Operation Everlasting Shadow needs your help

May 15, 2003
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Some of you here will have heard of Operation Everlasting Shadow, well, we are a primarily UK-based mod, and we are currently undergoing a hosting crisis, and our current site is a subdomain, and we can't stay there forever. In the middle of this hosting crisis, we need to move, ideally to a memorable .com , like www.oes.com .. However, we also have a cash-flow problem, and the site we want to buy costs £48. Members of the team are putting as much money towards this as we really need what the site would have to offer (35mb of reliable webspace, with unlimited site traffic, .co.uk or .net domain*, WAP #enabled server, CGI, C, Python Scripting, PHP4 Scripting, no adverts and no popups, and this, with a .com domain name costs £48 ) and since we are working on new content almost daily, we really need this domain.I know this sounds very bogus, but we are actually asking the HL2.net community to donate as little money as they want towards this domain, or as much as they want. Donators will get their name in the credits of the mod and their names on the site itself, as soon as it is up, so the whole world can see their good deed (however it won't say how much you donated). I personally am going to throw in £10, which is more than I can afford. If you can make a donation, please do so by clicking the link below and following the instructions below. Oh, and people who donate will also get their names on the site for the whole world to see...

Please don't post in this saying how you hate us for doing this, all the money IS going to be spent on the site. And to prove it, Sniper will upload his bank statement to prove it all.

Thanks, and have a look here: http://www.bioproductions.co.uk/oes

most of the info I posted here, is repeated, but it has the donate button at the bottom, and we really need this money, since we don't have anyone to cover us on this... thanks

We'll count of how much we have in this thread, and I'll upload the statement as soon as the domain is purchased.
Have u got any online info at the moment?
Wouldn't mind having a look what you are up to before I sacrifice some of my hard earned (?) student loan...lol
yeah, sure... click any of the links in my signiture.

and Tony, this isn't for profit, so it's ok.
Well if I was rich I would give you some money.Well....maybe.You'd probally have to do something for me tho.
Tr0n, you'd get your name on the site, and in the credits, and we'd probably put people in as easter eggs or namechecks :)
ok how much is £48 in american dollars?
I wouldn't mind giving some American dollars, but I can't. Sorry, I wish I could help.
I have many ways to gain money,like selling pills to my friends.If I could figure out how much £48 is.Also....could I get mod powers. :)
I'm not sure.... £48 is about $90... I think the donate thingy takes american stuff too though :)

Thanks for your interest :)
Damn...$100....hmmmm well I'll see what I can do.
Oh wait nvm....I did a currency convert...it's like $54.
Well he said £48...and doesn't £ mean Euro?Well ether way I'll try to get $100 in just in good measure.
Thanks Tr0n... if you can you'll be an easter egg in the mod :)

It's UK Pounds, not Euros.

We'd be eternally grateful too :)
I would give you some Canadian dollars, but I don't have much money, and Canadian $ is worth so damn little.
I'm poor so I can't give anything but...

Heres for moral support!
I decided to bump this up :)

Well lately I've been asking my friends for money.So far nothing.But I do have a rich friend who might supply me about $50.So I dunno.But I'm going to keep trying, just because I'm a good friend and also I like this mod you guys are working on.But out of that $100 bucks I get I may give you about $60 to $70 do to the fact theres this big concert going on here in Alabama called "The Big Spring Jam" and I need about $40 for a all weekend pass.
That would be great Tr0n, you'd be an easter egg in the mod... you'd be on the site, and in the credits :D
Cheques are welcome if you are able to send them to the united kingdom. Since I handle most of the donation funds, you'd need to place it in my name (we do not have a business account for Narcissistic Gaming).

If you wish to send a cheque, pm me and I will send the mail address.
