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what should i do, no one is home right now but i fell down the stairs and tripped over an iron bar and it went into the dogs head!! What should i do? hide the dog under the bed or call policces??
WTF? Are you hurt..if not stop being a pussy and CHUG IT!!! CHUG IT YOU PUSSY!!!!(UCB kicks ass)
the first thing you shoudl do is not post on We can be of no (meaningful help) As for me, i'd say eat the dog. No body that way....
call your parents or friends, they won't blame you, it was an accident
What You Problem Stupid My Dog Jjus Diedd Why You Bieng Dsdg
Dude, each person that looked at this posted....scary. It a curse! everytime you look at this post, you must add more!
/me waits for LittleCooper's identity to be revealed by the mods
they won't be mad, it was an accident. a bad one at that, it could've gone worse, you could've gotten injured, stuff like that. call them

edit: sorry for your loss:(
Little seems to be on a bit of a spamming spree....
Go kill a bum, then drag the corpse into your house and say he was trying to break in when your dog attacked... he then proceeded to hit the dog in the head with the rod thing and then you killed him. That always works.
This is a joke obviously, he just posted in the general forums "helpe! plese how i view the hud?"

I'm sure after you just fell down the stairs and killed your dog, that you would post a thread like this. Also, if I just did that, the first thing I would not do would be to ask for advice on a forum...
Subatomic said:
This is a joke obviously, he just posted in the general forums "helpe! plese how i view the hud?"

I'm sure after you just fell down the stairs and killed your dog, that you would post a thread like this. Also, if I just did that, the first thing I would not do would be to ask for advice on a forum...

Really? I think the next time I get the urge to take a trip to the porcelain throne, I should come on here and ask everyone what to do :)
Shuzer said:
Really? I think the next time I get the urge to take a trip to the porcelain throne, I should come on here and ask everyone what to do :)

I specialize in #1. Tip 1: always lift the seat. That will be $5000 thankyougoodnight.
What he posted doesn't even make sense... you fall on the stairs and trip over a bar at the same time... somehow propelling that metal bar that was just lying around for some reason into a dog's head... okay...
You know, the exact same thing happened to me.

What you need now is a lot of mustard. Cover everything in the scene of the crime with mustard, and then say that you spilt the mustard, but then the mustard was a mess. Messes get cleaned via Bounty (THE QUICKER PICKER UPPER) in the commercials on my TV as it is an absorbent paper trowel.

Step 2:

Since the towel has much to QUICKLY PICK UP, you may need to give it some time. Take the bar and replace it with your curtain rod, replace your curtain rod with corn-cob holders and replace the corn cob holders with the rod.

This will throw the "feds" off your trail, as you hve removed the hyphen from the new corn cob holders. They have robots, and robots can smell fear. And almonds. Luckily you've got mustard, which smells like the opposite. The Robots will now be the opposite, like Johnny Five.

Okay, now the commercials never show where the towels go, so you'll have to improvise. You could spill wine on it and say that it is a cheesecloth that you were using to separate the pectinate from fruit bases when you mistakenly believed your spritzer to be a kettle of Neo-Citrin. Since you have a cold, this is all the more plausible.

Mission accomplished!
Now you're qualified for Head Of Consulate!

Edit: I accidentally said that Bounty was the THE QUICKET PICKER UPPER. Appologies to those who were inconvenienced.
Mechagodzilla said:
You know, the exact same thing happened to me.

What you need now is a lot of mustard. Cover everything in the scene of the crime with mustard, and then say that you spilt the mustard, but then the mustard was a mess. Messes get cleaned via Bounty (THE QUICKER PICKER UPPER) in the commercials on my TV as it is an absorbent paper trowel.

Step 2:

Since the towel has much to QUICKLY PICK UP, you may need to give it some time. Take the bar and replace it with your curtain rod, replace your curtain rod with corn-cob holders and replace the corn cob holders with the rod.

This will throw the "feds" off your trail, as you hve removed the hyphen from the new corn cob holders. They have robots, and robots can smell fear. And almonds. Luckily you've got mustard, which smells like the opposite. The Robots will now be the opposite, like Johnny Five.

Okay, now the commercials never show where the towels go, so you'll have to improvise. You could spill wine on it and say that it is a cheesecloth that you were using to separate the pectinate from fruit bases when you mistakenly believed your spritzer to be a kettle of Neo-Citrin.

Mission accomplished!
Now you're qualified for Head Of Consulate!

Edit: I accidentally said that Bounty was the THE QUICKET PICKER UPPER. Appologies to those who were inconvenienced.

I love you.....
He's Canadian too....which makes it even better...

He's my hero too now.
omg! It's absolutely imperative that the first thing you do is.....learn to type!
Get a crowbar and repetitively hit it, according to half life it should blow up into small pieces therefore destroying all evidence
And the small peices should vanish after a few seconds.

thus leaving a "koolaid spill".
BEST. THREAD. EVER. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Ok, take the body and wrap it in a plastic bag or 2 DO NOT CHOP IT UP.

2-Then place it in a box or a trunk or anything to make it easy to transport it

3-Hang the bag upside down on a tree to let the blood leak clean so it wont leave traces (be sure it is on a surface that can be cleaned off easily)

4-Boil the body parts 1 by 1 so that it keeps better and wont smell as bad

5-Dump in a RIVER so it goes downstream, be sure to drop each part at a different part of the river so they dont get all the evidence at once.

6-Break up the murder weapon and hide it around town, any extra bones or anything, place them in a bag and drop them in the meat packing district (if you have one) in your town so the meat trucks pick them up.

7-Pray to god.
LittleCooper, you've already been banned under a different account. Stay out.
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