On the Easter Egg

The first time I read about an easter egg was in the "info from Valve"-SECTION - not thread. (the same?). This easter egg was mentioned in a answer from one at Valve. The gyu who was asking a question was asking for something related to multi player - some text, dunno. The guy at Valve answers something and mentions "easter egg" without being asked about it

If I remember correctly shoulded we then be looking for some MP egg??

Pleas tell if I'm wrong!
I'm talking about this:

Metal Gear Solid 2 had name tags for dead people of some selected fans. Have you ever thought of doing something like this (incorporating fan names) into the game somehow? If so, can I be Dead Scientist #42?

Gabe Newell: There will be some surprises in the games. There's at least one Easter egg in the videos that no one has noticed yet.

Several people asked: What was the easter egg in the E3 2003 vids?
I don't have the heart (or the spine) to answer this question.

as said from someone at valve...not sure what (or the spine) means though, i'm sure it's some sort of hint but i'm not finding anything. :(
712 said:
Really? I completed that game 100%, and I didn't find that Egg. Where is it?
It's inside one of the houses. Helps a lot eh? ;) Well I never found it either, I only saw it in a picture @ Gamefaqs. Check there I guess. All I can remember is that was brownish & stood on a pedestal.
I didn't hear the 'heart' to 'spine' comment, but if it was a hint at something, perhaps he is suggesting that the aliens are harvesting human body parts or something? they need or use spinal cords for something? Too weird an idea? Too simple?


The combine soldiers are cyborgs or a weird genetic experiment that have a central nervous system, but computers in their heads or something like that; which would explain the masks they all wear...? And that's why they are called COMBINE-- because they combine living parts with robotic (or alien) parts...hmn.. You heard it here first :afro:

Not the EE, I know, but still might be signifigant....
Rhalle said:
I didn't hear the 'heart' to 'spine' comment, but if it was a hint at something, perhaps he is suggesting that the aliens are harvesting human body parts or something? they need or use spinal cords for something? Too weird an idea? Too simple?


The combine soldiers are cyborgs or a weird genetic experiment that have a central nervous system, but computers in their heads or something like that; which would explain the masks they all wear...? And that's why they are called COMBINE-- because they combine living parts with robotic (or alien) parts...hmn.. You heard it here first :afro:

Not the EE, I know, but still might be signifigant....

"You heard it here first?" What's that suppose to mean? And no, I didn't hear it here first.
Brian Damage said:
Heheh... Tiddalick... There's a name only an Aussie would understand (And maybe not even then...)

Yes I quite like my choice for a name. :upstare:

UKchaos2 said:
My favourite easter egg theory is shown in the attached image and is self explanatory
If you look at the moving movie, you will see that the valve is actually attached to a pipe. I guess that dosn't mean its anything less of an egg, but from your picture it looked like it was drawn on the board.
Gorgon said:
I have been saying this since last year............In the strider vid where the strider blow with his beam the bridge, there were three letters as I remember its was "THK"; these letters stand for something you can find somewhere or its stand for a way to get to the egg or finaly its the egg. :D

If it was "THQ", I'd believe that valve is dumping VU as a publisher, and change their publisher to THQ.
Chris_D said:
There is one in the coastline video - blink and you'll miss it.

More like bink and you'll miss it!! hoho!! No seriously. Do the toilets mean that Valve think the game is a load of shit? :rolleyes:

Actually, I think Greg pretty much hinted at it.

"I dont have the heart (or the spine) to tell you". - I think considering the unusual reference to the spine, then that must be his hint to the easter egg. It doesn't mean a spine literally perhaps but something else. Maybe a book? I'm tellin' ya tho...it's somethin to do with Spine!!
its just a figure of speach, youre all reading too much into it.
I bet a headcrab has a half-life logo tatoo on it's back..
I personally don't think there is an easter egg, and if there is anything, it's probably already been found and is something lame and uninteresting. People have done frame by frame dissections of the binks, if they didn't find anything unusually interesting there, then there simply isn't anything to be found.

Reminds me of the chat gem from Diablo 2.
Lanthanide said:
I personally don't think there is an easter egg, and if there is anything, it's probably already been found and is something lame and uninteresting. People have done frame by frame dissections of the binks, if they didn't find anything unusually interesting there, then there simply isn't anything to be found.

Reminds me of the chat gem from Diablo 2.

And that worked very well! Well Beyond Blizzards expectations
RoguePsi said:
More like bink and you'll miss it!! hoho!! No seriously. Do the toilets mean that Valve think the game is a load of shit? :rolleyes:

Actually, I think Greg pretty much hinted at it.

"I dont have the heart (or the spine) to tell you". - I think considering the unusual reference to the spine, then that must be his hint to the easter egg. It doesn't mean a spine literally perhaps but something else. Maybe a book? I'm tellin' ya tho...it's somethin to do with Spine!!
/me dies again!

Not having the spine to do something is a common expression!! It's a polite way of saying "I haven't got the balls..."

I bloody dread to think what you'd all be doing if he HAD said "I don't have the balls to tell you".

I think the easter egg was the F U thing, and everyone hear is just reading into the issue way too much.

That's just my opinion, anyway.
what exactly did the chat gem do in Diablo II? i always wondered that...

And really, if there was an easter egg, it's been discovered and they just won't tell us.

