Our Valve tour (56k beware)

well, just to clear everything up with everyone here. Describe what was in the video
big shiney roof, with very overexadderated hdr effects.
gh0st said:
Uh then dont attack the "troll" with a thousand more posts than you, chump.

Are you trying to send me into an infinite regression of sarcasm? I didn't call you a troll. In fact, I specifically said that wasn't my intent: I was being accusative in what I thought was a sarcastic tone. You think I signed off with 'pwndeded!' to be serious? Do you really think post-count is a measure of something more than itself?

Wait. Are you being sarcastic? If you are, you're being very clever. New rule: all sarcasm in bold.
Yes it's old.

So you didn't ask if HL2 comes with some form of mp set in the hl2 world with hl2 weapons etc?
yes, is there an in game movie for it somewhere?
yeah there is umm....try looking for it at gamershell or something. Its called Source HDR something or other
yep thats the video. there were a bunch on the desktop, he randomly picked a few and gave descriptions of them. though it looked a little better on the massive plasma screen he had.
DrJones said:
Sweet!! It's gonna have HDR :D :D :D

Did you happen to read the last page or so? It sounds like the HDR demo was the one from 2003. Unless there's somewhere else that says it will be included in the game?
gh0st said:
yep thats the video. there were a bunch on the desktop, he randomly picked a few and gave descriptions of them. though it looked a little better on the massive plasma screen he had.

*is spoodled*
Six Three said:
Maybe, but choosing to have the goodies mailed (which would no doubt take 6 weeks) would be kinda stupid, as you could just go to your store and have it in 30 mins..

Or you could not waste gas...
vegeta897 said:
Where is the whiteboard pic? You said you would get one?

Not that you'd be the first to solve it. ;)

See! See! My point was that other people just assumed it was new, not that you were a lying troll. Methinks it is others who can't detect sarcasm without emoticons who lack comprehension skills. pwndeded!
You remind me of every CS flash movie where the nerd guy blames everyone but himself...
A friend of mine (with good persuasive skills mind you) want's you to take a whiteboard pic when you go again.

Same with that other whiteboard post, he made me do it!! *Get's slapped* Okay I'm going back into the dungeon sheesh!
So did you ask about the HL2 MP?

Or did you just watch some old videos and take a picture of a cd?
FoB_Ed said:
So did you ask about the HL2 MP?

Or did you just watch some old videos and take a picture of a cd?

i watched some new bink trailers. i took a picture of what will be the cd. the rest is on the site, shouldent require you asking here.
Javert said:
Not that you'd be the first to solve it. ;)

You remind me of every CS flash movie where the nerd guy blames everyone but himself...

like this one www.pwned.nl

Nice pictures gh0st.
So Ghost... they didn't say much about TFC:S right? Thanks anyway :)

what were in the new bink trailers?
we werent to busy asking about hl2 we were more concerened about how we can utilize the engine for our own mod
Sorry if its been asked, any new word on the pay $10 a month for everything deal?
smilez said:
Sorry if its been asked, any new word on the pay $10 a month for everything deal?

No sorry :( (atleast I haven't heard anything) *Six Three looks at Shuzer
Guys could you post these photos in lower resolution (better compresion)
I still find it hard to believe they're using that old image on the box art. I thought City 17 citizens now had blue tops instead of green tops...mind you, there were some old pictures on the original Half-Life box too.

You'd think after all the effort they'd put into the game, they'd re-do the box design with something that represents what you're actually going to see in-game. Wouldn't you?

Maybe I'm just being pedantic :) Oops, and I forgot to say 'thanks' for the info, Ghost. Cheers!
good job Ghost, well done :)

i would love to go & visit valve, shame I live in the UK :D

thanks for the info, top notch!!
Neutrino said:
Did you happen to read the last page or so? It sounds like the HDR demo was the one from 2003. Unless there's somewhere else that says it will be included in the game?

It's included. We sorted this HDR question up a long time ago. Check a email in the VALVe thread.
Rupertvdb said:
why is the promised land site not even vaguely working?

Dude, lose the Valve avatar, makes me think you're from Valve :)