Pat Robertson warns town of god's wrath


May 5, 2004
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"Conservative Christian televangelist Pat Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them on Thursday not to be surprised if disaster struck.

Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate and founder of the influential conservative Christian Broadcasting Network and Christian Coalition, has a long record of similar apocalyptic warnings and provocative statements."

what a raving lunatic, and to think he actually wanted to be president
Man, that's so stupid.

What an idiot!
If there were a god, Pat Robertson would be the first one to be smitten. Sometimes I curse the laws against assault.
what irks me is that if anything does happen, no matter how insignificant, Robertson and his idiot followers will say it was the will of god. As idiotic, as insane as robertson is, his followers are far worse, at least Robertson knows he's full of shit
Does anyone who's not also insane take Pat Robertson seriously? I thought those days were long gone.
Please please PLEASE let him get hit by lightning... and die... 'cause sometimes people survive and we wouldn't want that.

and nobody get upset, me wishing for the death of a man of God... since he's not really a man of God... not REALLY.
Direwolf said:
Does anyone who's not also insane take Pat Robertson seriously? I thought those days were long gone.

good point ...but they could just be stupid ...he has a lot of followers

Yesterday crazed Christian televangelist Pat Robertson went on a killing spree weilding an assault rifle. 42 people were killed and 12 injured before he poured gasoline on his clothes and lit himself on fire. Before his death he proclaimed "I Don't regret anything! I told you disaster would strike!"

A service for the victims will be held sunday while a pagan ritual translated simply as "shit on the corpse" will be held for what remains of Pat Robertson. Everyone is invited to take part in both ceremonies.
As CptStern posted in another thread about a different fanatic:


This death threat is just another symptom of the (extremely successful) process of normalizing christian fundamentalism in contemporary american society.

Ever since the church lost power during the renaissance and subsequent enlightenment, it has been adapting to social change by taking a slightly more rational, inclusive stance on most issues.

Obviously, however, huge numbers of americans don't like change. So what do these fundamentalists do to combat a post-crusades pro-science world where they're not the religion, but rather only one of thousands?

Apparently, the solution is to fight rational fought with 'science' by trying desperately to create illusory empirical evidence of christian faith.

Intelligent Design in Kansas uses pseudoscience to promote creationism as secular.
God isn't explicitly included in the definition, while the pseudo-secular evidence is given infinitely more respect than it deserves.

Jack Thompson decries un-christian videogames as "murder-simulators", based on a single misrepresented source, relying instead on the secular practice of emotional manipulation. As he always says: the grieving families are evidence enough, even if there isn't any link between the grief and the thing he wants to abolish. It's pseudo-science just as much as ID but with the bonus fun of name-dropping random dead children. He never explicitly brings god into it either, yet he asks that god bless people who visit his website, that they to send him prayers.

Bush gets orders from god to attack Iraq, and then continues to try and rationalize the failure long after the fact. The fact that Saddam was captured is subsequently being used to prove that god's message was spot-on, despite the failures and/or massive costs of nearly every other aspect of the invasion. So now Iraq-war supporters justify the entire war with that one event, and around half of America agrees.
The god aspect is downplayed, and the secular results are overemphasized.

The systematic latching onto whatever the latest massive body count is, and then blaming it on 'immorality' (as happened with the Indonesian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 (to a lesser extent), AIDS, etc.) exploits natural disaster by twisting the deaths of thousands into 'empirical' (and thus secular) evidence of miracle.

Now Robertson is threatening Pennsylvania, and is bound to jump on whatever atrocity happens there. It's just a continuation of this new brand of anti-logic, flat-earth thinking re-packaged for 200X in a poor facimile of secular thought. "Our stupidity gets RESULTS!"

While exploiting ignorance and tragedy in this manner seems horrible to us. it doesn't matter, because Christian fundamentalists are targeting solely other christians with this stuff. Mostly the new generation of teenagers who haven't yet learned scientific procedures and are nearing voting age.
And then there are the politicians who pander to this audience by voting ID and uncountable other things into law.

Fundamentalists see the average christian accepting both science and religion, so they say "hey, we can do that too!" by presenting a Super-Faith with all the fun of a devout lifestyle - plus sciency-sounding excuses for the contadictions rational thoughts bring up.

