OT: UT2K3 9-11 Survivor Mod

Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
oh ok so it's all right for modders to make mods out of the korean war and world war 2, but not 9/11? i doubt as many people would be complaining if someone made a bali bombings mod.

seems like a pretty pointless mod, anyway. what gameplay options are there? where's the teamwork element, or even the strategy element?

this is pretty much what I would have posted, wow so freaking controversial.. I think what america did post 9/11 easily was worse then the events themselves
we were fighting for a caues in WWII whats the point of a 9/11 mod? to show people screaming to get to stairs and elevators? while the building collapses on them??? might sound fun to some fag with no friends. how about we make a mod about lining up jews and seeing what gun kills them the best? or heres a great one we can make a mod where you get a whip and chase down blacks. that sounds exciting! if you can make a 9/11 mod why not one of those?
If this MOD is made in a respectable fashion without any comedy about the subject, because 9/11 ISNT something funny, it was a tragedy indeed. But I dont understand why everyone is so goddamn touchy about the subject, it is in the past, no matter what we do we cant change it.

So a MOD is being made about it.. so what? If you dont want to play it because it offences you then dont!
why would anyone wanna play it? please tell me a point? and of course this is a mod being made..do you honestly think its going to be made in a "serious" and "respectal" manner? no its probley just a couple of jerk offs trying to have fun.

EDIT: If this mod is made im going to www.************.com and getting hacks and ****ing that game over.
Well there are video games about world war 2, back in the day if they had computers like today they would not have liked a world war 2 game because it in fact was not a game to them like it is today.
but like i said in my post ABOVE there is no point to this. WW2 you could fight to defend your country or w/e. in 9/11 mod you try and escape a building thats about to collapse....
Can I have a link to this mod...I wanna see it myself..
Originally posted by KidRock
but like i said in my post ABOVE there is no point to this. WW2 you could fight to defend your country or w/e. in 9/11 mod you try and escape a building thats about to collapse....

How is that so different? Your goal is to survive just like in a war. I dont car about this mod and i dont let it bother me.
I don't think this mod is to controverisal because I mean 9/11 was two years ago...So, by now it's time for when we can witness this horrific event...
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
How is that so different? Your goal is to survive just like in a war. I dont car about this mod and i dont let it bother me.

since when is your goal in war to survive? Of course you want to live and survive but thats definetly not the goal of it.
Originally posted by KidRock
since when is your goal in war to survive? Of course you want to live and survive but thats definetly not the goal of it.

When your in a war zone you want to survive. Atleast thats what i would do.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
When your in a war zone you want to survive. Atleast thats what i would do.

if the goal of war is to survive then just go hide in a box or something and dont move. or hey just a though maybe the goal of war is to defend your country...maybe. or no wait yea the goal is definetly just dont die.
Originally posted by wormstrangler
/me wonders if you guys will ever get over it.

That's like telling a Jew to get over the Holocaust. Or a widow to get over her dead husband.

I think a lot of you are being pretty childish. You just keep repeating the same arguments. Why don't any of you try replying to my previous post rather than using that "They make WW2 games" crap.
please explain what tell it to nazi germany means???

anyway this is retarded to think thats a WW2 mod is the same as a 9/11 mod. im done on this subject
I'll play it, it's only a game and like it or not the u.s had it coming.

Shame we don't get to fly the planes.
Originally posted by Sparky the Fox
oh ok so it's all right for modders to make mods out of the korean war and world war 2, but not 9/11? i doubt as many people would be complaining if someone made a bali bombings mod.

seems like a pretty pointless mod, anyway. what gameplay options are there? where's the teamwork element, or even the strategy element?

Originally posted by mosquave
I'll play it, it's only a game and like it or not the u.s had it coming.

Shame we don't get to fly the planes.

mosquave? sounds like a camel jockey (arab name) are you a arab?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Hey lucky, didnt know you posted here. <- Fenrir51

* [[LuCkY]] recoils in fear.

I've been here a long long time. I think... :bonce:
I've been here long time too, i think my penis size err post count is near 1k.
counter-strike is close enough to the line for me...it doesn't need to get any more close to realism than that (and cs isn't too realistic as far as the whole bomb thing goes)
okay this is really stupid, how can you say "done in a respectful way"? Since when has a game ever been done in "a respectful way" Games are all about having fun, and having fun at the expense of the memory of the innocent bystanders and their families is not only in bad taste but also proves how worthless you are if you enjoy it.

War games feature "COMBAT" which means 2 or more armed parties going at it. 9/11 was a "MASSACRE" targeting civilians, not soldiers.

Let me ask you this. How many ww2 games have you gas jewish prisoners? How many vietnam games recreate the Mai Lai Massacre? None. Why? Because only a ****ing sicko would enjoy it!

Anybody who gets a kick out of this mod i'd hold without about as much contempt as people who get a kick out of watching rape videos or kiddie porn, damn sick F***s

BTW whether america "had it coming" or not is no excuse to target civilians.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
okay this is really stupid, how can you say "done in a respectful way"? Since when has a game ever been done in "a respectful way" Games are all about having fun, and having fun at the expense of the memory of the innocent bystanders and their families is not only in bad taste but also proves how worthless you are if you enjoy it.

War games feature "COMBAT" which means 2 or more armed parties going at it. 9/11 was a "MASSACRE" targeting civilians, not soldiers.

