password problem


Aug 1, 2003
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ok, my dad put a password on my computer so that i can not get on it. I am only aloud to get on for hw. the password is not on the user sign in part of win xp its before windows xp loads up. Is their anyway to bypass this password or find out the password once im on?

hero said:
ok, my dad put a password on my computer so that i can not get on it. I am only aloud to get on for hw. the password is not on the user sign in part of win xp its before windows xp loads up. Is their anyway to bypass this password or find out the password once im on?


reinstall windows.
Yeah, his dad would not notice if he re-installed windows.
This isnt hacking, but try your birthdates, initails, your parents aniversary ect. I've found they usually use stuff like that.
yah my dad has been stupid before and put a hint for the user password and im like yah i no that

edit: also i just call them and ask them what the passsword is when they are away saying i have to do hw and they never get around to changing the password
try - "Iwillneverwatchpr0nagain"
do you get a pop up box with a username and password box, and an OK/Cancel option? if that's the case then just click cancel, should take you to a default account.

i'm sure there's a registry key you can change or something. just google it.
i have windows xp but yah that works for like 98 and 2000 and shtuff
Before windows boots up?
If it's a bios password then there's really nothing you can do...
To erase it you have to clear the CMOS (done by changing a jumper).
That clears you bios memory.
But don't do that.
He'll notice. :)

If you father talks while he sleeps maybe you could sit by his bed...
That could work... right?
Idolon what would he notice different if i did that?
Well first of all the password would be gone...
That's a dead give away, wouldn't you say? :)

Edit: exactly :)


Clearing your CMOS can mess other things up as well so it's generally not a good idea.


Ok, not that bad.
ok thanks for your help

looks like all just have to get good grades to get the comp back

Well, if it is the Bios password then it can only be 6 characters long usually.
Try admin. hehe
The 3 most commonly used passwords according to hackers is :

and I think Love
no, that was before people were told they were common passwords... now they are all spelt backwards.

You have to be a fat sys.adm to have silly pw'ds like that tho, the elitest among us use non-bruteforceable passwords that are changed by the hour using a dynamic 128 bit encryption key.
trying to cheat the system, are we? ;)

well if anyone asks, i never saw this thread :E
so he types it in when you get on for hw, right? jsut watch him every time, and find as many excuses to get on as you can. eventually you will get it, or at least know enough to guess it. be very surreptitious though, the last thing you want is him knowing that you know it(maybe even set up some mirrors or something, that would be really cool).

then once you know it, change it to soemthing else and laugh evilly and run away before your dad kills you.
he like flips out when im in the room while hes typing the password
i'll find out someway to get it