One world goverment - Your opinions.


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Jan 11, 2005
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How would you feel about a one-state world? A world, unified into one country.

Personally, I'd hate it, because it would either have too less power in faraway regions, and therefore cause a state of anarchy in several provinces throughout the world, or it would become a 1984-type Orwellian totalitarianism. On a more nationalistic note, I'd "fight it to the death", for it would crush the independence and autonomic power of ethnic groups.

How about you?
I believe, ultimately, this will be the state of the world at humanity's peak. A single world power, with subordinate government systems set up in all the countries of the world, but deferring to either a single entity or a small group.

And I think it's a good thing. I don't believe in things like nationalism or patriotism, and anything that breaks down those barriers to global unification is welcome in my book. Get rid of all these nations and fly a banner of the human race as a whole. Might be a dreamer's dream but it sounds good to me.
With a single world government, its harder to facilitate change. Imigine of somebody truely awful gets into power, and maintains it through military control, dominating most all of the world. Anybody who splinters off, gets crushed.
I don't think the world would ever become one "country" so to speak. But a world government is definatly possible. That would be difficult to manage and would require most of the world to join...which is not very easy either.

Would it be bad? Not really. I don't think many things will change.
I believe, ultimately, this will be the state of the world at humanity's peak. A single world power, with subordinate government systems set up in all the countries of the world, but deferring to either a single entity or a small group.

And I think it's a good thing. I don't believe in things like nationalism or patriotism, and anything that breaks down those barriers to global unification is welcome in my book. Get rid of all these nations and fly a banner of the human race as a whole. Might be a dreamer's dream but it sounds good to me.

Unfortunatly, people like to hold on to their history. It won't be easy for some countries just to give up their image or nationalism for the human race. Some countries would probably choose to rather die than give up their individuality and become part of a whole.
I would hate it. I would join the brown coats and fight like hell against unification.

"They don't like it if you shoot at em!!"
Could work out well if things went right, but more likely it would just put far too much power in the hands of one man.
That's how they do it in Star Trek, seems to work fine
Hehe, lol.


Unless we find an alien race, a one-world goverment would make a continuation of politics by other means near impossible, and however you may try to stop it, we need it (the continuation).
It's already here - Puppets are running loads of governments, and countries without puppets are invaded or beaten into submission. I wish I knew who was pulling the strings.
<_< >_>

Bush was a cock up, I swear! *runs*

On a more serious note, i'd only like it if it worked. At out current time, it just couldn't function.
Until companies can put the survival of the human race a higher priority than making money in the quickest and cheapest way, then we're all ****ed no matter HOW we govern ourselves. Money will be the destruction of humans as we know it.

And global warming proves it. If you dont believe in it, youre an idiot (queue the 'sun is getting hotter' excuses haha)

But having one global governing body would just be asking for trouble. It has anarchy written all over it :P
I used to think it would be brilliant. A single government, reigning over all. But as I've grown older, I've begun to understand what a bad idea that is. If the government decides to start killing off everyone of a certain skin color or religion, where do you run to? Who can stop them? In an ideal world, such power would never be taken advantage of. However, as we know all too well, this is no perfect world, and we'd inevitably end up with a huge mess on our hands.
Maybe it's possible in the future (when we've colonised space), but I don't see it happening without a big technological and cultural leap.
Maybe a federation but not a single government.
Deus Ex provides all the commentary on one world government you would ever need.
Besides which, the very concept of one world government flies in the face of representative governance and thus democracy.
Does it?
How is that then?
It could simply be like a large republic, albeit with more branches and a deeper rooting.
Does it?
How is that then?
It could simply be like a large republic, albeit with more branches and a deeper rooting.

Power would have to be far, FAR more devolved than it is in the US republic for it to be a representative government.
Although admittedly I hadn't considered that angle.
Yeah, I'm dealing with an ideal situation - Realistically it couldnt work and be a decent system anyway - Either you have too few people in a position of power, or you have a huge choking beurocratic mess of lesser goverment branches.

*note: All poor spelling is to be ignored. I am very tired :P*
Yeah, I'm dealing with an ideal situation - Realistically it couldnt work and be a decent system anyway - Either you have too few people in a position of power, or you have a huge choking beurocratic mess of lesser goverment branches.

