Passion of the Christ

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pat_thetic said:
Anybody seen it? I don't plan on it, however having christian family and being an athiest I'll probably be forced to.
lol your atheist and your family is christian?? lol... yea looks cool..i might see it :D
Deadline said:
I heard that lightning struck the set 2 or 3 times but I dont think HE got struck... uhm I doubt he woulda survived for starters and secondly I doubt he woulda been ok to keep filming....

Thats just a rumor, he got struck once thats it. I saw it on some entertainment thingy.
blah blah blah pointless defending of one's views on something that doesn't even involve you blah blah yadda yadda etc

it's got monica bellucci in it....i'm seeing it.
I'm not religious in the least really, but I plan to see this film asap. It looks very well done, and besides, even though I don't believe Jesus was the son of God and whatnot, he is without a doubt a great role model, perhaps the greatest of all.
Pauly said:
lol your atheist and your family is christian?? lol... yea looks cool..i might see it :D

Yes, and it sucks... A lot. Anyways, my school(which is Catholic) is giveing us a test on the movie.. bleh...
qckbeam said:
I'm not religious in the least really, but I plan to see this film asap. It looks very well done, and besides, even though I don't believe Jesus was the son of God and whatnot, he is without a doubt a great role model, perhaps the greatest of all.

One of few religious icons that actually sacrificed himself. Rather than killing his followers, tricking them, etc. Good to hear someone that's not religious actually credit Jesus. :)
i wanna go see the film, but i cant see mel gibson trying to give off anti-semitic vibes. It states in the bible the Jesus was killed by jews, but this doesn't mean jews are bad or horrible people. Everybody has a black mark in their history, and the jews that killed him dont represent all jews.

EDIT: GhostValk, which religious icons r u referring to as tricking followers?
Didn't they later find out it was the Romans that killed Jesus?
According to Roger Ebert's review, the movie is 26 minutes of plot, and 100 minutes of jesus being tortured to death.

He called it the most violent movie he's ever seen in his entire life, and he's seen every movie.

That's why bringing kids to it is not a good plan.

Anywho, the movie is being criticised for not showing enough about jesus's teachings. So those of you who don't want a sermon should be okay.

Still, in my opinion, there's no reason to watch this movie unless you believe in what's being depicted.

If you don't believe in jesus (like me), the movie is just one guy dying in an extremely gory manner. I'm not going to see it.
I'm really relluctant to see this because although gibson paid for it out of his own pocket he's still out to make a profit. Considering that he paid 25,000,000 too you've got to accept some bastardization of the tale I supspect.

I'm pleased that he's chosen to ignore the anti-semetic bullshit and is releasing the story as is though. Thanks to Hollywood the enigma machine was taken by Americans apparently and they also won WWII single-handed.
Mechagodzilla said:
According to Roger Ebert's review, the movie is 26 minutes of plot, and 100 minutes of jesus being tortured to death.

He called it the most violent movie he's ever seen in his entire life, and he's seen every movie.

That's why bringing kids to it is not a good plan.

Anywho, the movie is being criticised for not showing enough about jesus's teachings. So those of you who don't want a sermon should be okay.

Still, in my opinion, there's no reason to watch this movie unless you believe in what's being depicted.

If you don't believe in jesus (like me), the movie is just one guy dying in an extremely gory manner. I'm not going to see it.

I think the point behind the long emphasis on his torture is to make u appreciate the sacrifice he went thru by dying for our sins. He put up with all of that and it was his OWN choice and could've ended it any time he wanted but he did it so we would be forgiven of our sins.
JonTheCanuck said:
I think the point behind the long emphasis on his torture is to make u appreciate the sacrifice he went thru by dying for our sins. He put up with all of that and it was his OWN choice and could've ended it any time he wanted but he did it so we would be forgiven of our sins.

Yup, but it seems to me that that is the only point to the whole thing, so if you don't like it, you most likely won't like the movie either.

Edit: it did get 4 out of 4 stars though.
Mechagodzilla said:
Yup, but it seems to me that that is the only point to the whole thing, so if you don't like it, you most likely won't like the movie either.

ya probably not. Its more of a select audience i guess then. Its probably aimed towards christians aware of his teachings and gives them appreciation by showing he wasn't a hypocrite and stood behind his words.
Were wrist watches invented 2004 years ago?

Bah, the movie won't be here in Sweden until April something.. And it's going to have a 17 age limit here, and I tell ya that's strong since 17 movies in the U.S get 15 and 11 here in sweden. It might be interesting, they're speaking armenian (dunno what it's called in english) and all.
JonTheCanuck said:
EDIT: GhostValk, which religious icons r u referring to as tricking followers?

The Raelien Cult, Hale Bopp Suicide Cult(Cult where members killed themselves, with purple shrouds covering themselves, as Hale Bopp flew over Earth), David Koresh(Branch Dividian leader claiming to be Jesus), the Ugandan Sect that was mass murdered by it's leaders(Movement for Restoration of Ten Commandments), and many others. Sorry, by religious icons I meant Cult leaders.
CrazyHarij said:
Bah, the movie won't be here in Sweden until April something.. And it's going to have a 17 age limit here, and I tell ya that's strong since 17 movies in the U.S get 15 and 11 here in sweden. It might be interesting, they're speaking armenian (dunno what it's called in english) and all.

Actaully, it's Aramaic.
Armenian is the language of Armenia. (A "former" Soviet Satellite)
GhostValkyrie said:
Actaully, it's Aramaic.
Armenian is the language of Armenia. (A "former" Soviet Satellite)

Aha, Aramic.. I guess it was the local newspaper that was wrong then.
JonTheCanuck said:
ya probably not. Its more of a select audience i guess then. Its probably aimed towards christians aware of his teachings and gives them appreciation by showing he wasn't a hypocrite and stood behind his words.

I'm not too sure. I heard that a lot of people accepted Jesus on the set, and people who had stopped going to Church began to go the Mass that Gibson held on the set every day. (No, none of them were forced to go.) Even that people were healed, and Caviezel went through absolute hell, but is okay.

"Caviezel dangled nearly naked on a cross in bone-chilling winds through weeks of filming. He was struck by lightning during a recreation of the Sermon on the Mount. An actor playing a Roman torturer cut a 14-inch gash in Caviezel's back during scenes of Christ's scourging.

He dislocated his shoulder carrying the cross, caught pneumonia and a lung infection, endured cuts, scrapes and backaches from the chains he bore." -
OK I'm definately gonna see this movie. I'm telling you this is moviemaking commitment you just don't see anymore.

By the way I think the hysterical attitude of the censors has only helped this film.

As PT Barnum said "no such thing as bad publicity."
Word to that, Blackadder. Just.. Word.

Ghostie: Damn, that's a helluva lot of injuries.
Here goes another stupid religious argument.

I'm going to see it on Friday.
I am a Christian. Not a hardcore Christian, but still a Christian.
not28 said:
Here goes another stupid religious argument.

I'm going to see it on Friday.
I am a Christian. Not a hardcore Christian, but still a Christian.

Actually, the arguing has subsided.
Did you read past part of the first page?
Nope, because if the arguing hadn't subsided, I would have wasted my time reading through 4 pages of crap. Either way, I'm sure I didn't miss much.
Chris_D said:
Were wrist watches invented 2004 years ago?


no, but it isnt james calvaziel's (sp?) arm.

besides it's 1970 years ago :D
The critic in my neck of the woods (he's notorious for making idiotic judgements) gave the film 1 out of 4 stars, citing violence as the reason for the low score. It just seems like some people don't understand that violence is a part of life, and a crucial part of the story of Christ. I mean, the violence is shown in such a graphic manner because the film makers want us to realize just how much Jesus went through in his final hours.
I said the film is the most violent I have ever seen. It will probably be the most violent you have ever seen. The MPAA's R rating is definitive proof that the organization either will never give the NC-17 rating for violence alone, or was intimidated by the subject matter. If it had been anyone other than Jesus up on that cross, I have a feeling that NC-17 would have been automatic.
-Roger Ebert

any parent -- no matter how devout and well-intentioned -- who takes a child to this movie is guilty of abuse. Period.
-Ty Burr, Boston Globe

So I'll wait on this one, may go see it Friday if it's good (movie-wise).

