Pakistani Cleric: $1 Million to Kill Cartoonist!

:LOL: To say that 600m-800m Musilms are crazy/backward is practically the definition of "generalisation" (or with a 'z' for uz americanz).

EDIT: That's on approximately the same scale as saying "everyone living in North & South America is retarded."
The Monkey said:
There's no such thing as a peaceful religion.

Oprah told me that Islam is a religion of peace on her show right after 9/11, and I doubt someone that famous and that black could be wrong.
OCybrManO said:
EDIT: That's on approximately the same scale as saying "everyone living in North & South America is retarded."

Don't encourage them.
Oprah told me that Islam is a religion of peace on her show right after 9/11, and I doubt someone that famous and that black could be wrong.

So it's not extremism, but Islam itself that is to blame for 9/11?
Radical Islam is going to be the spark that iginites the world into global war.

sorry but no ..if anything the war in iraq is the catalyst to all this ...a war that was based on lies
Yes. And now a manhunt that is based on greed.
CptStern said:
no never



"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter

"We must fight against those radical minorities who are trying to remove God from our textbooks, Christ from our nation. We must take back what is rightfully ours." (Moral Majority Sermon, March 1993) "I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be."

"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

— President George H. W. Bush, August 27 1987

"I'd like for you to take - but your paper might not allow you to do it - and that is to take the Jewish element in the ACLU which is trying to drive Christianity out of the public place, and I'd like to see you do the something objective there. Because the ACLU is made up of a tremendous amount of Jewish attorneys."
- Billy McCormack (Director of the Christian Coalition)

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers."
--Jerry Falwell

"We've got to have some common sense about a disease transmitted by people deliberately engaging in unnatural acts."
--Senator Jesse Helms

"The New York Times and Washington Post are both infested with homosexuals themselves. Just about every person down there is a homosexual or lesbian."
--Senator Jesse Helms

"The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer."
--Pat Buchanan

"There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'Negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."
--Pat Buchanan

"Men in the pro-choice movement are either men trapped in women's bodies...or younger guys who are like camp followers looking for easy sex."
--Rep. Bob Dornan

"Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy, not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it. ... Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory."
--Rev. Jimmy Swaggart

“George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States, he was appointed by God.” - Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin

"I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - George Bush Sr

"For the first time ever, everything is in place for the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ." - Ronald Reagan

"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand."

- James Watt Secretary of the Interior Responsible for National Policy regarding the Environment under Reagan're like the pwning machine! :)
He's not pwning anything. So you got comments from reactionaries, fundamentalists, a mediocore satirist, and the Bushes. Yes, everyone is quite impressed. They don't represent even the majority of America :|.
In exactly the same way that the vocal and extremist muslims don't represent the majority of the Islamic faith.
Pi Mu Rho said:
In exactly the same way that the vocal and extremist muslims don't represent the majority of the Islamic faith.

Exactly. Yay, another intelligent person decides to comment in Politics.
DeusExMachina said:
He's not pwning anything.
Ghost: A Christian or a Jew would never do these things.
Stern: Here are some examples of them doing them.

DeusExMachinia said:
He's not pwning anything. So you got comments from reactionaries, fundamentalists, a mediocore satirist, and the Bushes. Yes, everyone is quite impressed. They don't represent even the majority of America :|.

Agree, note all those are religious "radicals" coming from the states or in that region....
These maniac religious Christians saying this kind of crap are not even 3% of the christians...

ah, Sterns point was there are also Christians around saying this kind of crap. Allright, sure, those are around in some places. Like there are maniacs in any color, religion, society, country, whether your an atheist or not....
Sulkdodds said:
Ghost: A Christian or a Jew would never do these things.
Stern: Here are some examples of them doing them.


Alright fine, he pwned ghost :frown:.

But, these people are delusional psychopaths. I don't really think their opinions matter.
Pi wins. Let's all head down the kebab shop and forget this thread existed.

