Pakistani Cleric: $1 Million to Kill Cartoonist!

gh0st said:
since when does ann coulter control any aspect of government in the united states. we have our religious radicals but they dont control the government and use it as a means to extend their ambitions.

i seem to recall invading afghanistan because of its ties to the 9/11 hijackers and the talibans state sanctioning of terrorism and iraq because there was a belief the posed a threat to us. george bush didnt ever list "god" as a reason to invade all those countries "full of innocent civilians".
I do. I've heard of him saying things like "God is on our side" or "it is God's will" many times.
I can't support any religion that warrants, and rewards the killing of innocent people. No one has the right to dictate what other people should believe in, and these extremists are not exempt - nor is anyone else.

I support the cartoons. Why? Because they are cartoons - and whatever they depict in no way constitutes the killing of the person who drew them. Shame on the muslim leaders who issued this offer - and shame on anyone who tries to make good on the offer. Shame to them all for following such a violent religion. (shame to everyone else who follows a violent religion too) No one has the right to kill any one, and then use religion as an excuse. Shame on them all.

Just. Plain. Sick.
gh0st said:
since when does ann coulter control any aspect of government in the united states. we have our religious radicals but they dont control the government and use it as a means to extend their ambitions.

i seem to recall invading afghanistan because of its ties to the 9/11 hijackers and the talibans state sanctioning of terrorism and iraq because there was a belief the posed a threat to us. george bush didnt ever list "god" as a reason to invade all those countries "full of innocent civilians".

Sorry, but you set off my bullshit detector there.
Didn't he once use the exact phrase:

"God told me to strike at Al-Queda, and I did. God told me to strike at Suddam Hussian, and I did"

Unless I completly imagined every aspect of that phrase, I think gos was listed as a reason :rolling:
gh0st said:
can you imagine a christian saying "that man made a bad picture of me :( someone plz blow him up!!"


your ****ing rediculous, that is all. Are you suggesting that christians have never asked to have someone killed over something they considered offensive? A reality check is in order here.
Llama said:
Sorry, but you set off my bullshit detector there.
Didn't he once use the exact phrase:

"God told me to strike at Al-Queda, and I did. God told me to strike at Suddam Hussian, and I did"

Unless I completly imagined every aspect of that phrase, I think gos was listed as a reason :rolling:
he didnt use it as a justification for the iraq war. he was speaking with a religious radical and had to use terms he might understand.
To the original post, I think it is worth mentioning that this only underlines that freedom isn't free. Free speech doesn't always mean unpunished, simply socially acceptable. I think it should be understood better and taken for granted less often.
CookieCuttah said:
To the original post, I think it is worth mentioning that this only underlines that freedom isn't free.
That's right! It costs $1.05. :E
Religion, the advancement of mankind, peace is BS.
The future lies in the hands of the powerful, and power comes from only two things: money, and the barrel of a gun.

The guy's filled the first one.

[/complete randomness]
CookieCuttah said:
That's what it cost in 1940, with todays inflated prices it's more than one grand.
I guess you haven't seen Team America: World Police then. That's where my little joke came from. Satire ftw! :thumbs:
Heh no, I was so tired when my mates watched it that I only saw a bit of it before I fell asleep.
CookieCuttah said:
Heh no, I was so tired when my mates watched it that I only saw a bit of it before I fell asleep.
You must go get this one and check it out! It is one of the funniest films of the last few years! The social commentary is priceless given the current state of global affairs! :laugh:
babyheadcrab said:
your ****ing rediculous, that is all. Are you suggesting that christians have never asked to have someone killed over something they considered offensive? A reality check is in order here.

You have to consider though, the political climate of the day. Anyone who wasn't Christian in Europe at that time was likely to be labeled a heretic and killed. That has a lot to do with the mindset of the Christian followers if you think about it.

The past and the present are two different things, and The crusades were ugly - I will agree, but for both sides. Holy land is holy land I suppose, and if your religion has roots there you're going to want it.

Having said that, I must remind you that these are not the middle ages anymore. In this day in age it is not OK to harm someone because they don't follow you're religion. It may have been dandy to go and kill someone back then, but not today - and I don't understand how you think it alright that they go around doing just that.
mabufo said:
You have to consider though, the political climate of the day. Anyone who wasn't Christian in Europe at that time was likely to be labeled a heretic and killed. That has a lot to do with the mindset of the Christian followers if you think about it.

