Opposing Force - The Gman

Oct 7, 2003
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I just thought that this thing will be interesting to know for some people. this is exactly what the Gman says when Opposing Force Ends :cheers:

So...Corporal Shepherd did we meet at last?
Please don't think that i've been avoiding you.
A great many matters require my attention in these...
troubled times.
I do hope you understand.
And now i require a further indulgence on your part.
I cannot close my report until every loose
end has been tied up.
The biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa facility,
but i think that's finaly taken care of itself..quite so.
But there's still the lingering matter of witnesses
I admit i have fascination with those who adapt and
survive against all odds.
They rather remind me of myself.
If on no other reason i have argued to preserve
you for a time, while i believe a civil servant,
like yourself, understands the importance of... discretion.
My employers aren't quite so trusting and Rather then
continually subject you to the irresistible human
temptation of telling all, we have desided to...
convey you somewhere you can do no posible harm...
and where no harm can come to you.
I'm sure you can imagine there are worse alternatives.
Hmm guess we'll find shepard on ice somewhere in HL2
AJ Rimmer said:
it's wittnesses, not weakness
Changed it... but i must say it's hard to understand if he says witnesses or weakness.
Clavius said:
Hmm guess we'll find shepard on ice somewhere in HL2
Wow! You just made me realise I'll have to keep a lookout for a stasispod with a soldier in while I play hl2. Or maybe an old dusty Osprey in a hangar somewhere.
Changed it... but i must say it's hard to understand if he says witnesses or weakness.
Really? I found it easy. I think it's a proof of being a hl nerd if you know both g-man speeches by heart... in other words, I am a Half-life nerd! Wohoo!
But there is a suprising amount of people who missed out on the fact that BMRF was nuked during that speech.
I think its highly unlikely that Shepard will appear in HL2 unless hes become a Combine Shock Trooper - Marines just arent part of the whole HL2 experience in my eyes - can't see where they fit in.....
f1r3b4ll said:
I think its highly unlikely that Shepard will appear in HL2 unless hes become a Combine Shock Trooper - Marines just arent part of the whole HL2 experience in my eyes - can't see where they fit in.....
Well the marines won't be back but maybe just one will return in an expansion...;) *x-files theme*
Maybe he was sent to city 17 to be "safe"
There is something else that might be interesting.

There are two lines that Nihilanth Supposed to say but i don't remember that he said them during the game.

"You are man.. he is not man... for you he waits for you..."
"Their Slaves.. We are their slaves We are..."
There is something else that might be interesting.

There are two lines that Nihilanth Supposed to say but i don't remember that he said them during the game.

"You are man.. he is not man... for you he waits for you..."
"Their Slaves.. We are their slaves We are..."
Most people here know that already. :cheers:
Think about it, this will be like a easteregg.
Allthough the marines wont have anything to do with the HL2 storyline, just a little detail, like the old dusty osprey or shepard in stasispod, wont frustrate the game, but it'll give the old fans a satisfied feeling.
Hmm, I used to be that man there... (old memories....rise and shine laaaadies)
Clavius said:
Think about it, this will be like a easteregg.
Allthough the marines wont have anything to do with the HL2 storyline, just a little detail, like the old dusty osprey or shepard in stasispod, wont frustrate the game, but it'll give the old fans a satisfied feeling.
Hmm, I used to be that man there... (old memories....rise and shine laaaadies)

lol the boot camp! Yeah i agree with you.


Another Interesting moment, just before you step into the last portal to Nihilanth... just when you stand infront of it you can hear noises... turn your speakers loader (Map c4a1f)

It might be that Nihilanth followed our progress during the game or.. or it might be that gordon freeman had illusions and started to hear voices from what happened before the incident and during the storyline
lolololol, Corporal Shephard huh? - More Like Corporal Dogmeat to me ! :p
f1r3b4ll said:
lolololol, Corporal Shephard huh? - More Like Corporal Dogmeat to me ! :p

When i tell you to jump you respawn with "How high?" Do I make my self clear? - Sir Yes SIR!
When i tell you to jump you respawn with "How high?" Do I make my self clear? - Sir Yes SIR!
LOL! "Respawn" That's priceless! :E :E
Heheheheh ahhh the good old days - I STILL remember firing up my Half Life pack and going for a little jaunt through black mesa -