-Angry Lawyer
The Monkey said:
There's no such thing as a peaceful religion.
Religion is an abstact term. A religion cannot be peaceful nor can it be violent, but the people who follow it can.

Spicy Tuna said:
After all this? everybody still thinks Islam is such a great nice religion?
what more proof do you need? killing people for a stupid cartoon....jeez
Not as stupid killing people because of how their born. (If you don't know what I'm talking about I mean white, Christian, supremist bastards)
kebab isnt all to good. Shoarma!!! SHOARMA!!! hmmmmmm

wtf? So its the baseball bat which is violent, not the one who used it to smash people's heads?
Also, you get supremist groups in all forms, KKK, Neo-Nazi's, Black Sharar, Black Panthers, Islamic Jihad etc etc. All cultures, colors/races, societies have their set of scum.

Im sick of hearing "racist" and then people pointing at "white people" ( btw, not talking about you ríomhaire, just in general i hear that alot). Sure there are alot of racial white people, but when i lived for years amongst african black people, i wasnt really seen as "equal" either... There are countless examples of racism between all kinds of colors... We must reject and fight the principle as a whole, not point fingers at colors...
When will people see there's a difference between "intollerance/racism" and "race/religion". Its small groups and individuals that do this, and the general crowd of people who have the need to generalise because then they "understand the world better"....

Its basically the way fundementalists work, i know a guy who was beat-up about 4 times in high-school. 1 time was by a black guy. After that he went racial and was like "all black people are violant"...
There's a saying in holland (translating): "he who wants to beat a dog will always find a stick"
Angry Lawyer said:
Pi wins. Let's all head down the kebab shop and forget this thread existed.

-Angry Lawyer

Oh if only you were God and everyone listened :(.
Can we have a kebab anywyas? I've been drinking all day and I'm starving :(

-Angry Lawyer
Ome_Vince said:
wtf? So its the baseball bat which is violent, not the one who used it to smash people's heads?
^^^Edited to make more sense^^^
ríomhaire said:
Religion is an abstact term. A religion cannot be peaceful nor can it be violent, but the people who follow it can.

Not as stupid killing people because of how their born. (If you don't know what I'm talking about I mean white, Christian, supremist bastards)

That of course is extremely stupid,but all Christians talk shit all time and even did shit worse alot more then the Muslims you got millions of them on the streets in multiple countries.burning flags killing people or injuring them because they work at Mc D's, and shit like that.
Spicy Tuna said:
That of course is extremely stupid,but all Christians talk shit all time and even did shit worse alot more then the Muslims you got millions of them on the streets in multiple countries.burning flags killing people or injuring them because they work at Mc D's, and shit like that.

Maybe they were short-changed by that particular McD's employee?
umm...Im sure you are joking,the point is that they freak out over stuff most "westerners" wont even care Raziarr said,he would simply ignore it if some one drew jesus or whatever.
Spicy Tuna: I suggest that you look up the word "generalisation". Get an adult to help you with any difficult parts. While you're at it, look up "intolerance". If you have time after that, find the meaning of the word "ban".

So, are generalizations bannable offenses now? Well CptStern, this is it buddy. <Puts on helmet in anticipation> ;)

To say that 600m-800m Musilms are crazy/backward is practically the definition of "generalisation" (or with a 'z' for uz americanz).

EDIT: That's on approximately the same scale as saying "everyone living in North & South America is retarded."

Other popular generalizations:

All the Christians in America voted for Bush.
All Americans were war mongering criminals out to control the world with imperialistic goals.
All southerners are ignorant.
All northerners are stuck-up.
etc., ad nausem.

As for the topic, yep. They're digging themselves a hole.
Ome_Vince said:
Awesome! your one of those 1 sentance quoters :thumbs:
Well I didn't really have much to say about the rest (though I agree) so why quote the full thing when I'm only replying to one part?
Pi Mu Rho said:
In exactly the same way that the vocal and extremist muslims don't represent the majority of the Islamic faith.

yes thank you

DeusExMachinia said:
Alright fine, he pwned ghost :frown:.

