Pacers vs. Pistons

Aug 18, 2003
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Both teams in the fault but **** the piston fans, ever single one of them that threw beverages at the pacers.

I don't know if any of you guys even watched it, or are into NBA but I am very dissapointed in those fans.
i thought it was is so boring to watch at the pro level and finally somethin happened.....i love how oneal jacked that dude who came up to him...he deserved way thats my opinion ......NBA is just gonna make more money cause of it
Yes, your right, it was awesome to watch, and yes o'neal jack that guy good, but I really wanted to take one of those detroit fans on myself, thats how mad it made me.


err, I mean, that was very unfortunate. I hope that no one was hurt too badly!
was watching the sports news and saw this incident.. and wow.. just wow.
some pple have no class whatsoever.
anyway not surprised to see Ron Artest in the middle of all this...i mean when u don't know what the word integrity means, ur in trouble regardless.
pretty crazy stuff. Incredible to watch, but it really is sad.
Being a Pacers fan...this was pretty ****ed up and we should have traded Artest A LONG time ago... He is worthless.... unless you count his 20 pts and 5 boards a game...
I especially feel bad for the kids in the audience who had to watch that. So much for sports roll models.....
TheOriginalEvil said:
Both teams in the fault but **** the piston fans, ever single one of them that threw beverages at the pacers.

I don't know if any of you guys even watched it, or are into NBA but I am very dissapointed in those fans.

Americans first introduction to the crazy world of hooliganism! :)
Any clips available?

Been searching. No luck.
Was at the game. Very nasty and yes, those fans should be ashamed of themselves and they certainly don't reflect all sports fans in Detroit.

That being said. Players have absolutely no business in the stands, at all. It's not Ron Artest's, Jermaine O'Neil's, nor Stephen Jackson's job to police the fans. That asshole would have been thrown out of the Palace and arrested for throwing the beer. I can understand Ron Artest's anger, but it's not his responsibility.

What's truely sad is that these events only further my opinion of Artest. I think he has some serious emotional problems and someone is going to get hurt because of his presence. This whole thing doesn't happen if he's not on the floor...he is an instigator like no player I've ever seen, including Rodman, and all he wants to do is stir things up and fight. It's truely unfortunate for a great team like the Pacers...he rubs off on that young impressionable team like Ben Gay. Every player on the Pacers is a hot head because of him. This may very well be the last straw for him and he may very well be suspended for months. I expect the Pacers to deal him quickly.
Lt. Drebin said:
Was at the game. Very nasty and yes, those fans should be ashamed of themselves and they certainly don't reflect all sports fans in Detroit.

That being said. Players have absolutely no business in the stands, at all. It's not Ron Artest's, Jermaine O'Neil's, nor Stephen Jackson's job to police the fans. That asshole would have been thrown out of the Palace and arrested for throwing the beer. I can understand Ron Artest's anger, but it's not his responsibility.

What's truely sad is that these events only further my opinion of Artest. I think he has some serious emotional problems and someone is going to get hurt because of his presence. This whole thing doesn't happen if he's not on the floor...he is an instigator like no player I've ever seen, including Rodman, and all he wants to do is stir things up and fight. It's truely unfortunate for a great team like the Pacers...he rubs off on that young impressionable team like Ben Gay. Every player on the Pacers is a hot head because of him. This may very well be the last straw for him and he may very well be suspended for months. I expect the Pacers to deal him quickly.

just the other night i was watching an interview of one of the fans who was there, did not throw or do anything but got punched by Ron Artest.. :|
of all the players suspended indefinitely, i wouldn't mind seeing Artest suspended for the rest of the season... this being the same guy who doesn't know what the word integrity means... he acted like it was the first time ever that he heard the word.. my goodness!! :angry:
i just heard over the radio that Ron Artest has been suspended for the rest of the season :O
personally i didn't think the NBA would do this.. but kudos to them for doing this.. a message definitely needed to be sent and it has been.
Us Brits could teach you a lesson about real hooliganism and violence at sporting occasions.
I was amazed it was shown on the BBC news.

