Old Xen lifeforms


Apr 18, 2004
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Is it just me that miss the old Xen animals\creatures from HL ?
In HL2, every damn enemy (Exept Headcrab,Slaves) seems to be inspired by earth animals and insects. The antlions is like a bug.
They dont seem to have mysterious things about them, just pain old easy made insects.

I also think its very lame that they didnt bring Xen back, that part was only boring because of the "Jump on the floating rocks, puzzles"

With the source engine the capabilities are big. Just imagen the scary way the graveyard was in the e3,2k4. would have been in Xen, DAMNIT :angry:

Any thoughts about this ?
And I'm guessing you haven't seen the human zombies ... ?
dont worry, valve have already confirmed that the Icthysouar, bullsquid, houndeye and barnacle are back. besides the ant lions look pretty cool and the hydra.
There are 50 types of enemies in HL2, of which we only know about a dozen. Whose to say there aren't going to be more Xen aliens that are more extraterrestrial than "Earth inspired"? Besides, some of those old enemies would be weird returning.

Alien grunts, for instance. There were only a handful left after Gordon swept through Xen, and after ten years I'm sure all of the rest of them were cleaned up by the military. Remember what the G-Man said in the bad ending? "There are a few survivors of your personal holocaust..." Few isn't many...they're probably all gone now. Or they've been made friendly by the military/government. I'd hope that were the case if they are in the game, because those bastards were tough.

Controllers might be back. I'd bet they'd be pretty pissed that you killed Nith, so I can see a reason for them being around. But like the former, they're probably not abundant...they weren't even abundant in the first game; only a handful of them were needed to control those operations we saw on Xen.

I'd like to see the tentacle and the garg back again though. Maybe see the tentacle fight the hydra, and definately have a garg vs. strider match.
#1: How can you ever like Xen? Those levels are the most boring in the entire game! That's why Gordon won't return there in HL2.
I thought the Grunt Factory part in Xen was rather well-made, actually.

Yes, I'm going to miss some of the old Xenians, but with Half-Life 1: Source, you'll probably be able to see them all in their marvelous source-ness. And, assuming that Half-Life 1: Source acts as a mod/expansion requiring Half-Life 2, rather than a self-running program, then you'll be able to stick a garg and a strider in a box in Worldcraft, and watch them fight.

-Angry Lawyer
Considering that the antlions, hydras and 1-2 new headcrabs are really the only new Xen aliens seen so far, that's a pretty big assumption in the first post.
well, they dont blend in among the Xen lifeforms in any way. they dont seem so "Alien"
It would be cool if they put some of the extra Xen lifeforms in HL: Source, ones like the chumtoad which were never fully implemented.
Yes they looked sweet like that red tiger like xen life, I saw in a video once before HL came out and it looked so sweet. And that 2 legged thing with 2 whips as hands. Those monsters looked like very interesting. Hopes they make it into HL2.
Kingpin and diablo (or that red "dog" that had a kind of a "screen" on his face)
I loved Xen, only for the fact that I finally got away from that horrible, boring, clostraphobic, Black Mesa place!

Honestly, that bit in the game where you finally reach the beatiful surface that you just want to explore, only to be attacked by few helicopters with grunts in them rappeling down, and are forced to go back down - I WAS SO GUTTED!!!

I mean, he'd done all that other crap, why wouldn't he jump over a 3 metre high fence and kill a few dozen grunts and some helicopters :(.

I'm Scapegoat, and I didn't enjoy Half-Life that much.....
I just watched the HL2 in an hour vid (Well the zen part naway)

While in the factory the alien grunts do not fire. (We know this)

However a little later they start fireing. Funnily enough at the same time the alien controlers turn up.

Coincidence I think not!!! :)

Note: You have probably allready pointed this out a million times before. I just thought I would post what I thought to be proof...

As to other aliens in HL2.. I am guessing there are gona be one hell of alot of em...
Samon said:
dont worry, valve have already confirmed that the Icthysouar, bullsquid, houndeye and barnacle are back. besides the ant lions look pretty cool and the hydra.

I was under the impression that the houndeye was not coming back?
Nope, they're back. I heard it from somewhere.

I'd guess that almost all the original aliens are back, except for Race-X and the Gargantua, Grunts and Controllers.
About HL:Source, they didn't do anything to it except add physics, I believe. The models are the exact same HL1 quality, not upgraded to HL2-style graphics, unfortunately. But Valve said it was cool with them if someone wanted to do HL1 looking like HL2...