The past and the present are two different things, and The crusades were ugly - I will agree, but for both sides. Holy land is holy land I suppose, and if your religion has roots there you're going to want it.

Having said that, I must remind you that these are not the middle ages anymore. In this day in age it is not OK to harm someone because they don't follow you're religion. It may have been dandy to go and kill someone back then, but not today - and I don't understand how you think it alright that they go around doing just that.
Who said it was alright? We're simply trying to educate gh0st, something we should have realised was futile.
VictimOfScience said:

Yikes. More and more craziness from the radicals! Reminds me of Salman Rushdie and the troubles he had with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Scary stuff. They're giving away cash, cars, jewelry and even referring to it as "prizes!"

Even scarier is that he says that this is a unanimous decision by all imams. (of course its not, but he still wants to provoke as much reaction and demonstrate as much credibility as possible to influence the more hot-headed of his followers.) This sort of insanity can only serve to make things worse and further defile Islam in the world view. Shame on him!

Oh my God, this is retardedly funny for some reason. Just so dumb.
You have to consider though, the political climate of the day. Anyone who wasn't Christian in Europe at that time was likely to be labeled a heretic and killed. That has a lot to do with the mindset of the Christian followers if you think about it.

Think about it in the modern day, or past day? Most modern day Christians don't kill other people for the sake of their religion. Infact, most Christians I know are peacefull, and are'nt like the fools who run

Overall, I also know some Islamics that are'nt Nationalistic or Facist for that matter. And need we remind people, Islam had its own crusade against the Eastern Christians. Just as violent, if I'm recalling this correctly. :D

In short, both sides appear to be just as guilty of theocratic facism. Nethire side can be excused.

The past and the present are two different things, and The crusades were ugly - I will agree, but for both sides. Holy land is holy land I suppose, and if your religion has roots there you're going to want it.

If Holy Land is Holy Land, and God made the earth, why can't the Israelis or Palestinians for that matter just settle on down somewhere in Arkansas?

Having said that, I must remind you that these are not the middle ages anymore. In this day in age it is not OK to harm someone because they don't follow you're religion. It may have been dandy to go and kill someone back then, but not today - and I don't understand how you think it alright that they go around doing just that.

This I agree with. It should apply to all religions.
mabufo said:
Having said that, I must remind you that these are not the middle ages anymore. In this day in age it is not OK to harm someone because they don't follow you're religion. It may have been dandy to go and kill someone back then, but not today - and I don't understand how you think it alright that they go around doing just that.

You got one part of that right: It's not okay to kill someone in the name of religion these days. There's one part I don't get, why was it okay to do so in the middle ages, when christians were the ones doing it en masse? Sounds awfully like bias to me.

No one here every claimed it was okay, we only explained that not all Muslims should be condemmed for the actions of a select few. And to quote you: "I don't understand how you think it alright [to] go around doing just that."
NotATool said:
You got one part of that right: It's not okay to kill someone in the name of religion these days. There's one part I don't get, why was it okay to do so in the middle ages, when christians were the ones doing it en masse? Sounds awfully like bias to me.

No one here every claimed it was okay, we only explained that not all Muslims should be condemmed for the actions of a select few. And to quote you: "I don't understand how you think it alright [to] go around doing just that."

Both Muslims and Christians were killing each other back then. It wasn't just Christians, and it wasn't just Muslims. It was both... crusades and jihad.

What are you talking about Bias? Just because the Christians crusaded in the middle ages, doesn't mean people are biased by being against Muslims killing others in the name of religion in the modern age.

Killing others in the name of religion is wrong in the past, present, and future.
Raziaar, the poster was defending the crusades claiming that "killing people back then might have been okay," yet condemning Muslim violence. That is bias.

I cannot agree with you more that killing anyone in the name of religion is never okay, and I even said so in my previous post.
NotATool said:
Raziaar, the poster was defending the crusades claiming that "killing people back then might have been okay," yet condemning Muslim violence. That is bias.

I cannot agree with you more that killing anyone in the name of religion is never okay, and I even said so in my previous post.

I guess I didn't read his post, just yours.