OS cancelled

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That was.....underwhelming.
Just reading Pi's post made me not download it.
What the hell did I just watch?
I think it was concept art for something.. either way the whole thing was very depressing.
The great Llama Jesus cometh, and he thanketh the great lord Pi for bestowing his wisdom...and he condemed the file he downloadeth to the recycle bin
it's what we did, i showed what we did when we where trying to make the game, jack ass. watch it FFS
calm down hot people have the right to voice there opinions. omg just watched it that has to be the worst concept art ever!!!!
lol good old ailevation and his to-the-point posts :cheers:
armanguy said:
calm down hot people have the right to voice there opinions. omg just watched it that has to be the worst concept art ever!!!!

i can tell you where you can stick that concept art, up your ****ing hole dickhead
But seriously dude...calm.
If you are that worried, why not volunteer to work with the Opposing: Source guys? Itll be good fun if you're so into MOD development
un huh, and where would a story wrighter fit in at Opposing: Source! think before you type
...working on intergrating the story into the game? :p
I do think. Youd be amazed how much i think for a someone my age (13)
Well I liked it, it reminded me of the end of civilization video from Gremlins 2

Because of the end of civilization, the Clamp Cable Network now leaves the air. We hope you've enjoyed our programming, but more importantly, we hope you've enjoyed... life.
hot564231 said:
un huh, and where would a story wrighter fit in at Opposing: Source! think before you type

And what a great "wrighter" you are...
Well I doubt any mod wants a story "wrighter"...

Edit: Didn't realise this thread went to a second page. :eek:
lol... be honest with yourself man.. the concept art isnt that great... Its a shame for any mod to die, but dont get angry because people bash your concept art. Especially since its not of very high quality. Some of that map work was half decent.
thats strange...because a lot of the map work i saw had pieces of citadel wall in it :p
can't say i'm too suprised, but nonetheless i'm sure the final product would have been good, well it just goes to show you that you shouldn't just run out and make a mod... i'm sure you put thought into it though, so good luck with your future plans
doe's not matter now someone is taking over the project
Llama said:
thats strange...because a lot of the map work i saw had pieces of citadel wall in it :p

Haha, I second that.
The shock trooper looked pretty good.
The rest... not so much. But not as laughably bad as everyone's making it out to be.
The plot was the real hilarious thing. :p

Honesty=best policy.
I didn't watch the vid, but this thread is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- neee
Who is taking over the development? Is that confirmed?
SixThree said:
I bet it's Hollywood :p


Anyways, I hope it serves to prove a point. If you want a mod made, you're going to have to do more than write a plot and draw some pictures.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:

Anyways, I hope it serves to prove a point. If you want a mod made, you're going to have to do more than write a plot and draw some pictures.

-Angry Lawyer

so true you got to have dedication and be serious if you arent well., look at OS it will be cancelled and look like that :thumbs:
Grow Up

  1. Honesty may be the best policy, but you need to know when to share your opinions and when to keep them under wraps. By not saying anything, you're not being dishonest, you're just being respectful someone's feelings.
  2. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all. Deconstructing somebody else's achievement, no matter how meagre it might seem to you, can only give evidence of a hateful character or someone who needs to belittle others to boost his own self-esteem. Neither of those two types of character gain more respect in my eyes than someone who has put some effort into something because of a desire to succeed.
  3. No the concept art is not great, no the story isn't amazing. But life is a serious of learning processes. If by having made this Mod you have learnt new skills or built upon those already existing, you have something to take away with you.
  4. The only thing that the majority of the people who have replied in this thread have to take away with them is shame and an immature attitude. Don't let them get you down, if you build upon your imperfections, you will become ever closer that which you consider perfect.
If you post it, expect people to comment on it. Why would you post it otherwise?
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