Calling them crazy is underestimating this movement, however. This is a calculated attempt to subvert the last five-hundred years of scientific progress with carefully worded lies. A crazy person wouldn't go to such lengths to hide god in a science class. He'd just yell GOD HATES EVOLUTION outright, with a streetcorner sign. There's premeditation here.
So not only are many americans exploiting and undermining science, the media, mass deaths and even the basic system of american democracy; they exploit and undermine the people they sit beside in church as well.

Ah, fanaticism. What would human history be without you.
Jintor said:
Ah, fanaticism. What would human history be without you.

Yes. Religion seems to cause the most interestting things in human history.
Enough with the Christianity bashing please..if you people can't respect other's beliefs then keep quiet.

On the other hand, this guy as a Christian does not speak for all of us..he is obviously insane..just ignore him.
Zeus said:
Enough with the Christianity bashing please..if you people can't respect other's beliefs then keep quiet.

I will not keep quiet, this story has a right to be heard

this is not christian bashing it's reporting what he said, it is not our fault that he invokes a feeling of disgust for his statements and for his belief system. Regardless of religious beliefs all rational people should be opposed to his brand of fundamentalism ...he's just as bad as the radical Muslim fundamentalist cleric calling for the death of westerners

Zeus said:
On the other hand, this guy as a Christian does not speak for all of us..he is obviously insane..just ignore him.

he is not insane, he speaks for over a million christians as he's the head of the Christian coalition. He is their voice, therefore what he says reflects on them
this is a type of person who will start a Christain terrorist group.. not by recruiting people to kill non believers, but his words will start someone (think Waco) to prepare to attack non believers like the extremest Muslims... Some day the sh1t will hit the fan... and when it does I bet Robertson or his words will be the orgin.

I still don't know why people will not let others think what they want... I'm a Christian and do noy support his arrogant arse.
this is not christian bashing it's reporting what he said, it is not our fault that he invokes a feeling of disgust for his statements and for his belief system. Regardless of religious beliefs all rational people should be opposed to his brand of fundamentalism ...he's just as bad as the radical Muslim fundamentalist cleric calling for the death of westerners
I think he was more referring to the way that a lot of people go "haha Christians" when something like this comes up.
People like that are confused...their not christian if they want harm to come to people...their dipshits who should be shot.
CptStern said:
"Conservative Christian televangelist Pat Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them on Thursday not to be surprised if disaster struck.

Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate and founder of the influential conservative Christian Broadcasting Network and Christian Coalition, has a long record of similar apocalyptic warnings and provocative statements."

what a raving lunatic, and to think he actually wanted to be president
Rofl, Do what I say or my god will pwn you.

Edit: WTF zeus. This guy wants to impose his religion onto PUBLIC SCHOOLS. What if your school taught hor to pray in Islam instead of maths, youd be pissed then. (I know we all love maths :/ )
CptStern said:
he is not insane, he speaks for over a million christians as he's the head of the Christian coalition. He is their voice, therefore what he says reflects on them

No, what I meant was similar to this man's post (by the way the "keep quiet" comment was not neccesarily directed at you)-

Lbdwag said:
I still don't know why people will not let others think what they want... I'm a Christian and do noy support his arrogant arse.

And also about the christianity bashing -

Direwolf said:
I think he was more referring to the way that a lot of people go "haha Christians" when something like this comes up.

he hit it right on the head. Robertson makes all of us Christians look bad when a lot of us are tolerant and nice people. Not all Christians are a part of the anti-gay riots and movements like all you see on the news, a lot of us concern ourselves not with the buisness of other people's marriages and preferences.

Solaris said:
Rofl, Do what I say or my god will pwn you.

Edit: WTF zeus. This guy wants to impose his religion onto PUBLIC SCHOOLS. What if your school taught hor to pray in Islam instead of maths, youd be pissed then. (I know we all love maths :/ )

Yes I know he would do that if given the chance. Like I'm saying as a Christian I do not support this man's (Robertson) intolerant views of everyone who does not support his religion. As a Christian I have to have respect for other people and their beliefs..that's what Jesus would do
Up against those sort of jackasses being false prophets, essentially destroying the christian faith in the eyes of the world and spreading fundamentalist corruption, I think WJWD is break out the whip of cords and kick ass.
