OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

but its cool to say i wish we could fly the planes into buildings?
Originally posted by Nith Sahor
So it's alright to simulate soldiers dying but not ok to simulate civilians dying? In both cases you are killing PEOPLE - just because you're killing a different type of person doesn't make you more of a psycho than you already are.

If a 9/11 mod has no taste, then pretty much every other thing (movie, book, game, mod) that has something to to do with real life (movies like Saviour, Tom Clancy books, games like C&C Generals) are in just as bad taste. And if you have no problem with those, then you certainly shouldn't be having problems with a 9/11 mod.
The reason a 9/11 mod is tasteless is that it would be disrespectful to the thousands of people affected, who all have the events fresh in their memories. Whether or not it's any different to a war game, or any other game involving violence or killing, isn't the point. Out of respect for the many people out there right now who would be insulted and offended by a 9/11 game, it shouldn't be made. If it were a tribute of some kind, no problem at all, but not basing the entire game on the event.

I'm not American, and I don't believe in patriotism, so don't think that's why I'm opposed to it. I'm simply saying that there are a lot of people who wouldn't take too kindly to a computer game that simulates the very real, very recent deaths of their friends and family.

We could argue about the moral issues behind this for months, but the fact would remain that some people are offended by it, others aren't. If you want to disrespect the people who would be offended, then go ahead and make the mod. You'll find plenty of people opposed to it. It should be good publicity for you.
Originally posted by KidRock
but its cool to say i wish we could fly the planes into buildings?
If a mod team said they were going to make a "crash into the twin towers" mod for a flight sim, I'd say they'd be closed down extremely quickly. Ironically, you can do exactly that in most versions of MS Flight Simulator.
There are loads of games where you can kill innocent people;

Hitman 2
Solider of fortune
The command and conquers
Postal 1 and 2

Most of these games are popular, and i'm sure people kill lots of civilians in these games all the time. In this mod you have to survive it's not as if you are even killing anyone.

Someone mentioned about the US nuking japan, yes, they killed many thousands of innocent civilians. I'm sure the majority of america didn't give a shit, and those who did forgot about it within a year.

This mod might not be that popular in america but i'm sure it will be in other countries, it all depends on your perspective.