On the Crossbow...


Dec 29, 2004
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I've just noticed that the HL2 crossbow has three separate strings. Why is this? I always thought that one string alone was enough to launch a projectile from a bow. What are the other strings for?


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In addition to what Brian said, this crossbow has an auto-pulling motor that does the heavy the tightening for you.
(You can see the motor at the end of the bow, shielded by metal bits where the stock juts out.)

So the compound pulley system, combined with the motor, allows gordon to shoot the crossbow with more force than would normally be possible.
One Quick Question: If those Rods are burning hot, how does Gordon load them into the xbow without causing his gloves to melt???
It's a compound bow. Compound bows use a pulley system with a stiffer bow to increase the amount of force behind a projectile while still allowing the user to pull the string back.
I still can't manage to work out how the compound pulley system works for a crossbow. I can see one string holding the limbs together, and another one to launch the rebar - but what's the third string for? :(
dj_flameskull said:
One Quick Question: If those Rods are burning hot, how does Gordon load them into the xbow without causing his gloves to melt???

notice the battery like yellow box on the underside of the xbow. i think when the iron is insertrdin to the xbow , it forms a closed circuit that causes the iron to heat up.
sfc_hoot said:
I still can't manage to work out how the compound pulley system works for a crossbow. I can see one string holding the limbs together, and another one to launch the rebar - but what's the third string for? :(

It's all part of the pulley system, but I don't think the in-game model is necessarily very accurate. Try looking up real compound crossbows on the net.
dj_flameskull said:
One Quick Question: If those Rods are burning hot, how does Gordon load them into the xbow without causing his gloves to melt???
Noone knows what the gloves are made off. As they're part of a suit especially designed for hazardous environments, that can reduce the impact of shotgun blasts to the chest and allow you to breeze through flames like they were water, a red hot iron rod isn't probably going to cause too much trouble... well, unless someone launches one back at you...
But as said before, the rods don't become red hot until they're loaded into the bow. I'm pretty sure they don't heat up until he's taken his hand off them, too. Or do they come from an under-stock magazine? I can't remember...
rustix said:
notice the battery like yellow box on the underside of the xbow. i think when the iron is insertrdin to the xbow , it forms a closed circuit that causes the iron to heat up.
thanks for da feed back doods. :afro:

i can just imagine how the combines are feeling the pain after getting hit by it. WHOW! :sniper:
dj_flameskull said:
thanks for da feed back doods. :afro:

i can just imagine how the combines are feeling the pain after getting hit by it. WHOW! :sniper:
well, theya re going to feel it for a few seconds... and they die. :cool:
I don't know about anyone else, but the crossbow is one of my favourite weapons in HL2. Very interesting of Valve to bring a traditional weapon like that into the game. They did it in HL1 too, but I like this one better. I like the "resistance-built" look, and of course, the biggest amendment - the bolts are actually affected by gravity! ;)
haha i love the damn thing, when the bolts rebound off walls especially. Did it on my first ever deathmatch game, shot at someone, missed and hit a wall at an angle behind them, pinged off and hit someone in the neck, things like that stay with you, cos you cant do them if you want to, its purely luck. :laugh:
The rebar causes a short circuit when placed in the nook... there IS a battery there.
the crossbow has to be a compound crossbow coz the iron rebar is a lot heavier than your normal crossbow bolt
I pwn with the crossbow....they should allow you to tie rope to the bolts since they seem to stick into walls so well
try skipping crosbow bolts across the ground, or better yet shoot them into one of those funky combine gates and enjoy.
Whow... another thread brought back from the dead. Why do people keep doing this? Anyway, now that we're discussing crossbows again, I may as well add something:

Anyone thought of this? How can the rebar be propelled, and fly properly in a straight line, if it has no fletching? I'd think that it would wobble in midair and have a crash landing.
Its magik! its G-Magik!! On a serious note: Probably has something to do with the way it is cut and propelled....Btw why ARE people resurecting threads lately?
ppl r running out of things to talk about on the forum?
I only answer threads that are on the first page. :| I'm getting so annoyed clicking a "new thread" when I find out its something I read a long time ago. :flame:
Who can't do them if they want to :-)

You should see what some *ahem* people can do with the rocket launcher too :-D

Through doorways, up stairs, round corners and then back towards the door again.
