Opening Idea


Dec 30, 2008
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Feel free to add to this.

The screen is black, but only for a matter of seconds. The Episode 3 logo fades in, with the sound of a helicopter blade whirring in the background. The sound gets louder as the title fades into the background, and the insides of the chopper fade into view. Alyx is sitting in the cockpit, with you tilted over in the opposite seat. She appears shook up, a mixture of anger and sadness, with even those words not summing up her feelings at the time. She glances over at you, her face showing and expression of surprise and a hint of relief.

Alyx: Gordon...your...awake. Are you ok?

She looks back, keeping a portion of concentration on piloting the chopper.

Alyx: God, I don't want to think about anything that happened back there.....Dog and I moved your body into the helicopter, I couldn't stand to tell anyone else about what happened. Dog moved my dad's body to-

Alyx begins to tear up, but keeps her composure. At this point it is easy to tell that she is in no state to discuss the matter at hand.

Alyx: To a bed in the medical wing, I will send a transmission to Kleiner and Magnuson when we get to the Borealis. I need time to think.

At this point, all you see is the beautiful arctic landscape out of the window. It really is amazing, like every flake of snow on the ground has it's own aura that begs to pull you in. This, combined with the capped mountains in the distance, and the mile wide stretches of frozen lake, create a scene that is astounding. However, you seem you cannot fully observe the beauty. Like every visual site sends back a reminder of your now deceased friend. You see something in the looks like a ship...yes, the Borealis. The long famed ship of Aperture Science, which disappeared long ago in the night, taking with it part of the dry dock. Ah, the dry dock, the likes of which can now be seen slightly jutting out of an icy mountain, and now seems to be your only way on to the disfigured ship.

...Is that...a door? No....a door would not be as advanced as and computers surround a blast hole in the ship. Wires have been spread throughout the masts, communication towers have been posted. And you watch....and watch on... as the chopper gets closer...and closer...until...


You glance over to her....seeing her shocked expressions as you turn to look on in horror upon noticing a mountain....far...far in the distance... A mountain that at one time would probably have been filled with young children putting on their first ski's....cabins to house visitors for warmth and lodging.....but it is something glance back over to Alyx to see a tear come out of her eye...and it is without doubt in your mind the emotions she has kept in for so long are soon to be let out in a glorious display of fire and rage. You glance back at the mountain once more...and fully take in the horrible blow to the hearts of Alyx, your own, and the thousands of resistance members still alive. It is not is far worse.. it is....

...A Citadel..

(will add more)
If I had a nickel for every time someone makes up ANOTHER one of these...

I'd probably have about 2 dollars. Seriously, don't post G-man theories or anything that speculates about Valve's games. It's annoying.
This sort of seems like its for fun, not any serious speculation or theory.
If I had a nickel for every time someone makes up ANOTHER one of these...

I'd probably have about 2 dollars. Seriously, don't post G-man theories or anything that speculates about Valve's games. It's annoying.

G-Man theories yes, but thats been made a banable offense, I like reading people's theories on what happens in EP3.

Nice take on it, intrigued to see what you will add :)
If I had a nickel for every time someone makes up ANOTHER one of these...

I'd probably have about 2 dollars. Seriously, don't post G-man theories or anything that speculates about Valve's games. It's annoying.

Erm, I did not post anything relating to eh...speculation about Valve's games. It is really just my take on it, like the other guy said. It is just for fun.
We have 1 million of these threads. Please find one and post it there.
I kinda like the idea but I got a feeling Alyx won't be with us for much/most of Episode 3, I mean how would you be if you had just seen your dad's brain ripped out by a disgusting alien? not like Alyx is in your story.
If I had a nickel for every time someone makes up ANOTHER one of these...

I'd probably have about 2 dollars. Seriously, don't post G-man theories or anything that speculates about Valve's games. It's annoying.

Maestro seems to believe he owns the message board...
That was cool, but I hope we don't have another Citadel in Ep 3.
I've always pictured the starting of Ep 3 like that kinda:
It shows the starting "Half Life 2 Episode 3" Title with a black background and then fades into yourself in the helicopter with Alyx, and the game starts o_O
Iam not a fan of waking up in the chopper already under way but you did w wonderful job of writing it out. so... good job. I like it.

I have previously posted my own (more chaotic) version of my own Ep3 opening. and its starts with you waking up just as more people are rushing into the hangar.

I would live to have 10 mile vistas in ep3 and amazing particle physics for the snow. and better light to demonstrate snow-glare. all of which would be both beautiful and have a substantial impact on game play.

