Ok people doom 3 tweeks. :)


May 20, 2003
Reaction score

I dunno if it's just me, but I noticed this trick beefed up my DOOM3 performance by a lot.


In your DOOM 3 directory, find "DoomConfig.cfg" (x:\Program Files\Doom 3\base). Open DoomConfig.cfg in Notepad.

Find the line:

seta image_cacheMegs "32"

I changed 32 to 96.

I got a nice boost in performance. I dunno if the tweak worked or not (maybe my machine did something wierd, have no clue), so I'm just seeing if this works for others as well, or if a different setting works better than others.


I just tried it.

(MY new system specs)
AMD 64 XP 3400+
1024MB DDR 400
Nvidia geforce fx 5800U at 450/850 (I water cooled this baby)

Before i tweeked i was getting 30 to 40 FPS at 1024X768 and med settings , After I tweeked i was getting 44 to 55 fps. :)

Anyone elce try it?
Set it higher than 96. Put it at 768 or something.

Plus I think the line above it needs to be set to 1 in order to use it? Dunno I was just reading that link.
marty905 said:
would my 9200 run doom 3 in 640x480

wrong place, but depending on if you meet the min requirements for cpu and ram; yes
FictiousWill said:
Set it higher than 96. Put it at 768 or something.

Plus I think the line above it needs to be set to 1 in order to use it? Dunno I was just reading that link.

There are some people having trouble when they set it to 1. I havnt tried yet. Im changing it 512 to see is its better. and ill chang the line obove to 1 and see if it crashes
I did it (mine was 20 originally instead of 32 and I tried different numbers) and I got no difference whatsoever. Oh well.
when I set the upper line to 1 it crashes but when I change it back to 0 it doesnt crash . I set the image_cacheMegs "32" to 512 and i can play on on high settings. at 1024x768.
I've noticed a really nice performance increase. Now I can run at 1280x1024 medium with 45+ FPS. Whatever this does it works really well. :)
Yep. I saw a good performance increase as well. About 10FPS in one area I kept checking.. sweet :) Thanks nerdguy :cheers:
Does jack shat. Try the timedemo, you will notice no increase. I gained a measly frame at best.
Im not sure but I think it has something to do with how much ram doom 3 uses. Or how much data can be precatched.

All I know is that it works on some system but not on others.
ShadowFox said:
Does jack shat. Try the timedemo, you will notice no increase. I gained a measly frame at best.

But have you played the actual game?

And like I said before. It only works on some systems. Not all.
does this all depend on the amount of RAM in thesystem? how high will this go?
I will say increasing the cache megs in UT2k4 had a noticable impact. But it has done nothing for me in Doom 3 and changing the first setting causes it to crash.
The game crashes at the "Initializing Menus" screen when I change that 0 to 1. Didn't get any noticable better performance when it was set to 0 though. I guess this is not for me :(

Edit: But it does seem to load the maps faster & I can now play on a resolution of 1024*768 but at same fps as usual. But it helps tremendously if I turn the resolution down etc. Great find.
ShadowFox said:
I will say increasing the cache megs in UT2k4 had a noticable impact. But it has done nothing for me in Doom 3 and changing the first setting causes it to crash.

Whats your system specs?

One thing ive noticed is that semi older hardware systems are the ones that are getting the most boost.
Athlon XP 2500+
512 MB 2700 DDR
Radeon 9500 Pro OCed to 9700
Hmmmm I dont know. Have you set it to 256?

I sent an email to ID asking about it but so have severial other people. Im hoping that ill get a reply soon.
Before the tweak I noticed quite a bit of jitteriness running Doom at Medium 1024x768.
I upped the cache megs to 512 and now I'm able to run the game smoothly at High 1024x768.

Here are my specs:

Athlon XP 3000+ 333fsb
1gig Kinston pc2700
Sapphire 9800pro 128 w/ Omega Drivers and VGA Silencer
Just to make sure, I cranked it up to high to see if it would affect it in that setting. I actually had lower fps with the higher cache.

On the surprisingly good side, I only lost 2 fps with high mode! So I am gonna stick with that. It looks so sexy. :)
I got an FPS boost, I think, maby. Cool thanks
Wow...I noticed it takes way longer to load, but my performance is amazing!!!!

I'm running a:

Athlon 2800+ Barton (2.1)
512 DDR 3200
TI 4200

And I'm running it near flawlessly at 800x600 with high quality.

You are my HERO.

I like my average 50 fps, although I am annoyed that the tweak does absolutly nothing form me (PS: getting near the end and it's finally getting scary :) ).
Made no difference for me whatsoever
my fps is high enough already anyway :)
aww pooor kitty is having trouble? awww sad.

but im running great!!!

when i get my gig of ram, should i change the number to 1024, and then overclock my 9800pro mem too?
I have a small increase (put '256'). I'm able to play it fine on:

P4 2.96Ghz
9800 Pro
High Quality

Yay for me :D :bounce:

God this game is scary, I won't play until my bro comes home so I can show him :D
Not much diff for me. Maybe a couple frames...
P4 2.53GHz, 1GB RAM, GF4 Ti 4200 128MB
You have the same video card as me, do you love yours as much as me?

I bought mine for $330 over two years ago and it still runs games like Doom 3 and Far Cry very well.
FarCry runs amazing compared to Doom 3 (off topic), but i do prefer Doom 3 over FarCry a lot (although not as much as I would have liked)
Baal said:
You have the same video card as me, do you love yours as much as me?

I bought mine for $330 over two years ago and it still runs games like Doom 3 and Far Cry very well.
Except now that I just discovered I have to underclock it down to half the default memory speed to remove D3 artifacts. :(
Time to call my comp manufacturer! ~

BTW, I'm running pretty well @ 800x600 high-quality (with it underclocked). What are you using?
lazicsavo said:
FarCry runs amazing compared to Doom 3 (off topic), but i do prefer Doom 3 over FarCry a lot (although not as much as I would have liked)

..FC runs a thousand times worse than D3 for me. It's the same for most people, too.
Except now that I just discovered I have to underclock it down to half the default memory speed to remove D3 artifacts
i heard that if you turn vertical sync on in the doom options it stops the artifacts. dunno if it works, but it might be worth a shot, cos it's default is on.
Shuzer said:
..FC runs a thousand times worse than D3 for me. It's the same for most people, too.

Far Cry runs better for me as well.. although both can get choppy. But that is probably because of ATi's lackluster OpenGL.

I expect HL2 to run better than both.
ShadowFox said:
Far Cry runs better for me as well.. although both can get choppy. But that is probably because of ATi's lackluster OpenGL.

I expect HL2 to run better than both.

FC is primarily DX9.. you can turn on OpenGL, but it's experimental