options and commands problem


Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
when i go in to the options or the server creation or joining a server or the commands i cant see nothing or i see only circule and squers and i dont know what is what there is no letters no numbers just arrows and squers and circules
plsss help
Seems like your fonts are all broken. Try validating the game files first.

Right click the game in your games list > properties > files tab > verify integrity of game cache. Let Steam fix your game. Does that fix it?
i tryed with my deathmatch and it didnt worked i got the same problem in my lost coast portal hl2 (hl2 not ligel) gmod 10 (gmod 10 not ligel) its in the bar menu in gmod too
iligel mean you downloaded the game and didnt bought him
OK well Valve hosts this site, so we will not help you with illegal games. Also illegal games have problems like this can't be fixed.

Is this problem happening with the games you bought or the illegally downloaded ones?

You are crazy if you think you can host a server on Steam with an illegal version...
it happens with all of the games the iligel and ligel games
it happens with all of the games the iligel and ligel games

I think you sort of screwed up your chances of actually getting help when you said they were "iligel". The people on this site are fans of Valve and many won't take kindly to someone ripping their stuff off illegally. That's your word of the day, since you also can't spell. Legal, Illegal.
EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, you also posted in the wrong forum.
i got only 2 ilegal game hl2 and gmod 10 all the other are legal
i got only 2 ilegal game hl2 and gmod 10 all the other are legal

"I only killed one guy, everyone else is doing fine!"
Before you go saying I'm comparing piracy to murder, I'm not. I'm comparing the flawed logic behind it. there is no magical threshold you have to hit before something's illegal, you do it once and there's consequences.
I'm pretty sick of seeing all this rampant piracy, myself. It's making the industry lose credibility, and it's killing PC gaming. Stop it.
first i downloaded then i redeamed my self by buying portal deathmatch and lost coast plsss help me plsss
font problem

i dont have any font in my half life 2 ,half life 2 :deathmatch ,gmod 10 ,portal ,lost coast i dont have font in the options or the tool bar (gmod 10) joining servers or creating server
plsss someone can help me plsssssssssssss
and all my games are legal its not an ilegal problem
1. don't make the same thread twice
2. there is no way in hell you downloaded HL2 that fast
3. do what I said
4. I hope you realize that there are problems with illegally obtained games that we can't help you with, it's not just because we hate pirates, it's because the bugs involved can't be looked into without downloading the same illegal version you did. Nobody's doing that, and I'd bet you don't even remember where you got it. Point is, if you're lying about buying it legally, then stop.
5. You posted in the wrong forum again.