I think back then I had a P133 - 64mb Ram (POWER!!!) - Voodoo 4 4500 PCI (I bought it for £150) and a 16x CD Rom drive - My how things have changed...
I think it's interesting that, out of the three characters from the original games, Shepherd is the only one whose facial appearance is a mystery... 'cos of the mask and all...
Brian Damage said:
I think it's interesting that, out of the three characters from the original games, Shepherd is the only one whose facial appearance is a mystery... 'cos of the mask and all...
True true... although I identified the least with shephard so I didn't care much.
"Where are you from? Texas!!! Holy crap, you know what comes form Texas don't you?"

This is in reference to Full Metal Jacket. The original quote is something like "Where are you from? Texas? Holy crap, only two things come from Texas: Steers and Queers. You don't look much like a steer to me. Are you a homosexual?" - "Sir, no sir" - "What?" - "Sir, no sir" - "Bulls***. You look like the kind of scum who when he's ****ing a guy in the ass doesn't have the common courtesy to give him a reach around".

Sorry.....big fan of Full Metal Jacket :)
Chode said:
"Where are you from? Texas!!! Holy crap, you know what comes form Texas don't you?"

This is in reference to Full Metal Jacket. The original quote is something like "Where are you from? Texas? Holy crap, only two things come from Texas: Steers and Queers. You don't look much like a steer to me. Are you a homosexual?" - "Sir, no sir" - "What?" - "Sir, no sir" - "Bulls***. You look like the kind of scum who when he's ****ing a guy in the ass doesn't have the common courtesy to give him a reach around".

Sorry.....big fan of Full Metal Jacket :)

God..who dosn't love that movie, it's the ****ing shit :sniper:

'BULL**** I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose!"
*cough* Half-life 3 *cough*


*cough* Half-life 2: <expansion name> *cough*

Chode said:
"Where are you from? Texas!!! Holy crap, you know what comes form Texas don't you?"

This is in reference to Full Metal Jacket. The original quote is something like "Where are you from? Texas? Holy crap, only two things come from Texas: Steers and Queers. You don't look much like a steer to me. Are you a homosexual?" - "Sir, no sir" - "What?" - "Sir, no sir" - "Bulls***. You look like the kind of scum who when he's ****ing a guy in the ass doesn't have the common courtesy to give him a reach around".

Sorry.....big fan of Full Metal Jacket :)
it's; "Holy crap texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas! And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down!"
Awesome movie!
Does the way the GMan talks remind anyone else of Vetinari from Discworld?

Heh, "capital"...
errr vitinari is a character from a book, he doesnt sound like anything. Except in your mind of course. Still i can well imagine vetinari and gman having very similar personalities. they are both powerful, mysterious and a bit creepy.

I love discworld, i have a signed copy of wyrd sisters, Terry Pratchet is the man.
Wtf is with these link words, that lead nowhere??

Lets try one myself love

It would be cool to encounter Shepard. I think he would be pretty pissed at Gordon, and would make for good storyline.

Shepard "You killed my buddies"

Gordan ". . . ."

Shepard "Touche"
Phosis said:
It would be cool to encounter Shepard. I think he would be pretty pissed at Gordon, and would make for good storyline.

Shepard "You killed my buddies"

Gordan ". . . ."

Shepard "Touche"

HAaha :LOL: brilliant!
I admit i have fascination with those who adapt and
survive against all odds.
They rather remind me of myself.

AJ Rimmer said:
it's; "Holy crap texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas! And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down!"
Awesome movie!

Nah he says
Holy Dog Shit!
-=DouglasteR= said:
Actually to be technical that would be the first "proof" that gman is gordon.
Krusty said:
Does the way the GMan talks remind anyone else of Vetinari from Discworld?

Heh, "capital"...

Heck, yes. I brought that up a while ago... I wonder if Marc Laidlaw is a Pratchett fan?

The G-Man's vocal characteristics remind me of the way Terry Pratchett likes to give his characters these little idiosyncrasies...

I can just imagine Vetinari and the G-Man going to the same school together (the assassins' school, of course).
of course they sent him to C17... didnt they?
I would love to see hi, but there were some rumors that Adrien was propiety of Gearbox...