*note: All poor spelling is to be ignored. I am very tired :P*

Yeah. Without even considering the angle that the world is far too divided for such a system to be even remotely feasible.
A single government for the UK and the USA would cause enough strife, imagine one that also covered India, China, Saudi Arabia, get the picture.
imo the world is going to be "ruled" by a few mega-corporations. Allready certain mega-corporations dominate governments and start wars, and i dont see any end to that in a world of free trade.
Ah well, we'll see :P
In the age of space travel, it'd be a necessity, however, the governmental system would have to be divided into levels, all of which would have authority ONLY to govern their parts, and all competences and power would have to be passed lower, to give more freedom to smaller territorial units, because, as Paul Denton said, a government in Washington can't make good decisions for New Jersey, let alone Paris.

And we already have an infant world government. The United Nations.
Once we jump ship off of Earth and start colonising planets, it's inevitable.

-Angry Lawyer
Sure. If that government was called

Haha im just joking.
Once there is a sizable population in space colonies or if an alien race attacks us, then yes...but beforehand, no.

If we can possibly get a large number of people living on mars and the moon then it would be quite easy to form a world government. Why? Because it would be Earth vs. Mars, or Earth vs. the Moon or Earth vs. The Moon vs. Mars...

however this could just be bullshit, because when europe colonized the americas they kept their colonial posessions, and even after the colonies revolted Europe maintained national identities.

So I think even after space colonization it will be impossible.

However, in the event of a huge, massive, extreme disaster like an imminenent asteriod strike or an alien invasion such a government would be easy, if not neccessary.
Once we jump ship off of Earth and start colonising planets, it's inevitable.

-Angry Lawyer

In the trilogy Red Mars/Green Mars/Blue Mars, the settlers form their own society, completely separate from Earth. I haven't read the books, but I do intend to pick them up. They look superb.
I think that is probably the more likely result.
It will never, ever, never, ever work. Civil wars are bad enough over one country... but over the world - that would be something else!
I believe, ultimately, this will be the state of the world at humanity's peak. A single world power, with subordinate government systems set up in all the countries of the world, but deferring to either a single entity or a small group.

And I think it's a good thing. I don't believe in things like nationalism or patriotism, and anything that breaks down those barriers to global unification is welcome in my book. Get rid of all these nations and fly a banner of the human race as a whole. Might be a dreamer's dream but it sounds good to me.

What happens when your government decides to gas thousands people? Who's going to stop them?
It'll never happen. Just like someone mentioned earlier, people aren't going to give up their history willingly. Nazi Germany and Hitler's plan for world rule would be a good example. Either two things will happen; a small number of people survive the world war and start rebuilding civilization or some country wins and takes over.
It'll never happen. Just like someone mentioned earlier, people aren't going to give up their history willingly. Nazi Germany and Hitler's plan for world rule would be a good example. Either two things will happen; a small number of people survive the world war and start rebuilding civilization or some country wins and takes over.

Or the third. The countries already in existance form a council to help with international affairs.
I think theoretically the idea of a single government is fantastic. In fact I've always found the current setup fundamentally absurd at some level. We are all human with all the same basic desires and needs. Who cares if live on this piece of land or that piece of land, or you worship this god and I worship that god, or my skin is green and yours is blue? In many ways national loyalties make us all forget the simple fact that we're all tiny, fragile water balloons living on the crust of a globe spinning through a universe we know practically nothing about.

However, that being said, I don't think it's actually possible at this stage. I think we will have to make a lot more progress in the social sciences before we can understand how to make a governing body that would actually work for the entire population. Democracy, in its current form, certainly wouldn't work very well I don't think. The whole concept of majority control kind of breaks down when the minority could be nearly three billion strong.
I would be mistrustful.

A federal system, perhaps?

That or global technocracy. SCIENCE!
At least with the current setup, if things are looking like shit in your home country you can technically leave if you really want to. Or hell if Some sort of neoholocaust were about to begin, you could try to GTFO.

But what happens when the whole world is your home country? Where the hell will you run?

Furthermore, a country that is not threatened by any other country inevitably must turn all of its attentions to internal threats. That means that you are up shit creek without a paddle if you display any dissent. Here in the USA , despite what some people might say, you can display all the dissent you want. You can burn all the flags you want while talking all the shit you want.

But in a world country where every threat comes from within and the biggest threats are civil war and ideas that are antigovernment, they will bring horrible smiting upon thee faster than you can blink.