Only one Tower/monolith?



I ask because I was watching one the earliest HL2 videos released and there was a tower in the background which was constucted with a shiny, silver metal of some sort where as the tower we see in the recent stuff is a black structure, is there more than one or has the monolith's colour been changed since?

Sorry, no pictures of reference.
Yeah. I remember a screenie of the big silver thing. It looked really dorky. I'm glad they changed it.
Ya, probably just changed.

Though I would kind of think that there would be a combine tower in every city.
Yeah thats what I was thinking, that each district of C17 has it's own tower thats different from the next.

Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!

O.K maybe not.
it would be coool if there are different types of citadels all over the place..

but new slick one looks cool compaired to the other one which was just an ingame blinn material map.
The last level is going to be in some giant dark tower, with gordon fighting his way upward, and at the end, he'll fight some unimaginable final battle.
Yeah, well I was kinda dissapointed by HL since the buildup to the final battle was mediocre (jumping platforms), so I hope they do it better this time.
There is no Xen this time, so there will be no platform jumping (hopefully)

But I do hope we see glimpses of Xen in all of it's next gen glory.

Through portal or a flashback or something.
The question is, what are those towers for? I was thinking that perhaps they would be "space elevators" for materials coming down from a mothership. Perhaps a communications array to alien worlds unkown? It seems they "eat" the towns to get the raw materials for them. Then people apparently "disappear" from the cities. Hmmmm.
Well since the story is based on a book by King called Mist and if the ending is kinda like the book, I'd be dissapointed, so better make those towers have a purpose.
wayne white said:
dont even mention xen!...might give them ideas.
what's everyone problem with xen??? it was the best part of half life, god, i'd kill for more xen goodness.
Xen was fine atmospherically, it just needed some coherence and "purpose." IT just seemed like a loose collection of different places that while perhaps individually cool, didn't fit together into a whole.

I would like to see a Source version of Xen -- I think they could revamp the place and make something cool/fun with it.
Democritus said:
The question is, what are those towers for? I was thinking that perhaps they would be "space elevators" for materials coming down from a mothership. Perhaps a communications array to alien worlds unkown? It seems they "eat" the towns to get the raw materials for them. Then people apparently "disappear" from the cities. Hmmmm.

Personally I think there basicly a station for the combine, with everything from barrecks, liveing spaces, training areas etc etc. A kind of base for the combine.

About them "Eating" the city... hmm, no idea, might be to do with getting RM yea, then useing them to make weapons, or tanks, or whatever they wanna make?

Who knows.
What we all seem to sidestep on is why they towers appear around City17. What is so special about it, I know this might get into the rumour section, but you can't talk about the towers without asking yourself why they are eating City 17.
lazicsavo said:
The last level is going to be in some giant dark tower, with gordon fighting his way upward, and at the end, he'll fight some unimaginable final battle.

This isn't HL3.
Originally Posted by lazicsavo
The last level is going to be in some giant dark tower, with gordon fighting his way upward, and at the end, he'll fight some unimaginable final battle.

This isn't HL3.

Lol, my original quote was just a throw back to my signature, HL2 is gonna have a cliffender, so we can't expect a final climax till HL3.
Gordon is going to die in the very last game.
Just like Harry Potter.

I have a sneaking suspition.
I believe that it was in the E3 movie with the strider part that you see the tower appear. To me it looks like it is eating itself through City 17.
Those towers mean business and I think Gordon needs to destroy "them" (might be one, might be more towers) before "they" consume the world.

Though I also read in PCG that the original HL is gonna get remade in source. Don't know if it's true though.
Here is my spin on it:
1. Each remaining city has a tower that is eating through it like in City 17. Why? Well I guess to remove the human buildings for whatever the combine wants to build in its place. It seems a waste of energy to simply destroy the places....unless its to flush out the humans from possible hiding spots
2. The humans are methodically being removed (aka Nazi occupation with Jews) bit by bit to somewhere else (extermination?).
3. Only the relatively unpopulated areas are free of these structures (not much to knock down)

I guess the whole concept of Breen and the combine for safety works in this way:
1.Countryside is dangerous, safe in the citys with combine protection.
2.This keeps people relatively under control while they are systematically removed.
The Tower Is Eating The City

There Is One Tower For Each City

Some Cities Have Already Been Completely Destroyed
imo city 17 is the 17th city to be 'eaten' by the citidel. 1 - 16 no longer exist.
I think City 17 is the only place with the tower "I decided to set up my administartion here in the citadel so thoughtfulyl provided by...our benefactors"

Theres something special about city 17, thats why they set up the citadel there. I dont think its a barracks for them, i think it serves a more useful purpose...
Perhaps its important because of its geography. In the centre of the countries and so acts as a headquarters sort of.
Certainly it must be more important then the others...
...Perhaps the resistance movement is strongest there
...Perhaps the head guys are there

I wonder if in Gordans travels we go through City 18 or 12 or something and we find the city completely destroyed
Dont know what you guys are on about?

It was black and still is, since when did it change.
azz0r said:
Dont know what you guys are on about?

It was black and still is, since when did it change.

The E3 2003 video shows this quite clearly.
If you watch it right at the end just before the last scene where Gordan fights the Striders.
Basically Gordan is going down an elevator and just behind him are pillers that make this fence out from the central citadal, one of them lifts, extends forward and stomps down.
Basically there is a fortress that is extending its way through the city...destroying it.

If you watch a demo where Valve is showing off the HDR capabiltys of source you can see the central tower in the background moving up and down...
I will try and get screens of this for you.

Note: The images have been compressed to reasonable size. They look much better in the game
Why am I stuck on 138 posts?

EDIT: never mind...its universal...
Everyone's talking about really early media Valve released. It was a small trailer, and had Gordon walking around some courtyard, with a really stupid looking tower in the distance.
[NESW]Rossi said:
Its a shopping mall where gordon goes to get his GAP gear.

shame i was hoping to gordon in chav getup, maybe he could drive a lowered Nova.
True. With DJ Sammy playing from a crappy subwoofer? Im sure City 17 has some townie chavs driving around in skoda's, participating in traffic light grand prixs.
The same tower in the E3 2003 trailer is at close up - and looks actually like something from Doom 3. It's silverish, and looks pretty sleek - can someone get that part from the old original pre-E3 2003 trailer? - you know what I mean, where we see Gordon walking around city 17 and the part where the hydra grabs the combine soldier.
I'm not able to get that shot since whenever I hit prnt screen with my windows media player or quicktime - it only appears as a black screen in photoshop. Help?
I have posted some shots of this...
At least I think its the scene that your referring to
I'm talking about this, it's from a trailer Valve released before E3 2003. You can get it by clicking here.

{EDIT}: By the way, just in case you're wondering, Gordon does a full 360 of that courtyard and it's the only tower in the sky, so no, it's not a different tower. They just changed it because they realised it sucked.

Tiddalick, the one you're talking about is the same building, and it's still black. It's just that that level has a fog effect in it, and the building only looks silver because it's so far away. It's still the same, sleek, black building.

Also, Ians, if you want to take pictures from something like WMA, you need to switch off your hardware accelaration. This is because when you take a picture of a video, Windows decided to have the video play in the image as well (unless you cvlose the video, in which case it's black). To switch off your acceleation, go tino your advanced display settings, into the troubleshoot section, and switch it off.
Wow your right, that does look strange now compared to the new one.
Thanks kage - that's the one I was talking about. :)

I like that tower - however, you guys are right that it does look out of place in a modern place like city 17, because it seems to furturistic - as though it's out of Doom 3 or something.