Open gMail - Google Accounts

Now I don't feel special anymore...with my 50 available invites and all..
Hm, Now all Google needs is a weather section of the site... and they'll be my new homepage instead of Yahoo.

edit : ...
The password you selected is a frequently used word. To protect the security of your account, please consider changing it.

Jesus christ. I didn't know a random bunch of numbers was considered a frequently used word. :|

edit again : Gmail isn't open, can't log on to it... I wouldn't mind one of those invites :D
whatever happened to that guy who tried to fill a g-mail account...Did he succeed?

Id say he now just has an addiction to all the free pr0n and music he was being sent - it was a clever scam by him me thinks...


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gh0st said:

fully customizable :bounce:
That is kickass. I did not know you could do that.. Now, I have a new homepage instead of the Mozilla Firefox interpretation of Google.
Shamrock said:
That is kickass. I did not know you could do that.. Now, I have a new homepage instead of the Mozilla Firefox interpretation of Google.

I know, its almost as fully customizable as yahoo mail was back in like 1998.

I'm failing to see how this is anything special.
i dont use yahoo email for ******s so i am happy that i can have gmail integrated into my homepage. is that good enough?
gh0st said:
i dont use yahoo email for ******s so i am happy that i can have gmail integrated into my homepage. is that good enough?

I couldn't care less, but everyone's acting like it's some new thing. When it's been around for years and years.
DreadLord1337 said:
I couldn't care less, but everyone's acting like it's some new thing. When it's been around for years and years.
doesnt matter if its new. why not have your cake and eat it too? would it make sense for me to have my gmail account which i <3 and then go to yahoo to see the news and shit? this isnt new either, its been around for awhile. maybe not as long as YAHOO, AMAZINGLY SPAM-RIDDEN YAHOO, but its frosting on the cake.

i want some cake.
gh0st said:
doesnt matter if its new. why not have your cake and eat it too? would it make sense for me to have my gmail account which i <3 and then go to yahoo to see the news and shit? this isnt new either, its been around for awhile. maybe not as long as YAHOO, AMAZINGLY SPAM-RIDDEN YAHOO, but its frosting on the cake.

i want some cake.

Gimme a slice... :imu:
See thats the thing.. Google is better though. :p That is the main reason we are all freaking about Google being fully customizable..
DreadLord1337 said:
I couldn't care less, but everyone's acting like it's some new thing. When it's been around for years and years.
Beause it's new to Google. And alot of people prefer Google to Yahoo. So this is news for Google useres.
WhiteZero said:
Beause it's new to Google. And alot of people prefer Google to Yahoo. So this is news for Google useres.

New and awesome to Google users.
So uhh, Is Gmail open to all or what?
I'd use Google as my new homepage, but about:blank kicks some major ass.
You cannot log into Gmail using your Google Account username and password.
Gmail is in a limited test period and is only available to a small number of people who are helping test and improve the service before it is made more widely available.

ffs. someone give me an invite!
Reaktor4 said:
You cannot log into Gmail using your Google Account username and password.
Gmail is in a limited test period and is only available to a small number of people who are helping test and improve the service before it is made more widely available.

ffs. someone give me an invite!

Small number? More like anyone who has a friend and wants one.