Origins of your online name

My true name is NoMaD. I got that back when I started playing online. Basically I was playing Diablo with some guys and they were commenting on my style of play. One of them said something like "He likes to take off and wander aroud too much. He acts kind of odd too." Well as it happens I was looking to join a decent clan then as well, so I kind of put these things together and got Nomad (it was going to be vagabond but I liked Nomad better). Its not really meant to be Nomad in the true sense of the word. Besides I like the sound of it :naughty: . And as for my name on these forums I got that from playing TFC. One of my friends from TFC was like "Man your always tweaking. You do that way too much" (he was commenting on the way I'm always doing something messed up or at least tryng to.) As it happens he was also a server admin so he ran execclient on me and change my name to 7w34k3r and it kind of stuck. I use NoMaD most of the time but I also go by 7h3-7w34k3r. Some people just like to abbreviate my names though so I also go by Noms and 7h3.
SilentKilla - Been using it since Rogue Spear in 1998?

TrainWreck - From the skateboarder who got hit by a train and still owns the skateboarding world.. that is awesome. hehe
Due to the amount of HDD formats I had to do, I figure I have a lot of bad luck thus the name Kyo.

Kyo translates to bad luck
CptStern said:
So where does your name come from?

I've used a number of names over the years and they all have something to do with pop culture. "CptStern" comes from the animated movie "Heavy Metal" from the 80's. Stern was a character in one of the segments where he was on trial for a long list of charges.

I'm also "Mumbly-Joe" on a handful of other forums....from the simpsons...when aliens come down to earth and ask Homer to take them to earth's leader he says "hmmmm I think his name is Mumbly-joe?"

what are the origins of your name?

Er... I was trying to think of a name when I was registering here, and I decided that I will take the name from whatever song is playing on Shoutcast (Nectarine Radio). The song was from the game Cybernoid. So there you have it.
Well, I was inspired by Darth Vader. But that was already in use by the man in Black, so I changed it around a bit. It seems that Death can't find me (and I evade it alot), so I changed it to DEATH eVADER (Indication that I kept the name VADER as well)
Hey guys in the past years of playing CS I noticed something really odd, some ingame monickers are particular to specific countries... I know it sounds stupid but for instance most spanish players have animal names like "Wolf" or "Snake" in it for reason. French players like Manga names, and so on.

However the funniest nick I've ever seen was a brit on the Tom Clancy BF:V server: "Sniveling Coward" and he was a sniper hehe.
craig = my name
web = what we're surfing right now.
me = un-original in 1996 when I came up with the name.

Well, my original name was Superafa (rafael being my real name.... and rafa it's abbreviation)

Then, in order to look more humble, I shorted it down to Sprafa. Sounds cooler too :cheers:
Razor - too common
Raz - sounded naff
Rax - x is right next to z
Raxxman - some dork nicked the name rax and was downloading pr0n on the irc server I frequented all the time...
torso boy-from the song albuquerque....and i was playing SoF2 mp at the most people ended up torsos
My last name is Mullins and in earlier years of school my friends and I would always add "ator" to the end of peoples names we either liked or who were infamous to us (teachers both the ones we liked and disliked). So I did that with myself and became The Mullinator.

EDIT: Oh ya and i'm back from my cottage. :D
The Mullinator said:
My last name is Mullins and in earlier years of school my friends and I would always add "ator" to the end of peoples names we either liked or who were infamous to us (teachers both the ones we liked and disliked). So I did that with myself and became The Mullinator.

EDIT: Oh ya and i'm back from my cottage. :D

oh I thought it was because you had a mullet and loved Ah-nold ;)

clarky,, is my nickname anyway

003.. the year i joined the forums,

how origional of me :hmph:
CptStern said:
oh I thought it was because you had a mullet and loved Ah-nold ;)

Further north, about 45 minutes south of Sudbury. We don't have THAT much money. :(

Oh but I do like mullets, and Ah-nold is a cool guy, but those things have nothing to do with my name.
I don't have a neat story for my name....except that it is mine and none of you bastards can take it from me :)
I already have it on xbox live.
Me: Hrmrm...yes...So, I'm Varg|Hund.
Everybody: Hi Varg|Hund!
Me: Hrrm...yes..Hello there. Well...
Ringleader: It's ok Varg|Hund, you can tell us. We'll understand you. Where does your name come from?
Me: Well, it's the words Varg and Hund, which mean Wolf and Dog. There's no real story beind it, except that it's gone through quite a few phases:
[CoHn]FuSeD - Varg - Varg|Hund - Vargbror - Magiska Varg
So yeah, Magiska Varg is the one I tend to use now, though I sometimes alternate with Vargbror and Varg|Hund.
It's an abbreviation of South FLorida UF fan - I went to the University of Florida (Go Gators - please fire Ron Zook) and I used to live in South Florida.
Ahhh. Good topic.

The first thing I signed up for was GoPlay. It was like a mini Yahoo. The reason I signed up was for the website service.

I had to think of a name, so I tried to be cool and made it "Flame" Before I hit submit, I wanted a little flare and thought of 3 random numbers. 897.

As time went on, I got into DBZ, and fell in love with the Vegeta character. So I used Vegeta, and the 897 that originated from Flame897.

Pretty simple.

But the only thing I don't like is that I don't care for DBZ anymore, but I am so used to Vegeta... Everyone thinks I am a little dbz fanboy. :/

Well that's my truly fascinating story that has surely won your heart.