OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod


Sep 15, 2003
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Hi guys,

A little off topic, but I've been reading the 10th Anniversary issue of Edge today, and noticed that there was an article on a mod for UT2K3 based on the events on the morning of 9-11. From what I could gather, the mod drops you in a random part of the W.T.C. and the aim is to get out alive, although a way out is not always possible.

What's the forums response to such a mod? Do you find it thought provoking, or do you think is belittles the people that lost their lives in the tradgedy?

I'm not overly sure the developers of it are doing it to cash-in, but rather provoke thought and emotions. It makes me feel a little reflective.

Just wondering, please don't flame me.

Id play it... Im sure there will be a TV movie sometime down the road about the whole thing. I dont really see the difference.
You will get get flamed very soon, find your flame suit =)
You can also hope that a kind moderater moves the thread, hehe
Better put your HEV on and get ready for the flames. Inless they actually portrayed it realistically and in a respective way i dont see how it would be any different from a movies or mini movies that want to bank in on that kind of stuff.
This will get moved hopefully...

Well I'd play it, because it's more in my eyes of a monument... you get to see what they had to experience... it's only bad if the player finds it funny or something
Originally posted by NiteStalker
You will get get flamed very soon, find your flame suit =)
You can also hope that a kind moderater moves the thread, hehe
I was just asking what people thought about this. Is it wrong to bring up questions on ethics like this? I don't mean to upset people just to ask their opinions, in a full adult manner. Kiddies that right stuff like...
Yeah, this is gonna rock!
... aren't particularly worth listening to. Please answer me, what's wrong with asking people opinion on such matters?

i got a mod idea, its called shut the **** up and shoot and ban the ****er who thought of this
oh ok so it's all right for modders to make mods out of the korean war and world war 2, but not 9/11? i doubt as many people would be complaining if someone made a bali bombings mod.

seems like a pretty pointless mod, anyway. what gameplay options are there? where's the teamwork element, or even the strategy element?
There's bound to be some people that are going to complain,
but i don't think it's any worse than a WWII game to be honest.

It would still be a sucky mod though i think.
Originally posted by Mother
I was just asking what people thought about this. Is it wrong to bring up questions on ethics like this? I don't mean to upset people just to ask their opinions, in a full adult manner. Kiddies that right stuff like...

... aren't particularly worth listening to. Please answer me, what's wrong with asking people opinion on such matters?


Yea u can but alot of people will find this offensive and alot of people are tired of seeing off topic disscusions in the general topic for hl2.
I'd play it too, not because of the subject matter or anything to do with 9/11 but because it looks like it might be enteretaining to play if done right. A game where you have to get out of somewhere and trying to survive sounds good, although the subject matter is a bit in bad taste.
Originally posted by Mother
I was just asking what people thought about this. Is it wrong to bring up questions on ethics like this? I don't mean to upset people just to ask their opinions, in a full adult manner. Kiddies that right stuff like...

I know, but some people will probably complain and say "This thread should be in the Off-topic forums" or something.

The idea of starting this kind of mod is kind of stupid, especially if the create it now. They should wait some years if they want to start a mod about the subject.
This thread better get closed fast. The idea was already put out a long time back and it wasn't a pretty sight.
Originally posted by Mother
What's the forums response to such a mod? Do you find it thought provoking, or do you think is belittles the people that lost their lives in the tradgedy?
Hmm. I'm not easily offended, but I think this is pretty tasteless (especially if it's actually called '9-11 Survivor'). To try and make a 'entertaining' game about a recent terrorist attack is pretty low. I've no idea what the motivation of the developers could be, it's a really bad call IMHO.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Yea u can but alot of people will find this offensive and alot of people are tired of seeing off topic disscusions in the general topic for hl2.

Well I guess you could ignore it then.......
He clearly said OT in the subject line. Or is reading too much of a chore?
Give him a chance; all he wanted to do was ask a friggen question.
People play WWII, Nam, etc. games and those are fine, however, no one plays "escape from pearl harbor", or "I'm an innocent rice picker dump some agent orange on me".

No games really target the civilian death parts of war. I think this mod author just wanted attention, which he gets by threads like this.

I'm not totally offended by this or anything, the idea itself for a mod is just ****ing stupid.
I've got a funny feeling that this isn't the place to ask mature questions. So far most of the posts on this have asked to:

* ban people
* move the thread

Isn't this a general discussion forum? Isn't it a valid question? I know that it's the HL2.net forums, but I was of the understanding that perhaps I could ask non HL2 questions.

I'm sorry if I've got this wrong mods, I thought maybe some thoughtful discussion on a gaming matter may offer something different from the usual gold/delayed/troll* threads that have been appearing over the last few days.


* - delete as applicable
okay, see WAR has always been. AND WILL ALWAYS be. BLASTING BUILDINGS WITH AIRPLANES IS ENTIRELY NEW and not a fact of life.. war fighting yes. terrorism. is bs. you can make a game where you hunt f'ing terrorists and give those ''gasdkjg; what they deserve.. but

seriously have you thought this out?!?!

