OS cancelled

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Yes, you're perfectly right. Everyone has a freedom to speech, especially if he's more or less asking for commentary.

But before you make a derisory comment which holds no constructive criticism, you have to ask yourself: what is the value of your comment? and it's purpose?

People are free to post comments about things, but I fail to understand why it needs to be so aggressive, so damning, so hateful. There's really no need for it, and there are plenty of ways to say: "Nice try, better luck next time" without leaving the original poster feeling like he should never have bothered in the first place. I mean, really, who does that help?

Immature, hateful people is all I can say. Go do something constructive with your time.
I do plenty of constructive things with my time, and if I post some dross, I'd expect to be called on it. I'm not here to hold people's hands.
That wasn't a personal attack, but meh.

If you can only bring yourself to write things like "OGM TIS SUXORS HARRD" then there's not much point in writing it, because it doesn't tell someone why it sucks or offer any advice on how to improve it.

Like I said, it's perfectly fine for people to exercise their right to free speech, but sometimes I wish they'd exercise some of that grey matter in the process.
True...but if they are told it sucks, perhaps they should think twice about continuing or re-starting?
And if you really do want civilsized discussion, are you sure a fansite full of people under 10 is the right place to find it?
Angry Lawyer said:
Anyways, I hope it serves to prove a point. If you want a mod made, you're going to have to do more than write a plot and draw some pictures.

I second this. You'd also have to have a plot written by an actual writer too...who can....write, strangely enough.
My mod is named C.H.A.O.S, currently going undergoing some story changes. I am not the person from this forum: http://www.tech-forums.net/showthread.php?threadid=68275&perpage=15&pagenumber=1

I am not taking over the mod by the way, a man that goes by the name of Operative IM will be taking over. There were quite alot of negative comments made by people in this thread, not needed. -Crispy- is right:

-Crispy-: If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all. Deconstructing somebody else's achievement, no matter how meagre it might seem to you, can only give evidence of a hateful character or someone who needs to belittle others to boost his own self-esteem. Neither of those two types of character gain more respect in my eyes than someone who has put some effort into something because of a desire to succeed.

There were some people like Blinking Halo, Afterburn3r and -Crispy who had something constructive to say and thank you for your criticism.
Hollywood said:
My mod is named C.H.A.O.S, currently going undergoing some story changes. I am not the person from this forum: http://www.tech-forums.net/showthread.php?threadid=68275&perpage=15&pagenumber=1

I am not taking over the mod by the way, a man that goes by the name of Operative IM will be taking over. There were quite alot of negative comments made by people in this thread, not needed. -Crispy- is right:

-Crispy-: If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all. Deconstructing somebody else's achievement, no matter how meagre it might seem to you, can only give evidence of a hateful character or someone who needs to belittle others to boost his own self-esteem. Neither of those two types of character gain more respect in my eyes than someone who has put some effort into something because of a desire to succeed.

There were some people like Blinking Halo, Afterburn3r and -Crispy who had something constructive to say and thank you for your criticism.

Not to be picky or anything, but that's an 'L'. :p

On another note: I agree with what -Crispy- and Hollywood said.
Actually I thought that looked very nice. Well, not all of it, but I liked the monster concepts, and the maps look like they'd be fine after a little work.

Shephard and other human concept pics on the other hand..
Hollywood said:
There were quite alot of negative comments made by people in this thread, not needed. -Crispy- is right:

There were some people like Blinking Halo, Afterburn3r and -Crispy who had something constructive to say and thank you for your criticism.

So someone releases a video of their failed mod, and expects constructive criticism? How bizarre.
And posts things like:

hot564231 said:
it's what we did, i showed what we did when we where trying to make the game, jack ass. watch it FFS

hot564231 said:
i can tell you where you can stick that concept art, up your ****ing hole dickhead

Don't expect people to be sympathetic when you've got a terrible attitude and have come along, posting this vid and "script" for a doomed mod expecting....well expecting what exactly? I honestly wonder what you were expecting to recieve. A pat on the back? A chocolate chip cookie?
Samon said:
And posts things like:

Don't expect people to be sympathetic when you've got a terrible attitude and have come along, posting this vid and "script" for a doomed mod expecting....well expecting what exactly? I honestly wonder what you were expecting to recieve. A pat on the back? A chocolate chip cookie?

what would you want to say when you kicking my baby (the mod) what! wtf do you want me to say, you hateful bastard's and you call your self a Community you should be a shame of your self's.

you know thing's don't have to be prefect you know!

thing's don't have to be the best you know!

life is hard and you should see that you jackass.

the thing i want to hear was "oh sorry to hear about your mod" not! "omg your mod suck's hxh omg" .

at least we where trying to make you something for you to play not for us you dickhead's it's my duty to defend my mod form dickhead's like you.

now go to bed you Noob's and i don't need shit form a 13 year old who has not spend 2 mouth of his life making a mod. but we tryed that it we'll tryed god damn it. and you just spit in are face for trying you wanker's.

now go home! and btw Llama do something for two mouth of your life and see if you feel the same after it.

if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all, and Angry Lawyer your one to talk. i got some word's for you "butter doe's not melt in your mouth"

and how dare you all
A script that had a load of dialogue directly lifted from Raising the Bar, too.

Anyways, kid, you've come along with the wrong attitude for mod making. Your mod failed because you wanted to simply post an idea, and have other people make it for you, after which you'd claim it as your own. That is NOT how a mod gets made. Mods get made through hard work, and pouring your all into it. You weren't prepared to learn how to code, or map, or anything. Just a half-assed attempt at a story.

Don't expect sympathy. We're not babysitters. If you're posting your work, expect criticism.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
A script that had a load of dialogue directly lifted from Raising the Bar, too.

Anyways, kid, you've come along with the wrong attitude for mod making. Your mod failed because you wanted to simply post an idea, and have other people make it for you, after which you'd claim it as your own. That is NOT how a mod gets made. Mods get made through hard work, and pouring your all into it. You weren't prepared to learn how to code, or map, or anything. Just a half-assed attempt at a story.

Don't expect sympathy. We're not babysitters. If you're posting your work, expect criticism.

-Angry Lawyer

Angry Lawyer said:
A script that had a load of dialogue directly lifted from Raising the Bar, too.

Anyways, kid, you've come along with the wrong attitude for mod making. Your mod failed because you wanted to simply post an idea, and have other people make it for you, after which you'd claim it as your own. That is NOT how a mod gets made. Mods get made through hard work, and pouring your all into it. You weren't prepared to learn how to code, or map, or anything. Just a half-assed attempt at a story.

Don't expect sympathy. We're not babysitters. If you're posting your work, expect criticism.

-Angry Lawyer

go **** you self you wanker, how dare you, how ****ing dare you. and i give you kid. i stick my toe up your ****ing hole. i want this topic locked
So much for saying this place is full of assholes - you've got your topic locked on Leak-Free too. Maybe it's not the communities that are wrong, but you.

-Angry Lawyer
And all of my mods are still. So I'm sitting pretty.

It's not really your place to complain about your mod failing and then flame other people for their comments WHEN THEY ACTUALLY HAVE WORKING MODS AND KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT.

-Angry Lawyer
This has gone on long enough.

Thread Closed.

Additionally, hot564231, you're banned until you can come back with a much better attitude. When you've decided to have a better attitude you can come back.
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