OMG! Ravenholm!



This place is great - but possibly too scary - and no ammo :-O :p.
I LOVE the grav gun and sawblades! Nice that they stick in the wall / floor too!
Also the small gas cylinders... burn zombies!! :flame: :flame: :flame:
I wannna carry them with me for the rest of the game. Such an amazing touch!
Just got to the load point after going down the slow moving lift... too much scare for one night. gonna be dreaming of zombie torsos clawing at me....
ive stopped at the top of the slow moving lift, fast zombies aaarraraghh
An awesome moment i had there was when i was holding a gas tube with the grav gun and out of nowhere a monkey zombie jumps at me! In panic i throw the tube at him and he explodes in midair..looked really cool!
I totally agree. Grav gun + sawblades are the coolest things ever :D
Too bad you stopped so early, cause the graveyard (after you're get into the basket and get lowered to the church) is GREAT. Packs of 8+ zombies come charging, and you have all the sawblades you need.

Oh, and by the way, slicing up a monkey zombie with a sawblade in midair is cool too ;)
wtf? it isnt that scary... its more like having fun with slow stupid zombies o0

i also found it kinda funny how they reused/change the housescene from the e3 videos ^^
Damn I hated Ravenholm, there's a stupid bit in it with endless spawning zombies (before where you get the lift across to the priest).
yea there is an endless spawning bit which pissed me off. I was going around for ages before I realised and wasted almost all my ammo. I stopped just after the slow lift too. Got freaked out enough for today. More tomorrow I hope.
ravenholm has probably been the most fun level so far
I actually enjoyed the speed boat levels more, though the constant ramp jumping made me feel more like James Bond than Gordon Freeman...
same here man i just went threw the gate havent turned the corner yet tho :O
lol my brother just got past the endless spawning bit. the way through was hidden because a stupid milk crate was stuck on it
flo_Orian said:
wtf? it isnt that scary... its more like having fun with slow stupid zombies o0

i also found it kinda funny how they reused/change the housescene from the e3 videos ^^

You sir, obviously aren't far enough into Ravenholm to understand why it's scary...
I liked father gergori ALOT, but I hated ravenholm altogether.. just wanted to get it done quick so I could head back to a human colony!
Ravenholm was pretty tough. The guys covered in Black Headcrabs are unstopable! And the running zombies are really hard to hit with a shotgun in the head, but its fun when you do eventually hit them in the head and green blood just sprays everywhere.
I really liked the traps. Like the one... *SPOILER ALERT* ...where the headcrab zombie is locked in the cage and you just turn on the gas and torch his ass! OMG! How sadistic is that!?!?! :eek: