Pat building a new computer thread!(pics included!)


Sep 14, 2003
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So, I have decided to make me self a new computer(again). So far here is my list. You can recommend something over another if you think it would be better.

Ok, to the list...

Powercolor 9800 Pro $219-

Mobo $119-(this one I'm not sure on.)

RAM-Stealing a stick from my old comp.

Sound card-don't think I'll get one this time...

HD $69-

Case-http $52- // (this one I'm not sure either, it's plastic...)

Processor $224-

Total price-683 It will be a very nice computer to.

Well, when I buy my parts I'll start posting images.
Ya sorry... I'll edit it. Your URL system shortens it and uses the periods instead of the actual letters. May wanna fix that.

Edit: Argh can't edit ok here....

Hd-SAMSUNG 80GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Drive, Model SP0802N, OEM Drive only

Mobo-ASUS K8T800 Chipset Motherboard for AMD Socket 754 CPU, Model "K8V" -RETAIL

Processor-AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 512KB L2 Cache 64-bit Processor - Retail

Video Card-POWERCOLOR ATI RADEON 9800PRO Video Card, 128MB DDR, 256-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP, Model "XF98-C3L" -RETAIL

Case-I own the older version of this case, and I love it.
sounds like what I have/had.. I got the 3000+ AMD64, as well, along with the K8V Deluxe, which is nice if you can get it to work. I plugged in the proc the wrong way and let the smoke out of my proc and mobo.. I went two months without my own computer before I bought a new Shuttle barebones and stuck the stuff in there. Sounds good as you have listed.. :)
Johan_Tayn said:
I plugged in the proc the wrong way and let the smoke out of my proc and mobo..

it's pretty hard to put a processor in the wrong way... did you jam it?
I did it with my intel, I heard a loud crack when I put the fan and heatsink on. Luckily Intels have that steel plate on top, so it only scratched that instead of the core.
Could someone recommend a new case? That case is a little expensive... I was thinking the x dreamer, but I hear they have bad power problems...
The only thing I would change is the 3000+ to a 3200+ because of the doubled L2 cache, but even then it's a matter of opinion because it does cost around $50 more.

Other than that it looks nice and pretty. Although I'd hold off buying that video card until the new cards come out soon, because you could use the money saved on the price drop and invest in a 3200+ instead if you wanted to.

Also, does that HD come with 8MB of cache or 2?

ppl, even being a total n00b, I cannot live without some good Audigy or Terratec 5.1 support. It just adds immersity to the game you never immagined to have existed b4 you listen.
And yes, the 5.1 still needs some good colunms that cost you some 100$ more, but I think it's totally worth it.
Bleh, my friend decided to buy it for 600 instead of 700(My old computer that is) So I'll just pop the sound card out to :)

Edi:Changed me case, wait a sec I'll get a link up.
Um, Yes I do.... Anyways.... I can't decide on a case. Can anyone help?

EDIT-It has 2mb cache, the one one I have on my comp now is 8mb cache and I see absolutley no difference in the 8mb and the 2mb I have in my other one.
Mine is $138, just makeing sure I am not paying too much. That and I can't find it on new egg.
Not teh clear case! Sorry i just don't like them...a side window possibly because then you can select what you show, but a clear case just looks silly to me :/
Murray_H said:
Not teh clear case! Sorry i just don't like them...a side window possibly because then you can select what you show, but a clear case just looks silly to me :/

lol perhaps not the best adjective.....ermmm........what i meant was that it just doesn't look right being able to see all of the inside
Murray_H said:
lol perhaps not the best adjective.....ermmm........what i meant was that it just doesn't look right being able to see all of the inside

Erm, ok. Any other suggestions?