Ok people doom 3 tweeks. :)

I tried this earlier. No dice...

Speaking of Far Cry... yeah it runs a lot better for me... but I don't think it looks as good, so that makes sense.
Shuzer said:
FC is primarily DX9.. you can turn on OpenGL, but it's experimental

I know. I'm saying FC probably runs better than Doom 3 because of the different APIs.
FC runs better for me too, I can run that on a 9800pro at 1280x1024 with everything on highest. No chance i could do that with Doom3.
Bah. That's crazy talk, FC runs worse for me! AND I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT RUNS BETTER FOR OTHERS :P

Anyhow.. I just read about this tweak, whereas you extract all the .pk4 files.. still testing it to see if it really does give you extra FPS (as it doesn't have to yank everything from the pk4 files, just reads the files directly)

Edit: Just as I suspected.. that "tweak" didn't help the framerates at all. Really, it may help people with less RAM, but 1GB seems plenty for D3 it seems
Well...Far Cry did run a lot better than Doom 3 for me until I found out about this tweak. :)
Doom3 is So Awsome(x800pro)

this game rocks with my x800 pro i get like 100 fps at 1024X768 at ultra Quality settings i just past the hell part and beat satin and got that damn soul cube thing its so coooolllll.
Need to try this out. I've heard that you should give doom 3 about the rest of what's free on your computer minus 30 and it'll be good, which means 280ish if you got 512 mb ram. Right now I got it set to 96, as I said I have to try it out. :)
Some minor graphical tweak, for those who are still not satisfied with the textures at Ultra settings.

Find it here
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
this game rocks with my x800 pro i get like 100 fps at 1024X768 at ultra Quality settings i just past the hell part and beat satin and got that damn soul cube thing its so coooolllll.
Don't really like your spoilers there... And have can you get "like 100 fps" when the game engine is capped at 60? :p