Oh and Maestro... I don't think any of us are trying to dictate or predict what valve will do, though we would be thrilled to find out they use our ideas or something like them. we are just sharing with the HL community our own "dreams" about the beginning of ep3. it is a testament to the story telling abilities of Valve that our imaginations run ahead of the story a create such vivid "imaginings".
That was a good read! It's great when people post there own ideas like this.
Well written! Unlike most of the other idea-makers you actually have a knack for writing viceral scripts. Extra credit for staying true to Alyx's character.

I hope valve does something unexpected. I don't want the chopper to crash cos that would feel like the 'easy way out' in creating a dramatic opening. However, if there is a crash I'm sure valve will make me forget all about the 'easy way out' and dazzle me anyway.

One intruiging idea would be to go back to the roots and have nothing but exposition for the first 15 minutes. Setting up and building us into whatever the story of EP3 will ultimately be.

I generally don't like and refrain from speculations on what someone else is concocting for me, but once you/I get me going...

You should try making up your own stories instead of wasting your talent and time expanding someone elses... I'm not telling you to be a writer, I'm just saying you have a bit of talent. =)
Lol, write a opening and get rich. Most of these opening ideas are shit.
Well written! Unlike most of the other idea-makers you actually have a knack for writing viceral scripts. Extra credit for staying true to Alyx's character.

I hope valve does something unexpected. I don't want the chopper to crash cos that would feel like the 'easy way out' in creating a dramatic opening. However, if there is a crash I'm sure valve will make me forget all about the 'easy way out' and dazzle me anyway.

One intruiging idea would be to go back to the roots and have nothing but exposition for the first 15 minutes. Setting up and building us into whatever the story of EP3 will ultimately be.

I generally don't like and refrain from speculations on what someone else is concocting for me, but once you/I get me going...

You should try making up your own stories instead of wasting your talent and time expanding someone elses... I'm not telling you to be a writer, I'm just saying you have a bit of talent. =)

I went back and skimmed through again and I can definitively say that it's about as bottom-rung as every other beginning out there.

I could write a good startout but that takes work and speculating on what it will be is wasted energy and bandwidth.
One intruiging idea would be to go back to the roots and have nothing but exposition for the first 15 minutes. Setting up and building us into whatever the story of EP3 will ultimately be.


I agree. a 15 min opening sequence like the one you play through when you first make it to White Forest and Black Mesa East. No fighting just character development, story set up, background information revealed. That would be a great opportunity to show the changes in Alyx and develop her character and relationship with Gordon, and we could have the Vorts disclose some interesting information and back story. Then you load up in the chopper and head off

(interesting idea: once you get to the arctic Alyx is forced to drop you off to make your way on foot while she mans the chopper and provides air support and supply drops occasionally but maintains radio contact to help you navigate the mazes and vast frozen wastes. once you get closer the chopper is either destroyed or you are forced to leave it and proceed on foot. this way you have an reason as to why you can find supplies in the arctic. also ALyx will need to have some sort of navigation device that helps you ding your way... or your suit could be upgraded with the same device)
I'm not really a fan of the whole "waking up inside the chopper" idea. Mainly because I didn't seem to think the fading out at the end of Episode 2 was supposed to be Gordon losing consciousness. Assuming Gordon doesn't lose consciousness it doesn't make sense to start the game as if you're waking up from a slumber in a helicopter. Beyond this it creates a bunch of loose ends about the ending in Episode 2. For instance, how and who else finds out about Eli's death? What are their reactions? What transpires before the player enters the helicopter?

None the less it was a good read and I enjoy reading people's predictions. I think it will be very exciting to see Alyx's new demeanor towards everything, Gordon included.
The only way I could see waking up in the chopper is if it is immediately followed by a series of flash backs showing what happened from the end of Ep2 to waking up in the chopper. also adding a G-man/Vort Speech would be good too.... it would help cover the long flight time.
Maybe loss of consciousness, G-Man black-background visit, fade in to being awake in chopper? Seems like something that would make sense, if they went for all three of those things. Eh.

But your prediction is pretty well written :> I honestly haven't read any opening predictions before, but yours seems pretty plausible, and very nicely detailed. Although, that may lead to a bit of a long, pseudo-cinematic wait, between the flashback of Ep1+2 and the trip on the chopper.

But on the other hand, if they go for the way Jollner suggested, wasn't it urgent that they get to the Borealis as quickly as they possibly could? Waiting 15 minutes for character interaction and story deepening, unless explained somehow, would seem kinda...
Yeah, but it would seem a little insensitive (at least in regards to Eli's passing) if there wasn't some character development or something at the beginning (at least a funeral or something for Eli).