But, these people are delusional psychopaths. I don't really think their opinions matter.

I'm not trying to pwn anyone but rather shut them up with facts

the delusional psychopaths part I agree with but most of them had high positions of influence and power ..I didnt pick out radicals but mainstream recognizable names ...there's 2 presidents on that list as well leaders of religious organizations and people in government

Ome_Vince, Mechagodzilla: Falafel trumps shawarma ....mmmmmm Falafel
too bad the only thing stern can point out is abortion clinic bombings which have killed a fraction of the amount that these animals have. ill counter sterns PATHETIC list of quotes (no actions) by our fundamentalist douche leaders with a list of the islamic terrorist attacks.. i havent been owned one iota.

deny that islam embraces terror FAR more than its western christian/jewish counterparts.

its a no brainer. racism has nothing to do with it. white christians arent the ones ramming planes into towers full of innocent civilians in the name of god. shit.

of course you'll counter that somehow america represents god and WE are the TRUE terrorists by killing the idiots in iraq.

the delusional psychopaths part I agree with but most of them had high positions of influence and power ..I didnt pick out radicals but mainstream recognizable names ...there's 2 presidents on that list as well leaders of religious organizations and people in government
too bad not one of your pathetic quotes showcases an offer to slay someone exercising freedom of speech. no american official would say something that retarded.
gh0st said:
its a no brainer. racism has nothing to do with it. white christians arent the ones ramming planes into towers full of innocent civilians in the name of god. shit.
It's also a no brainer that we don't need to resort to that kind of terrorism because we are politically powerful and we have a massive military. If you're in a fight and you know the other guy can easily beat the shit out of you in a fair fight... do you kick him in the nuts and run or do you accept the beating? If you can't take your enemy head-on, you'll be tempted to take the cheap shot. The worst part is that this factor often combines with the tendency to look for a scapegoat when people are in a shitty situation. Add fear of the unknown and mob mentality on top of that and you have quite an unstable mix. So, no, it's not that the Koran is more violent than the Bible. It probably has more to do with the fact that they are isolated from the Western culture, they live in an unstable region, some important people are telling them to do it, we're throwing our weight around to make the region benefit us, and lots of other factors. When the predominantly Christian nations went through similar phases they were just as violent. It's not like the latest example was hundreds of years ago, either. In case you don't remember, Nazi Germany was made up of about 2/3 Catholics with most of the rest being Protestants... and they're pretty white. I think the outcome of that exceeds anything these Islamic terrorists have done lately.

EDIT: If it helps you to think they are crazy and violent just because they're Muslims... I can't stop you. I don't have mind control. All I can do is laugh and call you stupid.
Ghost, you said they'd 'never do anything like this'.

'Anything like this' referred to inciting violence.

Stern posted quotes where Christians incited violence. The fact that they're all talk and no walk is pretty irrelevant.
CptStern said:
yes thank you
Ome_Vince, Mechagodzilla: Falafel trumps shawarma ....mmmmmm Falafel

Nah man, REAL Arab shoarma is amazing! :smoking:
Especially with Garlick sauce!!! hmmmm
gh0st said:
white christians arent the ones ramming planes into towers full of innocent civilians in the name of god.
No, they're the ones invading other countries full of innocent civilians in the name of god.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter

And of course God is apparnently on Bush's side.
ríomhaire said:
No, they're the ones invading other countries full of innocent civilians in the name of god.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter

And of course God is apparnently on Bush's side.
since when does ann coulter control any aspect of government in the united states. we have our religious radicals but they dont control the government and use it as a means to extend their ambitions.

i seem to recall invading afghanistan because of its ties to the 9/11 hijackers and the talibans state sanctioning of terrorism and iraq because there was a belief the posed a threat to us. george bush didnt ever list "god" as a reason to invade all those countries "full of innocent civilians".