Origins of your online name

Alzxul said:
Murray is defintely the coolest talking skull.
I believe most characters in the Lucas Arts games are awesome. :thumbs:

CrazyHarij said:
Back in september I was playing No One Lives Forever 2 like a maniac, and I really, really, really, really loved the character Crazy Harij, I think he deserves his own game. Thus, I chose it in lack of a more original name.
*Hands CrazyHarij 40 rupies*
ComradeBadger said:
I use 'mrBadger' 'ComradeBadger' 'CuteBadger' etc :)

But mostly ComradeBadger

It's cos of my uncle and his badgers :) a great man he was. I hope my name is a fitting tribute to him
Not only that, but moreover:
1. Badgers are hilarious, cool and could kick sh*t through you if they wanted to.
2. Comrade as opposed to Mr because... Well, y'know, eh Comrade? :naughty:

CrazyHarij said:
Back in september I was playing No One Lives Forever 2 like a maniac, and I really, really, really, really loved the character Crazy Harij, I think he deserves his own game. Thus, I chose it in lack of a more original name.
Was he the decrepit Indian guy? He was funny, but what would his game consist of? Pissing yourself and shoutin' at yung'uns?
mine is a long story so i won't bother telling it.

oh alright you twisted my arm.

was in IT class one day, and we were doing group work. i was assigned team leader for my group, and the teacher asked us to think up a name for our group. i was big into greek mythology at the time, so i thought about 'Icarus' and 'Daedalus'. for those that don't know the story, Icarus wanted to fly but his father (Daedalus) said if he flew too high his wings would melt and he'd fall into the sea. suffice to say, Icarus didn't listen to his father and perished.

so anyway, i put forward 'Daedalus', because it sounded cooler.. the teacher told me it was too long, and that the name could only be 7 characters long so it could fit on his board. so i killed the 'a' and ended up with 'Dedalus'. almost ten years later and i'm still using it.
i killed a kid named timmy with my bare hands for looking at me funny. my overwhelming guilt causes me to use this name out of respect for him.

of course, ive been using this name for over a year now, and i killed that kid only yesterday.. so maybe not.. hmm...
It's kinda funny when you get alarmed when you see your own nick or name, sorta like when you hear your name IRL. The problem is I do that whenever someone says "crazy" :D
MarTIN - Tin + neth = Tinneth

No idea where the neth part of it came from.
Well, Audioslave...Rage Against The Machine....


Also, I used to be a psuedo Moderator at (I don't even know if that site exists anymore) so I just lazily use it on all message boards.

Other names I use: Rage, Chino Moreno, Death Blooms.
All pretty self Explainitory.
Watched a documentary called "Dreamland". Google about it and you'll see :)

Im too lazy to use me real nick on lans. It looks something like this:

Day 1: Majestic XII
Day 2: Majestic
Day 3: Maj/Maj-san
Day 4: RAWWRRR!!/Baka-san/anything else i can think about (not rated PG13).
I assumed it was summat to do with MJ12 from DX... Shows what I know. Fool that I am.
AmishSlayer from my friends at school. I was gone to Wisconsin and I was supposed to be back on X day...but we stayed longer because we wanted to stay for something..I forget. So I came back a few days later, and while we were there I was playing with some little cousins of mine and scratched the hell outta my legs and arms.

I came back to school and my friends (knowing that we stopped in Amish country so my parents could get some furniture) had made up this elaborate story how I found my way out of Amish country because I insulted them when using electronics. Each day they'd ask me what the Amish body count was up to and such. I also use it because nobody ever takes it...except AIM...some bastard took it.

EvilMonkey simply because of the monkey on Family Guy most of us have come to know and love.
Bah. Everyone else seems to have reams of backstory... I only chose this name because no one else in their right mind would steal it.

Always vaguely surprised at how many people have alternative names... I've been Ed for so damn long I can't picture myself with any other alias :imu:
Edcrab said:
Always vaguely surprised at how many people have alternative names... I've been Ed for so damn long I can't picture myself with any other alias :imu:
Same - I've been the same for years. Why bother changing it? You have to remember different things <shudders> Too much like hard work.
First time I ever joined IRC, I used my real name just for the heck of it, Max. Then someone somehow got it turned into MaxiKana. No idea how, was a loong time ago.

The name has stuck to me ever since. And i've never felt the need to change it.
MaxiKana said:
Look, my hose is wearing a black wedding dress with pink roses and orange melons and it's made in japan by deaf widows of fallen war criminals in iraq during the the war in 1773 when egypt did something random!

What the hell is that all about?
Edcrab said:
Bah. Everyone else seems to have reams of backstory... I only chose this name because no one else in their right mind would steal it.

Always vaguely surprised at how many people have alternative names... I've been Ed for so damn long I can't picture myself with any other alias :imu:
Always used mrBadger.. then.. circumstances forced me to change to ComradeBadger.. which was good ol' Chi's nickname for me at the time :p

:) My friends call me, badge, badgie or cb :)

(Worst thing was when my girly mates found it out.. I still get the odd 'eh ComradeBadger' when I've taken the piss, and they want revenge ;( )
AmishSlayer said:
What the hell is that all about?
lol, i think he meant to have that hidden by using color=dimgray tag or something..
Oh noes! I are teh found out!


