thing! If you do, my minions will rub you with lotion and your dry, cracking skin will go away! Ummm... that isn't a bad thing, is it?

Look at my post again. And don't say "sir", okay :O ? And you think I'd allow your minions to bring your lotion? Ha, as if I don't know about your tricks. Lotion?! How about POISON? Stop trying to plot my downfall. It's not going to work.
Don't wast your livs trying to find out how to avoid using *gasp* E's. Just lave thm out, or us3 1337

hasan said:
I'm a kind of a guy who is bad at doing this kind of stuff, but trying can't hurt.
but if triyng can't hurt, what is it that actually hurts anyway? you only get hurt if you try a thing .. oh don't mind, I am hallucinating.

but this situatuation says that this infact hurts, it hurts your brain!!!!1111

you will start to just talk normal but avoid pushing that symbol on your KB. as in: "Losr."

or how about 1337 talk? som3 peopl3 ar3 gonna just typ3 lik3 this!!!!111
you used an e :(
How long this will go on until Icarus finds out ? Who knows ....
This is an akward topic to discuss. I don't think I will add anything apart from this post though.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
i saw that first, spud. i also told him about it first. i win.
My dad can kick your dad's ass.
hmm, what to say that will not contain that symbol? should our postings contain a convo, or just random jumbling of words and such?
SpuD said:
My dad can kick your dad's ass.

truly? i would laugh if i saw him try. my dad is 225 pounds (totally fat). jiggly jiggly jiggly
Guys, dont just throw all laws of grammar out a window. You should try hard... ist.

$pazmatazz said:
hmm, what to say that will not contain that symbol? should our postings contain a convo, or just random jumbling of words and such?
It is as I said. Do not limit your words. Say what is on your mind!
zer0kewl said:
and the point is?
To show our ability! To work our brain! To triumph as mighty warriors of thought amoungst common folk lacking in this grand skill!

Okay,.. that did go a bit too far.
Didnt a guy do an actual book without using that symbol? That would b hard. hah...b...Im a smarty :)
f|uke said:
To show our ability! To work our brain! To triumph as mighty warriors of thought amoungst common folk lacking in this grand skill!

Okay,.. that did go a bit too far.

No, that is not too far, not too far at all! All of us should find a path to artfully arranging our words in amazing ways. It is our path... to salvation!!!! .....Or perhaps not. But still, it is a fairly good way for utilizing our minds, allowing our imagination to grow to its full capacity, finding truth and glory by limiting our words!! And that is always a good thing, right?
I just found out that this kind of writing is known as a 'lipogram'.

dfc05 said:
No, that is not too far, not too far at all! All of us should find a path to artfully arranging our words in amazing ways. It is our path... to salvation!!!!
Show thy light, my lord. I will follow on this path you laid out for this most lowly pilgrim. I hold faith that your words bring wisdom and truth to my dark world.
This topic will turn to total chaos. How do you think I can do such a thing?
It's difficult finding words that don't contain that symbol of doom.
SpuD said:
you used an e :(
you got two of it lol. :eek:

Neo_Kuja said:

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
that thing's got 1 even if you don't put it in.
If I was you I would'v said "is that so".

so folks, stop dodging this thing with typos, I know you got brainz.

how am I doing now? =P
short post, but not too bad, huh!
what about nickname's like me

oh shit i got 4 e and now 5 LOL!
hasan said:
so folks, stop dodging this thing with typos, I know you got brainz.
Word! Skimping a bit on grammar is ok, but its not fair to say a word that contains that most foul pagan symbol, trying to skim by via skipping it or switching it out for a '3'. To do so is dishonor upon you and your family!
hasan said:
that thing's got 1 even if you don't put it in.
If I was you I would'v said "is that so".
so sorry, buddy. in my U.S., "truly" is a word without that symbol.
You guys = stupid h... fac... ial. STUPID FACIAL!!!
why do you all unduly laud miss dfc05? that girl is no royalty, nor a savior for posting long orations. most of us can do this if our will is up to this task. a basic vocabulary is all that is obligatory.

but along with that basis for disparaging your inapt glorification, i submit this:
dfc05 said:
This is fun. Now I can do stuff apart from my math portfolio, which sucks. For my past six hours, I did loads and loads of math. I actually had four paragraphs about nothing but functions, functions and ... functions! Four paragraphs of crap! I was also frantically looking for math symbols to stick in my portfolio... Word has nothing!!! So I was jumping with joy for finding the symbol for "union". How PITIFUL! And now I must do my physics journal, which is basically putting down crap about what I think about my physics class and what I know from class. It's making my tummy hurt just thinking about it. Stupid, nasty junk!

Alright, that is all. All that stuff about school work is actually right. I was, in fact, doing math for six hours. I want to throw all this stuff in the trash. Ahhh... and that's my bit of whining for today!
now, do not think that i am saying your adoration of dfc is totally malapropos. in fact dfc's audition was no doubt valiant. all i am saying is that it was a totally failing activity.

but i won't carry forward my philippic against dfc (i think a satisfactory amount was said just now), for i want to acquaint you all with my story from this last two days, or so:

i was walking back from a visit a local manufacturing district on a saturday night. a busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, i got by without having to stop and talk. and so, coming to a main road, sounds of singing, told of a salvation army unit carrying on amidst that night's shopping crowds; it's approaching christmas i thought. walking towards that group, i saw a young girl, just finishing a long, soulful oration about lacking holiday spirit in our part of town: hark no christmas carol tonight; only occasional adorning lights might you sight.

a man in this crowd that had drawn said this girl was wrong to complain. this guy was known as an annoying twit to most of us. but in cautioning this old man was right on. two month's prior is too soon to start with christmas carousal. what about thanksgiving and that spooky night in front of all hallow's day?

again, i think that guy had a good point. but oddly, that night, upon walking back to my condominium, i slid into my futon with thoughts of sugar plums dancing in my noggin. isn't that odd? i thought so.. funny, but odd.

and that's my account. no point to it i admit, but it was straightforward, right? that's copiously virtuous for a narration told with such strict limitations. it is not a trivial labor to construct so much without a linchpin of writing (i hold faith that you know what i'm talking about).
Bad^Hat said:
your frivolous attack is flimsy, for that word is not my word (formatting is not my affair). you will spy it again in this post, but i am still a grand guru of this topic. your ill will is conspicuous and logical in fact; i am a skillful honcho, bad^hat is but a bug.
Pardon you I shall not, you for did sully my good alias, sir. Mark my words, as my hat is bad, and that I cuss upon, I shall bring about your doom this morn.

(okay, this isn't as basic as I thought :D )
This topic is stupid and I think you stink like poop. :p
Wow, spam thread, guess what? No not gonna lock it, im gonna move it to the Gold forum where your posts wont matter ha! :p
The Dark Elf said:
Wow, spam thread, guess what? No not gonna lock it, im gonna move it to the Gold forum where your posts wont matter ha! :p


Look at how many you us3d. :(
Didn't you guys know that it's a important day to a guy around this forums?
The Dark Elf said:
Wow, spam thread, guess what? No not gonna lock it, im gonna move it to the Gold forum where your posts wont matter ha! :p
This is a good topic, and I do think it should stay in 'Off Topic'. Its not spam at all.. its a fun activity that I would not mind doing again, with variation (such as not using 'a', or 'b' and 'c')

Bad move. :-/

And guys, using '3' is not cool. Thats a total cop out. ..not a trial at all; it shows nothing about your ability.
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