News Presenter-"Oh, look at that....We have to show that again!"

I forgot what the news presenters name is, but I have a good laugh at him
Pretty ****ed up.

The fans chucking stuff should be forced into a naked brawl with the Piston or Pacer Fan of their choice.

Those athletes that got in the stands, had to have tens or twenties of people to keep them back. Wish the fans got their asses kicked -- actually, I'd want to beat them to shit anyway.

If they want a collesium full of fights, I say we take it back to the Roman era. :D Nothing like fans screaming in pain, realizing their mistake. :D
Kangy said:
Us Brits could teach you a lesson about real hooliganism and violence at sporting occasions.
True dat. This was sedate compared to most european soccer brawls..
Biozeminade said:
O'Neal suspended for 25 games... BULLSHIT! HE NEVER LEFT THE COURT.

hmm...i thought i saw him in the stands too in the replays...i could be mistaken but what i do know is he got involved, punched fans and that alone deserves a suspension.

now i know what ur going to say next... "but it was the Pistons fans who started this whole mess so why are the Pacers paying for this?" the simple answer would be that from a league standpoint, u never ever get involved with fans in this manner... its bad for the teams involved, bad for the cities and bad for the league as a whole.

as far as NBA commissioner David Stern is concerned, this was a black eye for the league and a message needed to be sent and thats what happened.
Biozeminade said:
O'Neal suspended for 25 games... BULLSHIT! HE NEVER LEFT THE COURT.

He did leave the court.

He's also being punished for jacking that moron fan that was on the court. He was already being dealt with and O'Neal killed him.

Another thing O'Neal did was he was trying to go after some fans on his was off the court into the locker room.

I think everything was fairly handled, although I think Stephen Jackson got off easy. He was in the stands unprovoced. He went up there after Ron went up there.
Yea, because the mob of idiots swarmed the team.

u never ever get involved with fans in this manner... its bad for the teams involved, bad for the cities and bad for the league as a whole.

Then fans should'nt be getting involved with the players. Throwing stuff, that just calls for an ass-whooping.

Im still of the belief, half of those drunktards should be beat up with squeeky bats wrapped in socks full of bull piss.

... what? Its a thought :D
Kangy said:
Us Brits could teach you a lesson about real hooliganism and violence at sporting occasions.

Heh, some classmates of mine were on a trip to europe last summer, and one of them almost got beat up because he was wearing some soccer teams color after a game had just ended...
TheOriginalEvil said:
Both teams in the fault but **** the piston fans, ever single one of them that threw beverages at the pacers.

I don't know if any of you guys even watched it, or are into NBA but I am very dissapointed in those fans.

Fans lol. The players are professionals, well at least they are supposed to be. Yeah the fans can be motards but they dont pay his check, and he put that on the line by acting like an idot.
K e r b e r o s said:
Then fans should'nt be getting involved with the players. Throwing stuff, that just calls for an ass-whooping.

Im still of the belief, half of those drunktards should be beat up with squeeky bats wrapped in socks full of bull piss.

regardless of what u think, it is still, no matter which way u slice it a bad imagine for the league.
generally the NBA has been known as a league full of thugs.. (i don't say that.. but the media does) and this incident just proves that.

had Artest walked away from that beer/pop thrown at him, pple may have said, "okay so he doesn't know what integrity means, but at least he knows to let the authorities take care of that mess"

anyway this is an ugly mess...the commisioner did the right thing here.
this is so stupid.. why? it's a game :o let's punch the shit out of one another!
was watching the local sports channel here and one of the editors of USA Today newspaper and Paul Godrefy (Toronto Blue Jays Vice President) were interviewed about this incident.

the USA Today editor said it it was a racial issue.. and he pointed to how 90% of the NBA has black players and America pre-dominately(sp?) white and the NBA being viewed as a "thug" league etc...

now im not disagreeing with that.. obviously one would have to be in the middle of this incident to know if it was a racial issue... but seeing Ron Artest (this guy has been suspended quite a few times already for bad behaviour) in the middle of it all.. an average person can come to a safe conclusion and say its typical of Artest to be in trouble.