Really though i don't think there is one...
I think maybe it had something to do with the Sept. 30th release date, and now they have missed it spectacularly, he hasn't the heart to tell us what it is.
Nothing. Apart from say "activated" and "deactivated" and occasionally "perfect gem activated" and "Moooooooooooooooo!". Blizzard said that it did do something special, and that was just to drum up conspiracy theories (which worked quite well). It is now believed that the Moooooo! was a reference to the secret cow level, which was found within 2 or 3 days after release anyway. So it's possible that the whole thing had to do with the Moooo! message, but because the cow level had already been found it was overlooked and turned into a much larger conspiracy theory than it had ever meant to be.

It wasn't for about 2 years until we managed to get them to admit that it did nothing, although it'd already been proven anyway (since clicking the gem doesn't transmit any info to the servers, it can't possibly do anything).
Chris_D said:
/me dies again!

Not having the spine to do something is a common expression!! It's a polite way of saying "I haven't got the balls..."

I bloody dread to think what you'd all be doing if he HAD said "I don't have the balls to tell you".


Well I've not heard that expression before! I just say "I haven't got the balls". Why be polite when you can get to the point? Anyway, he had already said he hadn't the heart to tell us which is similar enough so that he didn't need to add the bit about the spine! Oh I give up!
Not having the heart to do something and not having the balls to do something are two different things.

Have you never heard of the expression "spineless"?
Chris_D said:
Not having the heart to do something and not having the balls to do something are two different things.

Have you never heard of the expression "spineless"?

Wow, this thread used to be about Easter eggs and now it's about Anglo-American idioms. Weird... :upstare:
Well you know what this forum is like :p
lol even I, a typical Swede, have heard that expression before ;) Gotta stop watching tv so much...
SMT said:
Wow, this thread used to be about Easter eggs and now it's about Anglo-American idioms. Weird... :upstare:

Haha, that's funny especially as we're both from the UK. :LOL: I am insulted to be called an American! I must increase the standard of my posting then...j/k

Anyway, I think he's being clever when he uses the word 'spine'. There could be nothing in it. Does it really matter?!! What use is an Easter Egg if we don't know what it is and what its for? I just want teh game!!!11onehundredandeleven

Edit: Post 250!! Wooo!!
/me dies a terribly slow and painful death

Heres what the writing says, I had to invert the colours though..........
I don't mean to flame, but....

:LOL: SUCKERS!!!111!oen :LOL:

Sorry, for that... It is my opinion that there is no easter egg, Gabe Newell said that to keep you all busy for the year until HL2 is actually released. Now, that pipe behind Kleiner's head is interesting, but it's on a pipe, not on his head. I didn't see one toilet in the vids, but if there is one in every vid, then that would probably be it.

But maybe...
RoguePsi said:
Haha, that's funny especially as we're both from the UK.

Right, which is why I said Anglo-American (i.e. characteristic of those of English and/or American heritage).
hm watch the vids again and look for some letters in the background or things . maybe shortcuts which let you guess about the storyline ! keep searching ;)
im certain there is one
eber said:
hm watch the vids again and look for some letters in the background or things . maybe shortcuts which let you guess about the storyline ! keep searching ;)
im certain there is one
There isn't.
SMT said:
Right, which is why I said Anglo-American (i.e. characteristic of those of English and/or American heritage).

Well, if we're both from the UK, what does America have to do with it? :dork: Back on topic...

...I don't think there's an Easter Egg. And Santa Claus isn't real!!
RoguePsi said:
Well, if we're both from the UK, what does America have to do with it? :dork: Back on topic...

...I don't think there's an Easter Egg. And Santa Claus isn't real!!

Because Americans use the term too, and I'm an American. This forum is populated by people from several countries; hope that's okay with you. :sniper: :dork:

And yes, RoguePsi, there is a Santa Claus. :p
The "spineless" comment is right-- of course spineless, hearless, and um, "ball-less" have similar but somewhat slightly different shades of meaning; 'balls" of course not acceptable in polite society). My etymological knowledge: the word "courage" comes from the greek for "heart" --"cor" (I think), hence "cardiology," "cardiovascular," and so on. (Testicles, from latin, literally means "little witnesses"-- as in 'testimony' or 'testify' presumably because they get a good view of, well, sex.)

If the comment that this sprang from was the typical sci-fi cyborg type of thing I suggested earlier about the body parts, then well, it only re-enforces my point (which may not of course be original with me, anyway-- I haven't followed this stuff long enough to know), and that the utterer of the statement "hearless..er spineless" describing the game surely means "courageous"-- but by amending "heart" to "spine" is precisely how he hints at what goes on in the game itself; if indeed he is hinting at all. I didn't hear him say it.

Willo wrote:

See, now that is interesting.
Has this chopped-up bit of scientifical writing been discussed before?

It of course reads like a medical chart, with somewhat general, but accurate scientific terminology--one with the text, half-hidden, that seems to explain his his awakening from suspended animation "to smell the ashes"-- his waking brainwaves functioning: his "alpha waves"; it describes his "unknown vector at this time'-- his escape, he's on the loose; it also says "amygdalic suppression impossible at this time";
the amygdala is the seat of agression in the brain (it is an almond-shaped gland; "amygdala" means 'almond'-- greek or latin, I forget) which suggests that he might have some kind of brain implant, or that the aliens have mind-control abilities, and that they can't stop him from kicking their asses at the present moment.

It ends with something about "a simulation" which cannot be terminated, which hints that it is all going on in Gordon's head, which is of course a hackneyed kind of thing, but that's what the text hints at.

End of explication!
Very nice theory Rhalle, good work. But I think that we might just be reading into the easter egg in general way too much...it was probably something pretty simple that someones already said : \