Opposing Force

chili pepper

May 17, 2003
Reaction score
I just won a copy from an ebay auction. Its going for only $3-$5 now, so I thought what the hell.

What do you think of it (if you played it)? How was the story?
My first go playing op4 was truely a great experience, and the scripted sequences where great!!!, but now it sucks, HL2 rules...lol
I don't actually think it's that good, but it seems every1 else likes it, so maybe it's just me. After a while I found it a bit boring coz after playing the boot camp bit it seemed so exciting + then it wasn't as much as I'd thought. Anyway, it could just be me.
I really love Opposing Force, I actually preferred it to Half-Life singleplay.
hl is better i think, but opfor is still pretty good, its jut too easy when they give u a deagle thats as powerfull as the .357 at the very beginning of the game.
op4 is almost as good as HL. For an expansion pack its great as the game itself is as long as HL in terms of hours of play!
Op4 was a good game, but the whole Race-X thing seemed like a half-assed attempt to toss in more aliens...and the weapons weren't too great (other than the Barnacle) IMO. But it still is a great addition and I recommend it...assuming it's inexpensive (as in your case).

I got me a warezed version when it first came out, never worked properly.....

So then i got the legit version. And for a time, things were good. Then i finished it, never really played it again, might play it again.

But yeah, definitely good value; cheaper than a movie ticket, lasts longer (and is probably more fun)
Oh yeah, one thing.

if you get it from ebay, don't expect the cd-key to work online or anything... haha.
You must not have much experience with ebay.

I just got the game in the mail today. Came with a legit cd-key, as stated in the item description when you bid on it. The only thing missing are the box and instruction manual, as described (its an oem title).

I have bought stuff from this seller before. His games are always brand new and legit. He is a highly-rated ebay merchant.
That's not what he means; he's saying that someone's probably already using that key, which makes it basically useless if he plays online too.
its the same as getting half life from any second hand place
Originally posted by InFeRnO
That's not what he means; he's saying that someone's probably already using that key, which makes it basically useless if he plays online too.

How would you know? Have you been screwed on Ebay before?

Like I said, it is an original cd-key. The game is not used. I get many games from Ebay and never had a problem playing on-line games. The sellers I buy from are certified merchants of brand new merchandise.

Of course, if you're stupid enough to buy a used item from an UNRATED seller, you'd be screwed as you obviously were.
Originally posted by simmo2k3
My first go playing op4 was truely a great experience, and the scripted sequences where great!!!, but now it sucks, HL2 rules...lol
i woudln't say it sux. i find my self in a position where i sometimes want to re-play the old games.
Yep, the scripted scenes in OpFor are great, especially when you see Freeman jump in the portal (and attempting again and again to some how get through before him :o ) The aliens aren't quite as good as the Half Life ones though, but fighting the Black Ops is a laugh, especially with fellow AI Marines.