Our Society Is Computer Illiterate

Nah you actually need to spend a lot of time experimenting and stuff on the computer to be knowledgable about it. But you usually need an incentive such as games..on a windows 3.1 system :D. I had to use DOS on my first computer and it had tapes :O. Make it easier to do something and people get lazy and stupid.
I assume you mean that your mother wanted to pursue the "business deal" in the E-Mail, qckbeam?

Heh, just another iteration of the ol' Nigerian con... There's a site somewhere with people who have tricked the scammers into making fools of themselves...
I think I got one sitting with my Dad playing Doom once.

Brian Damage said:
I assume you mean that your mother wanted to pursue the "business deal" in the E-Mail, qckbeam?

That is exactly what she wanted to do :p
Give them a break, it's not like we learned everything we know in a second....
My dad pwnz0rs at word, powerpoint, excell, outlook etc. because he uses it all the time at work. But he does not now ANYTHING about ANY other software, or how his computer works.

My mum knows some of the basics, which is good, since I don't have to help her ALL of the god damn time.
My parents don't know anything about computers. My mother has never used one and my father only uses it too type text documents. But he only knows how to save in Word, and even with that I have too help him.
pffft, people are computer illeterate. oh well, at least im not.

im jus gunna go play HL2 with the pointey thing, hang on while i put the shiny circle thing in the cup holding jobby. I best take the t'internet off too. and close the virus go away-ey ma-jing...
most people are not fascinated with computers and only see it as just another tool. so they think they can easily operate it and that there's nothing much to it. -- wrong! That's why they get pwned by computer experts all the time - in their e-mails, in the stores, and in their homes... well, not the in their homes. anyway, a guy in my school made a PP presentation and had it on a disk. He didn't know how to access it and even worse, when someone said "Click on 'My Computer,'" he didn't even know what they meant and said "Where's that?" Truly sad... :(
Being computer illiterate means you can realize that this is an old thread. :p
