over analyzing is fun!

Wouldn't it be? I swear I read that from somewhere "official" ... that "you wouldn't know any more or any less than Gordon"
"you wouldn't know any more or any less than Gordon"

Yes I read this many times.

So this mean that gordon doesnt know what happened from hl1 to hl2, at least at the beginning.

So it may be amnesia, cryogenization, coma, or something else.
Remember when the scientists in HL1 said all those things like, "how extraordinary" and "I never thought such things could be" etc. when they look at you...

I doubt they are saying those things because they think freeman is hot? :p

Remember at the very start of HL1? Where freeman gets hit by a ray when the incident happened? He got teleported to Xen... or it looked like he did anyway... maybe it was just his mind?

It could be that freeman has been suffering from blackouts since the incident?

who knows......

we will have to wait and see.....
well i have a question. If you were coming back from a coma, or whatever at the end of hl1 ... would u be seeing pictures of something u havent seen yet??
that was what I said...this wouldn't happen unless Gordon got preminitions....

this makes me thinks that it might be something happening during the game, and not the opening sequence...
yeah, and it does seem unlikely that the first thing that the gman says to you, after you wake up, would be: "well well, isn't this just like old times".
Thats just wierd.
Gordon would just go: "wtf... old times?! what are you talking about?? where am i? how long have i been sleeping? is that a new tie?" or something...

Originally posted by henrik
yeah, and it does seem unlikely that the first thing that the gman says to you, after you wake up, would be: "well well, isn't this just like old times".
Thats just wierd.
Gordon would just go: "wtf... old times?! what are you talking about?? where am i? how long have i been sleeping? is that a new tie?" or something...


I guess NOBODY imagined that hl2 would begin so.

I just dont think we will see the gman talks like that, it was maybe something designed for the demo.

But for the strange things part, i think they have something to do with actual hl2 plot.

I assumed that the game will feature some kind of amnesia problem because they said that gordon knows no more and no less than the player, so obviously he doesnt know what happened between hl1 and 2
Think about it in another way...Valve did this on purpose...why? this isn't part of the game...this tiny little flash of vague writing can't be seen in real time. They knew that it would only be a matter of time before someone said "hey I wonder what all that crap was?"
Cheers for the pick LoneDeranger, I am downloading at the mo....should only take a couple of years!
The portals in half-life only seemed to move you around in space but what if this is freeman moving through time after he jumped into the portal in the train at the end. Perhaps these images he is seeing are just flashes of what has been happening in the world. I mean nobody knows what time travel would be like.

About that bearded guy with the glowing eyes. I think its possible that it G-man and the 'beard' is just distortion. If you look, it seems like the beard goes around the side of his neck almost to the back. Then theres his hair line, it seems to fit with g-mans and although it sounds weird his eyes also seem to be g-mans too. But i don't know really.

Someone said that in quick time you use the arrow keys to go frame by frame....WHAT ARROW KEYS? All there is is the fast forward\rewind buttons that when paused do something similar to frame by frame, but in fact they miss out frames as well as making g-man talk in a high pitch voice.
could someone please post some pictures of the text from the video (showing the entire player), and if you could take multiple shots of the text att diffrent intervals... im gonna try and make out the entire text, i got the first pic almost totally clear and i wanna try with the complete text :p if you dont want it here email it to [email protected], thanks
If im correct then those are just part of the entire text, not the whole.
Hey I dont believe that it is a dream sequence or even part of the Half-life 2 game. I believe Valve thought they would be smart arses and get us all discussing the story of HL2 when its already in front of us (if we had it recorded from direct feed that is). The quality is low and it dosent capture all the screen so i believe with the top quality video you'd be able to read this and make all the shapes out with ease. Oh the blue man is the G-man his eyes are not glowing... not intensionally anyway its a high contrast representation of the gunman so the bright white 'radial glare' bits of his eyes come out a lot more prominant then the rest of the eyes. Look at his colar.
well thats what I think
could be similar to total recall.. except they are doing tests on his brain instead of sending him on a vacation.

gordon could just be a test subject.. being put into a machine.. also similar to the matrix.. except by other humans, possibly aliens, but not by robots.. though, this would make explaining blue shift, and opposing force hard.
8.) Seems to be another caricaturized G-man, this time, green. Notice that he looks kind of like the Joker, a-la Batman. (though it's quite a bit creepier.) A strange part of this one is that he seems to have Eli Vance's torso. (notice the vest...)
... i believe this is actually eli.. seeing as how they already showed alyx and the gman.. i don't know why they would have something that is so hard to see be a half one person half another person picture.
OK check it out, G-man and Gordon actually work for Valve Software. Thay go around causing havoc and then Valve designs a game around it.

