Pakistani Cleric: $1 Million to Kill Cartoonist!

Feb 24, 2005
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Yikes. More and more craziness from the radicals! Reminds me of Salman Rushdie and the troubles he had with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Scary stuff. They're giving away cash, cars, jewelry and even referring to it as "prizes!"

This is a unanimous decision by all imams (prayer leaders) of Islam that whoever insults the prophet deserves to be killed and whoever will take this insulting man to his end, will get this prize.

Even scarier is that he says that this is a unanimous decision by all imams. (of course its not, but he still wants to provoke as much reaction and demonstrate as much credibility as possible to influence the more hot-headed of his followers.) This sort of insanity can only serve to make things worse and further defile Islam in the world view. Shame on him!
Yes, that's exactly what Islam needs to cool this controversy... an assassination...

... and even better, an assassination sponsored by one of their religious leaders.

I'm sure that would solve all of their problems and prevent other people from forming such opinions about them in the future.

This is getting really tiresome, JUST.......LET......IT..........GO! Nothing good will come of this, they should just pull a colbert and make a "dead to me list", it would cost less.......for everyone.
How come there are so many dumb motherf*ckers on this earth? Obviously natural selection isn;t working right.

This can only harm the Western view of Islamics... which is sad, since it's just a few extremist dumbasses who ruin it for everyone.
These radicals are poisoning the ideals of the Quran and it's teachings.

I agree with your comments Icarusintel. These people, by no means, represent the whole of Islam and Muslims.

Religion.........ain't it a bitch.
Dear God. Something big is gonna happen in the next few years concerning Islam.
I'll pay 1 million dollars to the person who kills that guy who is going to pay 1 million dollars to kill that cartoonist.
Well, gee, well done that man. This is getting rediculous.
gh0st said:
a jew or a christian would never do this.
No, they just pray for God to do it for them... like Pat Robertson.

... or they bring in the military.
gh0st said:
a jew or a christian would never do this.

no never



"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter

"We must fight against those radical minorities who are trying to remove God from our textbooks, Christ from our nation. We must take back what is rightfully ours." (Moral Majority Sermon, March 1993) "I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be."

"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

— President George H. W. Bush, August 27 1987

"I'd like for you to take - but your paper might not allow you to do it - and that is to take the Jewish element in the ACLU which is trying to drive Christianity out of the public place, and I'd like to see you do the something objective there. Because the ACLU is made up of a tremendous amount of Jewish attorneys."
- Billy McCormack (Director of the Christian Coalition)

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers."
--Jerry Falwell

"We've got to have some common sense about a disease transmitted by people deliberately engaging in unnatural acts."
--Senator Jesse Helms

"The New York Times and Washington Post are both infested with homosexuals themselves. Just about every person down there is a homosexual or lesbian."
--Senator Jesse Helms

"The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer."
--Pat Buchanan

"There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'Negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."
--Pat Buchanan

"Men in the pro-choice movement are either men trapped in women's bodies...or younger guys who are like camp followers looking for easy sex."
--Rep. Bob Dornan

"Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy, not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it. ... Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory."
--Rev. Jimmy Swaggart

“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States, he was appointed by God.” - Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin

"I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - George Bush Sr

"For the first time ever, everything is in place for the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ." - Ronald Reagan

"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand."

- James Watt Secretary of the Interior Responsible for National Policy regarding the Environment under Reagan
uhh i fail to see any place where a christian or a jew offered to pay someone a million dollars to kill a journalist/cartoonist/etc. sure there are lunatic christians but they arent animals.
Yeah, Gh0st, because Christians never call for/engage in assassinations or terrorism.
gh0st said:
uhh i fail to see any place where a christian or a jew offered to pay someone a million dollars to kill a journalist/cartoonist/etc. sure there are lunatic christians but they arent animals.

so if you exchange money you're a lunatic but if you dont you're a-ok?

"thank god for dead soldiers"

ya fine upstanding members of society there gh0sty ..real humanitarians in the true spirit of jesus
every religion will have lunitics. it just happens to be that the muslims have hundreds of thousands, willing to kill people over a cartoon.
yes they do but for stupid reasons like this,this islam is so backwards its not even funny.
can you imagine a christian saying "that man made a bad picture of me :( someone plz blow him up!!"

I'll pay you all a million bucks to shut the **** up. :bounce:
youre right. WHITE christians. besides no one even died in those protests.
good i'd bomb an abortion clinic too.

stern you realize im yanking your chain i could care less what this cleric thinks or does.
backtracking are we?

gick dont mind gh0sty he's an admitted white supremacist
CptStern said:
gick dont mind gh0sty he's an admitted white supremacist

I know, I find him hilarious. Keep at it Gh0st!
This is the problem I have with region in general; whether it is Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism I can't imagine that any region would sanction the death of another human being for profit.

I have never read the bible but would find it hard to believe it would advocate this type of action, but I'm sure if I was to look deep enough and twist the words enough I could find my absolution.

One million to kill somebody for taking the piss....I’d have been gone years ago.
are you stupid?

I ment backwards in a sence that the majority is crazy/backward minded.
You're going to end up banned if you keep talking like that.
After all this? everybody still thinks Islam is such a great nice religion?
what more proof do you need? killing people for a stupid cartoon....jeez
wow, just wow.............

Spicy Tuna said:
After all this? everybody still thinks Islam is such a great nice religion?
what more proof do you need? killing people for a stupid cartoon....jeez
I just remembered why i dont come here. The forum of full of ****ing idiots.
Spicy Tuna: I suggest that you look up the word "generalisation". Get an adult to help you with any difficult parts. While you're at it, look up "intolerance". If you have time after that, find the meaning of the word "ban".