"omg are u ghey 2?" (family drama)

I thought we've already determined Lemonking to be gay previously?
All I remember is that his Mom was a clown and he seemed to be somehow mentally handicapped. :(
Spicy Tuna said:
who are you talking to?

you damnit.. I dont understand if you're supposed to be covering up actual gayness, or if you aren't really gay.. not that it matters I guess.. In fact, I dont really want to know any more.
uragay :P

anyway Im still curious what his grandparenst wil say, they might find out tomorow.
Lemonking still doesn't tell us he isn't gay. Maybe he's "Experimenting"?
CyberPitz said:
Lemonking still doesn't tell us he isn't gay. Maybe he's "Experimenting"?
well this thread sucks 2
only redeemed by the thought of a gay bliink and gay cyberpitz :E
It really sounds like you are confused about your sexuality.
john3571000 said:
well this thread sucks 2
only redeemed by the thought of a gay bliink and gay cyberpitz :E
Is CyberPitz a lass or just a really hot guy? I'd always assumed a green blobby hippo moster. No idea why.

P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
If there are gay people on this site i may just have to leave.:(
Why, in case you catch the gay?
Over the 'net, no less.

Erestheux said:
Gay people don't like pie.
This is 100% true,
Am I gay if I'm turned on by the Arnold on the right side?

And here I thought everybody on this forum was bi. Or an entirely new and fresh sexual orientation.
i thought i was straight but then sulkdodds showed me a whole new world <3
Remember when Steve used to come along and quote the thread starter and after the quoting you'd see the word fag in big letters?
el Chi said:
Is CyberPitz a lass or just a really hot guy? I'd always assumed a green blobby hippo moster. No idea why.
he has to be a guy, otherwise teh ikerous pr0n wil do nothing :(
"I just spent $165 on a purse for a girl two weeks ago"

oh that's definately gay :O
For f*ck's sake, dude - you make it sound so sordid. I like that.
Wtf, 5 pages and no lock? Somethings wrong here
"I just spent $165 on a purse for a girl two weeks ago"

Woah, what? If my gf is going to ask for that I'll be bankrupt in...
Now :(
it did kinda bankrupt me :(

I need every coin I can getm but shes soo hawt I tell ye

she's from Mexico! :O
I really dont understand the reason why you try hurt my feelings/insult me and what not.

If you have a problem PM me, and dont be bonehead.
Spicy Tuna said:
I really dont understand the reason why you try hurt my feelings/insult me and what not.

If you have a problem PM me, and dont be bonehead.

Aw it's not all that bad. I mean it's not like he made YTMNDs about your mum.
so yo are gay?

btw tell to your girlfriend "mamacita quiero ese culo sabroso" she will be very happy for it
No I aint gay Mr. guy from south america.

and what does that mean? is it something dirty?
What, you think he'll actually give you a straight answer? :p
We never had a chance. Ever heard of the Theory of Relitivity? THE UNIVERSE IS BENT D:
Spicy Tuna said:
No I aint gay Mr. guy from south america.

and what does that mean? is it something dirty?

it means "I really want that tasty ass"
Everyone who doesn't agree wth me that you are gay, is gay! :dozey:
By the way, is this laydee actually your committed girlfriend yet or are you actually just giving her an expensive-as-hell purse in an attempt to woo her? Because if it's the latter, that seems really, really stupid.
I thought from the thread title that this was a sequel to "omg are you ghey 1" and just spent five minutes searching for that thread title :upstare:
Damn you, numerical abbreviations!!