Oliver stone sucks.

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Sep 16, 2003
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I have a theory about why Alexander is doing so poorly. Its not about the gayness or any of that political crap, its because Oliver stone sucks balls as a director. I just payed 3 bucks to rent "Natural born killers" because apparently Hollywood videos in Tucson dont have "American psycho", "hero", "snach", or any other goddamn movie my good since would ask me to rent. So I look around, see "natural born killers" and think -Hmm... isn't that the movie that put Oliver stone on the map? well, with how disappointed people are with his new one this must have been pretty good- I was wrong. This is the biggest pile of crap I have ever seen.

I have something to tell mister stone... Just because you use a lot of sideways angles does NOT make your film artsy or good. It just makes it sickening to watch. Moreso.
He made Platoon...he deserves respect for that movie. One of the best movies ever made imo..
Yeah Platoon... and he wrote Scarface... so what?
I was thinking of going to see Alexander, but the reviews have been almost universally negative. I might rent it when it comes out on DVD, though.
Stone did a great job on JFK though...

Never thought Alexander would flop this bad. :/
He wrote the first draft to conan the barbarian too! :E
I didn't know he did platoon-even though it was packed with lies-it was a pretty good movie. Maybe its just his recent movies that blow in that case. Still, Natural Born Killers is the worst film I have ever seen.
He's done some great movies :)

I particularly like Platoon, JFK and The Doors.
Natural Born Killers is the worst film I have ever seen.

My first thoughts exactly; but now, after a while, I quite like it. Tom Sizemore is so fecking great in this...
natural borrn killers takes some getting used to... Its one of those films that you either get or dont get. It also tends to grow on you after repeasted viewings... its a pretty good film but not stones best work.
Its not that I dont "get" it, its that instead of making his point with brutal reality or humor or anything effective he just made the film annoying as all ****.
Uhh your dumb. Oliver Stone is a genius. Sure, Natural Born Killers kinda sucks, but his other movies most definetly do not. Platoon, JFK, Nixon, The Doors, Born on the Fourth of July. And he wrote Scarface! Oliver Stone rules.
I thought that Quentin Terintino (who gives a crap about spelling) did Natural Born Killers...

Whatever, I heard it sucked either way :p
Oliver stone may think he is a genius, but he most definatly is not.
These big epic theme movies are losing their edge. Gladiator was the best one in my opinion, and of course Braveheart was great too.
Homer said:
I didn't know he did platoon-even though it was packed with lies-it was a pretty good movie. Maybe its just his recent movies that blow in that case. Still, Natural Born Killers is the worst film I have ever seen.

"Packed with lies"? Wasn't it loosely based on Stone's experiences in Vietnam? That's what I remember hearing from the DVD, at least.
KagePrototype said:
"Packed with lies"? Wasn't it loosely based on Stone's experiences in Vietnam? That's what I remember hearing from the DVD, at least.

Yes, it is. And not too "loosely" either.

In regards to Natural Born Killers, I can see why someone wouldn't like it. I agree with the notion that you either get it or you don't. One thing that appears to escape many people is that the movie is a satire on celebrity culture. It's not just a bloodbath. The violence is deliberately overstated and outrageous to make the worlds perverted obsession with celebrity seem even more disturbing.

Stone is one of the best filmmakers around at the moment (he doesn't only direct, he also has some serious producing and writing credits under his belt). If you want further proof of this, check out Comandante, Born on the Fourth of July, Wall Street and Salvador. Sure, maybe Alexander isn't too much cop but his CV to date is still mightily impressive.
i'm sorry but homer you are a fuc*ing moron!, oliver stone is a badass director, you think natural born killers put him on the map!? more like platoon. and you say platoon is all lies, were you in veitnam? NO! ,i didn't think so. well my father WAS in veitnam 68'-69' front line fuc*ing combat bitch. and platoon is his favorite veitnam movie. WHY YOU ASK? maybe because it's the most realistic depiction of the vietnam war in a movie. and thats coming from someone who was actually there (for two years) so please next time don't try to act like you know what your talking about when you cleary don't :sniper: :O
NeverstilL said:
i'm sorry but homer you are a fuc*ing moron!, oliver stone is a badass director, you think natural born killers put him on the map!? more like platoon. and you say platoon is all lies, were you in veitnam? NO! ,i didn't think so. well my father WAS in veitnam 68'-69' front line fuc*ing combat bitch. and platoon is his favorite veitnam movie. WHY YOU ASK? maybe because it's the most realistic depiction of the vietnam war in a movie. and thats coming from someone who was actually there (for two years) so please next time don't try to act like you know what your talking about when you cleary don't :sniper: :O

Yeah i seen many Vietnam vets saying its really realistic. The movie really makes you kinda know how it was to be there back then. Awesome movie anyway pure brilliance!
I thought that Quentin Terintino (who gives a crap about spelling) did Natural Born Killers...

He wrote it, but Stone kinda screwed it up.
He wants to do a movie about Maggie Thatcher next, I can't wait because Maggie Thatcher was hawwwwwwwwwwt!!
It's not Oliver Stone, it's Colin Farrel....that guy is a bozo-delux.

Stone has way too many good movies to let a jackass like Colin Farrel to blemish his career. See JFK or Born on the 4th..two great movies with great actors holding up the lead. Alexander had serious potential, but oh well.

Alexander sucked and it wasn't Stone's fault. By the way....Val Kilmer was damn good in this flick, and it's a shame that this movie is utterly ruined by that "flavor of the month" ass-clown.
Yeah... I couldn't see the movie yet... but the fact that Farrel and Jolie star in it... makes me not to want to see it...
he did any given sunday, which is probably my favorite move
one of his more underrated films, talk radio, i thought was excellent...see it

i liked platoon ...only problem was getting charlie sheen playing lead. i was expecting him to prat fall
I don't think Oliver Stone sucks, as he has made a couple good movies, but Alexander sure did suck.

i agree gladiator is the best and forever will be the best

i love the fight scene in that movie
johnnypoopoopant said:

i agree gladiator is the best and forever will be the best

i love the fight scene in that movie

Gladiator? Ridley Scott directed that one.
The NBK story is good, the script is okay, but i think Stone made the film too long and put in too much poor camera work, i wish Quentin has directed it himself. Still, it is an entertaining film to watch, if not a tad long and with some stupid car driving simulator all the way through :|
ahhhh morons

First of all if you think Natural Born Killers is what put Stone on the map, you're a moron. Platoon, Scarface, Born on the fourth of july, hell even JFK came before NBK. Next, if you think platoon is 'packed with lies' you also probably have no clue what the hell you're talking about. The movie is largely autobiographical and was/is accepted to be pretty damn close to how things were on the ground. NBK isn't a great movie, but its not a normal everyday movie either. If you pick what is stone's most exparimental movie and use it to judge him compared to more conventional films you're totally missing the point. Its not a movie you can watch once without paying attention to what youre seeing and how youre seeing it. And as for the question about quentin tarantino, he wrote the initial screenplay but asked to not be credited because he wasnt involved in directing it.
Wouldn't say he sucks, hes made some good movies; but lately, hes made a lot of crap movies.

Haven't still seen JFK; it was TV a few weeks ago, looked pretty good. Worth renting?
Natural Born Killers is one of the best movies ever made. Plain and simple.
Holy thread resurrection, batman!
Thanks for flying down in your time machine to alert us of ?

Oh yeah, and JFK was a pile of shit. :O
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