/me hides.
I puted Adrien C , because If I put my real name (Mike Shinoda) people would ask to much questions and I counden't be left in peace.
ComradeBadger said:
Worst thing was when my girly mates found it out.. I still get the odd 'eh ComradeBadger' when I've taken the piss, and they want revenge ;(
<Points and laughs>

Oh and by the way - I love that you took the Comrade part on board :) I'm very good at giving people nicknames. Usually.
I re-named a guy in my halls at uni Comrade Harris coincidentally.
Adrien C said:
I puted Adrien C , because If I put my real name (Mike Shinoda) people would ask to much questions and I counden't be left in peace.
From the Lost Prophets :eek:

In my Tribes days I was known as BlueRhino, but later I discovered that BlueRhino was infact a US Propane supplier :p (I always wondered why people would call me Mr. Propane :))

Tribes 2 came along, and I alternated between BlueRhino and Cerberus.

I started using Six Three while playing Raven Shield and AA, and eventualy It got shortened to Six3. In CS I had a productive few months as "Six3Combustion".

I wish I were still BlueRhino, such good times...
Javert is in "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo. Read it, it's a good book. Then perhaps you'll know the true power behind the man whose name I go by.
My name is Murray, my last name is Hamilton, and I just can't get enough of those underscores!!!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EDIT: MRBADGER your Ave is really COOL. thx
Heh, well I am just happy to say that my name is the only name with a smily face in it! :D
sai means sword in japanese. but i've also been known to use names such as...sci, sci9s, and sai9s....yes i am that original
When I was 11 or 12 or so, I was playing my favourite game at the time, the original Rainbow Six. I remember I wanted to try it online (We had just gotten a new smancy pancy Shotgun 28k modem) so I had to create an account to log into "The Zone" to play. I kept trying random stupid names, but they were always taken. So, I was sitting there, trying to think of a name, and there was a picture in the background of a folder with "Top Secret" stamped on it. :thumbs:
My game name is an old one,i got that when i did my time in the Swedish army back in 1981,i was a HWG in the military too
I was a machine gunner armed with Ksp58 even called M58 and i think the todays version is called M60.
We were 3 machine gunners in my Infantry group and in the other group that we practised against they only had one.
So when we had battles against the other group use to borrow me to even it up,so after some weeks they started to call me Hired-Gun.
And when i started to play HWG in TFC back in late 2000 i rememberd that old machine gunner name,so it was a natural choice for me to pick that name.

Moto-x means motocross, a sport where people race motorcycles on dirt tracks with obstacles such as turns, bumps, jumps, and another type of bumps called whoop-dee-doos (because that's what many people would say when they screwed up in them and crashed when the sport was still young.) People have been racing motocross since the 1960s. The five main motocross motorcycle brands are:

Yamaha (This is what I have)

Suzuki (This will be my next bike)




the "x" in Moto-x makes the word "cross." So, it's moto-x (motocross)

Patrick is my first name (Im Irish and proud of it ;) ) So I combined what I do for fun (Moto-x) with my first name and thus..."Moto-x_Pat"

back in my quake 2 days i used KiNGPiN, i was 13 and no one else had it(at the time), i joined a clan where people had to shorten thier names, so i was KP[MIT]. it was fun for a while then i went to DoD and used KiNG and then i discovered the bliss of cs and turned it to kP like my old Action quake 2 days. im in a cs clan now and use #in.flux | kp .im surprised how many people people think im korean(korean pride thing) but im not and when people ask me sometimes ill say my name means knowledge of power :D .
Top Secret said:
When I was 11 or 12 or so, I was playing my favourite game at the time, the original Rainbow Six. I remember I wanted to try it online (We had just gotten a new smancy pancy Shotgun 28k modem) so I had to create an account to log into "The Zone" to play. I kept trying random stupid names, but they were always taken. So, I was sitting there, trying to think of a name, and there was a picture in the background of a folder with "Top Secret" stamped on it. :thumbs:

Touching story.. like most people's names here :)
CptStern said:
snakebite the drink? lemonade and jack daniels?
I didn't know that it's a drink, but no that's not what it's from. points for you. :p
:naughty: Snakebyte, it's from Tron, the villain was a snaky bastard that loved to BYTE!
Mine is a long story...

My first MP game was Half-Life, and on TFC I had to think of a name, and I had just watched Star Wars, so Blaster_Boy came into birth.

Yada yada, then a year or two goes by and one day I was putting my hacking programs into a folder...but i din't want people to know what was in it so I spelled it backwards...thus Gnikcah was born, around that same time I was playing Arcanum so I pronouced it Ging-ka.

Eventually I figured it was too childish so I started using my first and last name together thus JamesDeSimas was born...

I registered on these forums and was a watcher...and on that fateful day when the code was stolen I was in my first year of college and my little brother...a junior in high-school at the time was using our computer downstairs(this is before I Moved mine to my room and pw protected it) and went to this site...which I had as "Remember Me" he came up with possibly the stupidist post ever and posted while I wasn't home. I swear the little nerd did it just to make me look foolish. I WAS a hacker and I would never say something like that about a hacker "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in time of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality" geeze, I mean I think it's bad and everything but Great moral crisis....pfft!(See the thread here )

It made me hang my head in shame and decide to get a new name. So I tried for Deadalus from the book Ender's Game/ Ancient Greek myth. So Deadalus was born.

But I ended up forgeting the damn password... So I decided to go for Icarus, Deadalus' son that flew to close to the sun from the myth...also influenced by just playing Deus Ex for like the 20th viola... Icarus

The rest is future history
ailevation said:
I've always pronounced LMAO:le-ma-ow, like an asian name MAO with le

Really? I pronounce lmao this way:


Anyway, I ripped Evil^Milk off a guy who used to play TFC about 3 years ago. I couldn't help but laugh at the name, I tend to like totally pointless names.
:dozey: Wow Dedalus got his name from the same myth, cool.

Yeah I like pointless names too, make me laugh. One dude had the name "Purr Purr Purr Kitty" :naughty: FUNNY!