/me spawns in room.

me turns and looks at co-worker.. building shakes.. everyone in room scared.

me knows what is going to happen cuase its already happened and frantically starts to run out of the building cuase THATS THE ONLY POINT TO THIS GAME, (yeah some objective.) and then make it or don't.. and whatch a bunch of other modelled 'civilians' and firefighters die as the building crumbles.


runs downs steps again whatches people die

/me try's again

takes elevator dies



whatch people die

again.. whatch people die

again.. whatch people die

honestly.. WTF are you thinkgin you sick ****
the thing that pisses me off about this is that they have a team for that crap, but im busting my taint trying to find coders and mappers for a serious mod.
Originally posted by Mother
I've got a funny feeling that this isn't the place to ask mature questions. So far most of the posts on this have asked to:

* ban people
* move the thread

Isn't this a general discussion forum? Isn't it a valid question? I know that it's the HL2.net forums, but I was of the understanding that perhaps I could ask non HL2 questions.

I'm sorry if I've got this wrong mods, I thought maybe some thoughtful discussion on a gaming matter may offer something different from the usual gold/delayed/troll* threads that have been appearing over the last few days.


* - delete as applicable
Its a valid question yes. But its also a pandoras box, it doesn't matter which forum you ask this question in, it will still be a pandoras box.
I think it'd be a true sin to have fun with that event in any form of gaming or movie :p that is just sad if its real
You'd have to be a sick ****er to play that. 3,047 people died that day and some cheap ass geek thinks it will make a fun game. That's pathetic. Those people were struggling for their lives on Sep. 11 and many of them died in more gruesome and painful ways than any of us could ever imagine. These were innocent people, not soldiers. It really pisses me off that some of you bastards will be having fun re-creating one the most disastrous events of our time.

And don't give me that, "but we play war games" crap. War is totally different than a massacre. In a war game you take the identity of an anymonous soldier fighting to win a battle. Of course the soldiers on both sides died bravely and honorably, but they were soldiers doing their job. To make games and movies that portray what happened truthfully, is in my opinion more of a tribute than a disservice.

And I don't agree with all war games. That "Conflict: Desert Storm" crap is not only a terrible game but also an attempt to cash in quickly on the death of others. Black Hawk Down, a decent game, was totally uncomparable to what really happened and belittled their sacrifice with this macho rambo bull****. I think that games like this are in piss poor taste, and this WTC game is on a whole other level.
Thanks smwScott, someone that finally gives a fully fledged, intelligent answer. I can't agree with you more on what you say.
There is a difference between a 9/11 Mod and a World War II Mod. We chose to goto World War II, we were fighting other soldiers, not civilians. 9/11 was directly targeting people who were not soldiers, who were not ready to fight, who had no negative feelings toward the people who killed them.

I dunno if you all see a difference there, but I certainly do.
uh its not to bad really, if you think its bad, then none of you should play things like "medal of honour, or any other game that deals with ww2" or any other games basied on real life events for the matter.
It makes me wonder what WWII veterans would say about the games that we play nowadays, supposedly recreating the living hell that they went through...

... and we do it for fun.
i'd play it.

compare it to all those WWII games out there. there's nothing 'funny' about WWII, it's just the excitement that does it.
i think that would be the same with a 9/11 mod.
That would be a good game. But it would need a chain saw and gun so you can get past all the fat ba***ds blocking the doors :D

Then once you complete it you get to fly the planes / stop the hijackers.
really if you think about it, its just like a counter strike map, terriosts try to blow sh*t up, you try and stop them (depending on your team)

so I guess we all should bocot cs, every one DELETE it from your HD and lets start pickting out there, get the word out and all that jazz, it has EVIL terriorsts in it. (and those ww2 games, can't forgot them, playing NAZIS of all things! EVIL"
Originally posted by Joneleth
There is a difference between a 9/11 Mod and a World War II Mod. We chose to goto World War II, we were fighting other soldiers, not civilians. 9/11 was directly targeting people who were not soldiers, who were not ready to fight, who had no negative feelings toward the people who killed them.

I dunno if you all see a difference there, but I certainly do.

Personally, I totally agree with you. These people didn't go to work thinking "Ok, there is a good chance of a plane hitting the towers." whereas people who served in wars pretty much had the opposite (except the plane and building part, obviously.)
really if you think about it, its just like a counter strike map, terriosts try to blow sh*t up, you try and stop them (depending on your team)

yeah, they try to blow up boxes or crates, not 2000 innocent civilians. I think time has something to do with it. I mean, it's okay for a Pearl Harbor movie or game to be made because it happened 60 years ago, it's just a memory. To us it's just history, we weren't there to see it, to experience it. But 9/11 is all too real to us. That's the difference
They already made a move about 9-11. It was one of those Tv station made movies. It aired on the USA channel.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
yeah, they try to blow up boxes or crates, not 2000 innocent civilians. I think time has something to do with it. I mean, it's okay for a Pearl Harbor movie or game to be made because it happened 60 years ago, it's just a memory. To us it's just history, we weren't there to see it, to experience it. But 9/11 is all too real to us. That's the difference

thats my point there shouldnt be a difference.

and another thing we have to remeber is some people are twisted and will enjoy making this (but its not against the law) and all the complaing in the world will get you no where, so the best you can do is just avoid it.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
yeah, they try to blow up boxes or crates, not 2000 innocent civilians. I think time has something to do with it. I mean, it's okay for a Pearl Harbor movie or game to be made because it happened 60 years ago, it's just a memory. To us it's just history, we weren't there to see it, to experience it. But 9/11 is all too real to us. That's the difference

Exactly, the difference is that no one killed any of my friends.
I'm sorry to hear of you loss Zeus, and I offer my most sincere condolences to you.

I apologise for any upset that this thread has caused to individuals / the community.
what a ****ing stupid MOD idea whoever supports this mod should kill themself
my ****in dad died in that
edit: I'm terribly sorry about your father,
edit 2: Ok, I don't know how to read edits. :bounce: