Original Cs in Source.

Ok, im a typical CS player but i dont think im a sod :(

Anyhoo, i was just wondering if their are quite a few of you that hate CS can you tell me why you hate it without saying CHEATS!!! Just a theory here, but if CS did come out in the Source engine i would predict that there will be less cheats..... one would hope.

Would that encourage you to play it a bit more?

Also, having never played DMC and HL multiplayer i cant tell you if there are alot of cheats im them, but from what you are sugesting.... there isnt.... is that realy the case??

BTW, i do own HL, i found it to be the most enjoyable game i have to date. However, when it came out i didnt have anything more than 36K and deathmatch was never my style. I was waiting for a team game like TF which i played quite a bit untill CS came out with its authentic weapons and such like. Its a fun game :)
If cs2 is fun i will play it......

but its more the people that play than the cheats, that prevent me from liking CS.
The problem a lot of people have with cs is the immature players which can be avoided by finding a decent server to play on and a decent group of people to play with.

As for the cheats there are far far less than people think. At every level of CS people are always calling cheat and I hate it almost as much as I hate the cheats themselves. If someone kills you don't cry cheat just because somone got lucky or, god forbid, they might actually be better than you. And don't go and install any cheats yourself because that's just a cowards way out when you should really be learning to play the game better.

I have found over the years I've been playing cs that at whatever level there is always somone better than you, accept it and don't cry cheat because 99% chance they are not cheating, they're just good.

If you dislike cs then fine don't play it but I'd give it a chance on a decent server with friendly players before you dismiss it altogether.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
The problem a lot of people have with cs is the immature players which can be avoided by finding a decent server to play on and a decent group of people to play with.

As for the cheats there are far far less than people think. At every level of CS people are always calling cheat and I hate it almost as much as I hate the cheats themselves. If someone kills you don't cry cheat just because somone got lucky or, god forbid, they might actually be better than you. And don't go and install any cheats yourself because that's just a cowards way out when you should really be learning to play the game better.

I have found over the years I've been playing cs that at whatever level there is always somone better than you, accept it and don't cry cheat because 99% chance they are not cheating, they're just good.

If you dislike cs then fine don't play it but I'd give it a chance on a decent server with friendly players before you dismiss it altogether.

I dismissed it 2 years ago. so no thx.

Im sorry, you can call me all the names you want, but there are alot more cheaters in CS than you give credit for.

edit: atleast when i was playing.
I'm a CS player, been with it since 7.1.. and people complaining about cheats are just playing on all the wrong servers.. If you just look around a bit, you'll find servers that are 99% cheat free. maybe once every 2 months a cheater finds his way in there.. and if one does, who cares???
Just beat the crap out of him/her. I have been accused of cheating more than once, by people who just plain sux0rz at the game.. getting a score of 30-5 is NOT cheating! duh! getting a score of 110-1 might be a little suspicious.. and when that happens, it's so rare that instead of me complaining, I see it as a fun challenge to try and beat the crap out of that one cheater to prove to him cheatz don't make you God. :) Skillz do.

I've played DoD and CS since early times.. and I like both MODs.. but they are different styles of gameplay. Can't really compare them, except they're both teamplay MODs. I just like CS more.
So, naturally I'm looking forward to CS2. I will play HL2 singleplayer 'cause it WILL rock! but I'm more of a multiplayer guy to be honest.
"Im sorry, you can call me all the names you want, but there are alot more cheaters in CS than you give credit for."

I hadn't planned on calling anyone any names. I was just suggesting people (maybe yourself included crabcakes) might want to try the game in it's current state and not base their judgements purely on the actions and attitudes of some of the players of that game.

I've got a pretty good eye for cheaters and as kellar said I find it much more amusing to kill them them get angry with them. I get accused of cheating on an almost daily basis if i play on a server where i'm not a regular player. I'm not bragging, I'm just trying to point out that what a lot of people perceive as cheating in the game is merely people who happen to play the game a bit too much than is healthy for their complexions (sp?) and as a result tend to be a bit good.

I'm sure the same will happen with hl2 multiplayer but hopefully with steam being around, a lot of support from valve and a new engine hopefully the cheats will not appear and the claims of cheat will also disappear, here's hoping.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
see when you go saying people that dont like it must suck it tells me your a typical CS player......

edit: make that stereotypical

man i'm not saying people that don't like it "MUST" suck. man today's people are so ****ed up, they just keep misinterpreting what u say and make u to explain it again.

I was just saying that it's a bad reason if u don't like it cuz u suck. read the ****ing shit that i typed there, ****, **** ****, **** **** **** **** **** :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Wow that's a lot of stars right there!

Gamevoodoo let Crab be, he is entitled to his opinion.