Orb or Arrow?

Which is better?

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So hard to vote.

The .357 is always my primary weapon when it has ammo, the pulse rifle is always favoured in any intense firefight and the crossbow has that sadistic quality of pinning people to walls....

.. ahhhh ... .357.
You're all wrong of course. The most deadly weapon in the Half-Life 2 arsenal is: F6.
Ryuken,those 3-legged walking things are called Striders :hmph: lol and you all have to know that the revolver reloads VERY slow,so how can THAT be your favourite weapon,eh,eh,eh?EH?!EEHH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :afro:

oh,and,btw,the F6 truly is a deadly weapon...against yourself...

The revolver's nearly always efficient (though I don't seem to be able to kill fast zombies with it). Accurate and a one-shot kill.. What more can you want in a gun (well, a realistic gun)?

The crossbow... Well, it's always fun to pin enemies towals or even ceilings, but that's pretty much it. Sure, it's a one-shot kill and you can shoot while zooming in, but it's not that accurate.

Ahh, the Orb... When playing around, this is my weapon of choice. The Orb somehow always hits everyone in the room. F'course, seeing enemies ffloat in air and then complately disintegrate isn't as satisfying as watching them fall on the floor and then shoot their dead body, but I like it.

And the best weapon of all: The Crowbar.
Crowbars = FTL XD

Anyway,if you know how to use the crossbow you'd zoom and aim at the right angle ;)
I love to orbs for indoor-fighting... They keep on bouncing. Makes for some very hectic gameplay ;)
I love to orbs for indoor-fighting... They keep on bouncing. Makes for some very hectic gameplay ;)

I hate it in HL2DM. I always die, and can NEVER catch them. Damn my slow reflexes.
Sorry, ziahclonex, RPG is just shorter to type.... You are always correct.
Zombine: 2 revolver shots anywhere, 2 crossbow shots anywhere, and 1 orb.
Poison Zombie: 3 crossbows to head, and 1 orb to head (to kill zombie and all headcrabs).

Cut me some slack, it's a start. By the time I'm done I'll have used all enemies and all weapons.
Yes,yes,yes...that is correct...I am always correct...lol

Danimal: yeah,and the crowbar works wonderfully against striders...or do they really work against antlion guards?

Keep it up,Corporal - I sure hope the crossbow turns out to be the best ;)

Orb is too slow.
Magnum shoots an invisible laser.
You are all wrong...
best weapon is:lasercrowbar
btw wut is a f6?
besides the button that goes to the address on this forum
FYI F6 is save.Also crowbars are most effective against gunships... either that or Alyx is a lying bi-otch!
The way this crowbar nonsense is going,soon someone will be saying,"Once you pick up a crowbar,you beat the game!" :hmph:

Anyway - I think we can see very clearly that the crossbow is the most popular atm :cheese:
As a matter of fact,yeah I did...and you're correct.They DO work like wonder against Antlion Guards after you,what,whack at it a hundred times? :angel:
lasercrowbar is best
you charge it up with secondary fire then release big bad boom lazer.
or you can whack and electricute your enemies.

oh yeah and before I forget "catch me later and I'll buy you a beer"
Once you pick up a lasercrowbar, you beat the game.
Game-beating antlion guard-killing "laser"crowbars DO NOT EXIST!!!

This thread is for orbs,revolvers and crossbows only!Not lasercrowbars and what not! :eek:

Man,what do they teach at school these days...
:hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph:
They do exist!
I made one. It blew up the whole planet though.
No it just crashed my game. It didn't work too well anyway. It was all flashy and glowy but no do laser shooting.
What do they teach at school today?
I will tell you
They teach you..... NOTHING!
:hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph: :hmph:
They do exist!
I made one. It blew up the whole planet though.
No it just crashed my game. It didn't work too well anyway. It was all flashy and glowy but no do laser shooting.
What do they teach at school today?
I will tell you
They teach you..... EVERYTHING!
:laugh: How's that,assassin? XDDD And,btw,we're talking about game-beating antlion guard-killing lasercrowbars,silly,not game-crashing lasercrowbars,so,technically,your statement was irrelevant to all of ours!HAH! :burp:
Ok guys heres... *reads post 61 and decides to post test results in a new thread* ummm.... bye.
Ok guys heres... *reads post 61 and decides to post test results in a new thread* ummm.... bye.

Dude,I was actually contradicting the previous posts about lasercrowbars.I feel the need to put the "laser" in italics everytime :rolleyes: So if you have your results on the test with the weapons,you can post em here ;)
Orbs are only good when you're close to enemies, or surrounded. Someone who's experienced will never let that happen to them, EVER.

Revolvers rely on your crosshair to be over the target, and while the hit is instant, it's a reflexive weapon.

Ah, but the crossbow...this is an elegant, sophisticated thing. It requires skill, precision, and a presence of mind almost like precognition--when you shoot, you have to accurately predict your enemy's movements in advance. The further you are away, the longer the time delay of the shot. Where your arrow (rebar, really) connects and where your enemy's head is have to exist at the same point and moment in time. And everytime I nail someone to a wall in Killbox_Final from the entire map away, to think of it like that...ah, beauty, I find you in a kill. I'm often fond of repeating, "There is no false veil of time and space between us," a la the Vortigaunts, to describe the effect. My bolt and your head are always in the same place, at the same time. Always, without fail.

I never miss.

But if we're going to throw other weapons into the mix, there are only two others that can rival the crossbow in their deadly efficiency: blackhole grenade and hivehand. One is the ultimate crowd killer, thank God you can't use the bloody thing in MP. The other is the perfect weapon, period. I'll gladly debate anyone on this over a game of HLDM. ;)
^Wow probably the most poetic description of crossbow ever^ Sniff... *wipes tear*

Anyway ziahclonex I already posted a new thread for the "Weapon supremacy test results". It didn't fit here anyway.

Oh, FYI crossbow > orb > revolver
That's ok then,Corporal ;)

Ahaha!The orb and revolver both have 16 votes each and the crossbow is so far,everyone's favourite!Bwahaha! :afro:
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