Critics seem divided. While some hail its artistry and power, other's think it's over-violence numbs any emotion or connection we're to have at all.
im gonna watch it, im religious. someone said regarding this movie and Jews. what the Jews need to see is that its not the jews nowadays who crucified Jesus. and they need to see what the Jews back then did and learn to accept other types of people and not hate them. vice versa. if you do that you got nothing to worry about because your not Crucifing Jesus The Christ.
Frank said:
Yes, agreed...and so is religion

yep.....seems the religious folks in here are to proud to admit it ...just like everywhere else.

people complain about a nipple during the superbowl.

...and yet want there children to see an ultra-violent movie wich cannot even be proven historically correct.

Christians need to wake up.
Let me begin by reiterating that I myself am not Christian in the sense that I don?t follow the church. Rather, I try to live as Christ would have if he were here today.

crabcakes66 said:
people complain about a nipple during the superbowl.

...and yet want there children to see an ultra-violent movie wich cannot even be proven historically correct.

This film is the story of the final hours of Jesus, the violence is the most important aspect. Most Christians don't have a problem with violence anyway, they have a problem with gratuitous violence (we all should have a problem with this).They want to stay away from violence that is glorified, or celebrated.

Believe in Christ or not, he is a fantastic role model and people should strive to emulate him. This film shows him at his strongest point I think, and has something to tell us all.

crabcakes66 said:
Christians need to wake up.

oh come now. There is no need to generalize people like that. I'm not a Christian myself, but I know many who are wonderful, caring, open-minded people who weren't upset over Janets nipple, and don't have a problem with gay marriage. Really, making blankets commments about groups of people like that just causes problems. Every group of people has it's freaks. Sadly they often get the most attention. This hold true for everyone, including Christians.
Ok. some good heated discussion going on about this movie in this thread, but has anyone actually seen the movie yet? If you have, please tell us your thoughts on the movie. We all want to know if it is a good movie. :)

EDIT: Hehehe, just 4 more posts till it hit my 666 post mark!!!
GhostValkyrie said:
The Raelien Cult, Hale Bopp Suicide Cult(Cult where members killed themselves, with purple shrouds covering themselves, as Hale Bopp flew over Earth), David Koresh(Branch Dividian leader claiming to be Jesus), the Ugandan Sect that was mass murdered by it's leaders(Movement for Restoration of Ten Commandments), and many others. Sorry, by religious icons I meant Cult leaders.

Hey, GV, were you here when "Aquarius" the Raelian popped in to try and convert us?

And as for the movie... well, the two critics who reviewed it over here gave it 2 out of 10 stars...

I'll probably wait until it's on the telly.
Brian Damage said:
Hey, GV, were you here when "Aquarius" the Raelian popped in to try and convert us?

And as for the movie... well, the two critics who reviewed it over here gave it 2 out of 10 stars...

I'll probably wait until it's on the telly.
Aguarius did not try to "convert" us!
He was just simply here to inform.
That was one of his principle points.
Frank said:
Of course not, but it's a fact that they kill eachother because of their two religions and because they can't get a long...

Actually they are killing eachother over territory. The Palestinians think that they are entitled to Israeli land and no one else is, and the Israelis think that they are entitled to it. Religion is merely a cover (though it does play a part).
qckbeam said:
I try to live as Christ would have if he were here today.

So if jesus was alive today he would spend time in the forums? ;)
Sorry I had to say it before anyone else :LOL:

But yea even though Im atheist I do agree that Jesus is a good role model, not the best IMO, but good none the less.
This thread is entirely too long and serious to read drunk...

Lighten up or something... Drink a 40 or something dammit.
I'm not sure if I'm going to see it or not. Maybe. I've heard a lot about it on the news though. Did you hear that one woman DIED while watching it during one of the most violent parts or so the news says. Someone go see it and tell us if it really is the most violent movie out there.
Well the movie seems to be a hit even though Christian fanatics are against it. I read in the newspaper last night that some Christian american people brought their little children to the movies to go watch it. I've just read that The Passion of the Christ is suppose to be one of the most brutal films ever, so I wonder how many months those poor little kids are gonna have awful nightmares about nails and hans, huh?
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