Let me ask you this. How many ww2 games have you gas jewish prisoners? How many vietnam games recreate the Mai Lai Massacre? None. Why? Because only a ****ing sicko would enjoy it!

Anybody who gets a kick out of this mod i'd hold without about as much contempt as people who get a kick out of watching rape videos or kiddie porn, damn sick F***s

BTW whether america "had it coming" or not is no excuse to target civilians.

To each their own? I don't think you have the right to be dictating what is a bad game, and what is a worse game.
about the WW2 thing, you have to admit, Day of Defeat is not an

"escape from auschwitz"

much like this mod is not a

"Operation enduring freedom" (referring to the US invasion associated with 9-11)
i think its really sad people would consider making something like this-it does trivialise it,imo,and some things should be considered in a serious fashion,and not made the subject of movies/games.If nothing else,these people should consider how such a 'game' would upset the relatives of the people lost in that tragedy.I think it would be better for games to stick to fantasy settings,not be based on real world tragedies.i also think the same about games based on wars,where they base it on real battles/locations.once again,i do think this is wrong aswell,simulating a real life massacre in effect,yet ppl think its ok,as it happened 'long' ago.
Comparing someone who would play this game to a rapist? Now THATS ****ed up. playing this game isn't going to hurt anyone, raping someone will affect the rest of their life and possibly their familys too.

I'm half jewish and a game based on the holocaust wouldn't bother me at all, jesus people really need to lighten up.
Whether any of us find this idea offensive or not is irrelevant.

It's absolutely obvious that this is a very sensitive issue, and that a mod like this would offend a lot of people. Hell, movies (like spiderman) had any and all references to the towers removed, just because of the sensitivity of the issue. Imagine the uproar when a game is released in which you can watch all the civilian death first hand. There will be many people affected by 9/11 who will be shocked and offended even hearing about the existance of a game like this. Out of respect to them, at the very least, the mod shouldn't be made.

Not only that, but how could you possibly turn it into a playable and fun game? Running around trying to find a way out, getting crushed time and time again would be quite a dull and depressing game as it is, but knowing that so many real people went through exactly that before reaching the same fate would just make the whole experience more tastelessly morbid.
Id play it, it is kinda sick and is offending to the ones who lost someone in the attack, but common people get over it already! its been 2 years. Nothing good comes from forever mourning something...

Its a tragedy yadda yadda yadda....

But the us really DID nuke hirsohima and nagasaki, that was totally intentionall. Hundred of thousands of people died, yet no one from the us gave a rats ass about it. (well almost no one)
I would try it if I had UT2K3. It just might be the best mod ever.

You can never really sure aboiut these things unless you try it out.
Originally posted by mosquave

Shame we don't get to fly the planes.

Shame you don't get to fly the planes huh? How about someone flys a plane into your hometown. Killing your family. Killing your friends. THEN YOU CAN COME BACK HERE AND SAY THE SAME THING RIGHT? I MEAN IF SOMEONE MAKES A MOD OUT OF IT, IT DOESN'T MAKE IT WRONG, RIGHT? IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT SIMULATES YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY DIEING? DOES IT?
Yeah, I'm an american. I've stated this many times. I don't have a problem with other countries (long as they don't bash mine), but nothing builds up my rage more than some towel head telling us to get over 9/11.
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
War games feature "COMBAT" which means 2 or more armed parties going at it. 9/11 was a "MASSACRE" targeting civilians, not soldiers.

So it's alright to simulate soldiers dying but not ok to simulate civilians dying? In both cases you are killing PEOPLE - just because you're killing a different type of person doesn't make you more of a psycho than you already are.

If a 9/11 mod has no taste, then pretty much every other thing (movie, book, game, mod) that has something to to do with real life (movies like Saviour, Tom Clancy books, games like C&C Generals) are in just as bad taste. And if you have no problem with those, then you certainly shouldn't be having problems with a 9/11 mod.
Originally posted by mosquave
I'll play it, it's only a game and like it or not the u.s had it coming.

Shame we don't get to fly the planes.

Originally posted by mosquave
Comparing someone who would play this game to a rapist? Now THATS ****ed up. playing this game isn't going to hurt anyone, raping someone will affect the rest of their life and possibly their familys too.

I'm half jewish and a game based on the holocaust wouldn't bother me at all, jesus people really need to lighten up.
"I wish we could fly the planes" -mosquave

you said you wish you could fly the planes??? well i wish there was a jew mod where we can burn all the jews in gas ovens that would be a mod!! i can hear the jews screaming now! awsome lol then we could take some jewish babies and throw some agent orange on there jew asses! NOW THAT IS A MOD MY FRIEND! once i learn how to mod thats what im doin.

actually thats pretty messed up i said that....my grandfather died in a concentration camp...

he fell out of the guardtower while gunning down some jews.
Originally posted by KidRock
"I wish we could fly the planes" -mosquave

you said you wish you could fly the planes??? well i wish there was a jew mod where we can burn all the jews in gas ovens that would be a mod!! i can hear the jews screaming now! awsome lol then we could take some jewish babies and throw some agent orange on there jew asses! NOW THAT IS A MOD MY FRIEND! once i learn how to mod thats what im doin.

actually thats pretty messed up i said that....my grandfather died in a concentration camp...

he fell out of the guardtower while gunning down some jews.

Your IQ must be as low as Nvidia's IQ with Det 50's.