And you can see the Diablo (which was supposed to be more like a jaguar than a dog) in action in the SP mod Azure Sheep. You fight it as a boss monster in this room full of cages where Xen animals were being kept.
Evil^Milk said:
Oh, cool... was the diablo actually a cool monster?

I've never fought it, but it looked kinda over-the-top for HL's style.

It's a big, bright red houndeye with a bright red eye and four large clawed feet.
I just see that Diablo in a screemshots and looks cool

also I hope all the enemye's of HL1 will back in HL2

cuz in HL2 the earth was invade by the aliens right?
If I recall correctly, he was fast and shot a laser beam out of his eye. But I killed him easily...I can't really remember how; I kept out of his reach and Revolver'd him or something I think. Been a loooooooooooong time since I played Azure Sheep, even though it was a really cool SP mod. 'Cept for the end...stupid helicopters. -_-
Yeh... BTW was there any mod that had the Kingpin as a real enemy? (not the one in Sven Co-op)
The Panthereye also comes in the SDK for Half-Life 1, alongside the Charger (a monster that never gets mentioned). I love the Charger - it's got two legs, no arms, and just charges at you. This little shell thing wraps around its head every time it runs to protect its noggin too.
The original Panthereye was only really meant to be a melee attacker, but could pounce on opponents, judging from a lack of range attack animations, and an abundance of melee ones. They were going to have a part where one dives on a scientist from a ledge, I think.

-Angry Lawyer
I can't seem to find either of them in pak0 or pak1, where are they/what are they called?
They are in the SDK.

And you see the Diablo guy in a couple of the Nostalgia videos. Pretty neat.

Although in Azure sheep he is much larger. (I don't know if they enlarged him or that was his original size)
I think it would be great for the whole community if a person could be so kind as to takes pictures of all the cut-out xen life so all may understand what they are. If I knew how to get pictures I woulds ofs

Thanks Patsy Umbeglia
what are you guys talking abot, i never saw aliens like this ! or do you mean those unknown aliens from "point of view"? well they didnt use them for
half-life cos they look crappy !!
hmm but id like to see a screenshot of that "charger-thingy"

p.s. i can assure you they wont let them come back in half-life,they WONT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if not they are pathetic bastards :(
We're talking about the alien models in the half-life pak0.pak and the SDK.
Please post the pics of all HL cut monsters pleaszor!

Thanks Patsy
Nobody's ever heard of the Charger? Oh my word, you're all so deprived!

The black things I think are supposed to be transparent in-game.

-Angry Lawyer
Sure, just give me a monet, I'll boot up my mod and take a screenie.

-Angry Lawyer
Okay, here we go. The only creatures missing from that are the Stukabat, the Loader, and the Charger. Sorry if it's unprofessional, but I'm in a rush.

The little black dot is a turret/sphere.

-Angry Lawyer
Those Manta-bats are in all the games. They're just nonviolent and fly around high in the air in Xen.

I can't see the smaller guys very well, but many of them look new to me.
I had no idea Mr. Friendly was so huge. I thought he'd be houndeye-sized. :)
And I should give Valve five bucks for not putting the HWGuy in. Bleh.

In fact, I think HL was made better through cutting many of these guys out.

Also, what's a stukabat?
I think it could be the beginnings of what Valve described as the 'Fast Walker', which was a pet-like animal for the player. Because people prefer to shoot aliens than befriend them, it got cut.
The most intruiging of the small-guys lot is the little green one, called a 'snapbug'. I think it was supposed to act like an organic beartrap with feet. Lovely little thing.
The brown Flyer-Flock thing was going to be used instead of the colourful 'Boid', but something made them switch the models.

The Stukabat's nothing interesting, really. It's like the flying thing in NS, but with blue colourings, and a claw for a mouth.

Enclosed is the Snapbug.

-Angry Lawyer
I thank you so much Angry Lawyer, I nowe not how to repay you for being so kind

Thanks Patsy
Alcohol is welcome :p
Or, when I release my HL2 mod, you can download it.

-Angry Lawyer
I didn't realise that that Heavy Weapons dude was from VALVe, I'd always thought that he was just made for Azure Sheep and POV. He was one tough hombre. And he had a weird death animation.

Same goes for the Sphere.