It was so clear from the beginning!
Yeah! And all the stuff that happened in Black Mesa actually took place! and then Valve (a secret government agency) made a game to confuse the public! its all coming into place now!

Anyone wanna bet if there will be an inter-dimensional invasion and combine forces runnin amock on 30th Sept.??:bounce: :bounce:
Perhaps you should go to eastern europe and try to find city 17. Youl be gone along time and wont be mis...uh i mean it will be full of adventure and bashing the populace with a crowbar.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Perhaps you should go to eastern europe and try to find city 17. Youl be gone along time and wont be mis...uh i mean it will be full of adventure and bashing the populace with a crowbar.

oh c'mon don't tell me the nut things are getting to you. OK I'll stop.:cheese:
lol, well how do you know that the sequence isn't the end of the game, just like the end of the first 1...

And everyone knows that City17, is really code-name for Area 17, hehe, I'll stop now...
It could be at the end of the game, but it wouldn't make sense for Valve to show a part of the ending before the game is even released. Then again, it's too elaborate to be designed just for the preview.
I definitely think it's ingame...but I doubt that they would show anything that has to do with the ending...I'd say either beginning or mid-game...
has anyone else noticed that a little bit before the text with the information about gordon, that there is a horse? what would a horse have to do with hl2?

edit: heres a pic i took
Originally posted by pyroCow
has anyone else noticed that a little bit before the text with the information about gordon, that there is a horse? what would a horse have to do with hl2?

You might be new here .. and maybe you never downloaded the preview video. But surely you have seen the screenshots? :eek:
Being good at geography (and being from E Europe) let me say this:

The Soviet Union, had many Cities which were set up for military reasons. Basically they would build a city in the middle of Nowheresville Siberia, which would support 50,000 or more people, for no other reason than that there was a large airbase and oil field nearby. So today many of these cities go on, existing and living as before, not for their original purpose but simply as human communities in the shadow of the Soviet Empire.
Since the collapse some of these cities are largely isolated, no major airport, access road or river. Most are only accessible by rail, which doesn't work that well in the New Russia.
As one poster pointed out, the SU used to name cities City 10 and City 18 because these where artificial entities build in redicules places and supported by central planning, military infrastructure and (occasionally) forced relocation.

My Point

It is plausible (xfiles plausible at least) that something major could happen in one of these cities without anyone outside knowing about it......

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Originally posted by Tull91
Yeah! And all the stuff that happened in Black Mesa actually took place! and then Valve (a secret government agency) made a game to confuse the public! its all coming into place now!

Anyone wanna bet if there will be an inter-dimensional invasion and combine forces runnin amock on 30th Sept.??:bounce: :bounce:

Get up on the times kid, Secret Gov. Agencies are so '70s now it's the Multinationals. oooohhhhh.

Valve is really a part of Microsoft/Boeing/GeneralMotors/MerrillLynch which own the US government.

Hee hee
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Being good at geography (and being from E Europe) let me say this:

The Soviet Union, had many Cities which were set up for military reasons. Basically they would build a city in the middle of Nowheresville Siberia, which would support 50,000 or more people, for no other reason than that there was a large airbase and oil field nearby. So today many of these cities go on, existing and living as before, not for their original purpose but simply as human communities in the shadow of the Soviet Empire.
Since the collapse some of these cities are largely isolated, no major airport, access road or river. Most are only accessible by rail, which doesn't work that well in the New Russia.
As one poster pointed out, the SU used to name cities City 10 and City 18 because these where artificial entities build in redicules places and supported by central planning, military infrastructure and (occasionally) forced relocation.

My Point

It is plausible (xfiles plausible at least) that something major could happen in one of these cities without anyone outside knowing about it......

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Ok, but I would like to again point out that it does not look like a Russian city (I lived in Russia for 10 years).