Religious nutjob Pat Robertson calls for assassination of Chavez

I saw the footage today on the news ..there's no doubt he called for chavez's death ....some christian he is ..what happened to "thou shall not kill"?
There once was a time when Falwell and Robertson enraged me. Now I find humor in their idiocy.
CptStern said:
I saw the footage today on the news ..there's no doubt he called for chavez's death ....some christian he is ..what happened to "thou shall not kill"?
The original text states "Thou shall not murder." God himself commands the killing of many, and there are also just killings. Killing does not always equal murder.

Note: I'm not calling for the assassination of Chavez (Maybe he he became a more direct threat, but it wouldn't serve our interests much right now, hurt more than help)
Pat Robertson makes baby jesus cry. Also Rakurai is's "Thou shalt not murder". See what happens of years of translation and re-translation.
RakuraiTenjin said:
The original text states "Thou shall not murder." God himself commands the killing of many, and there are also just killings. Killing does not always equal murder.

Note: I'm not calling for the assassination of Chavez (Maybe he he became a more direct threat, but it wouldn't serve our interests much right now, hurt more than help)

assassination = murder

but yes you're right "it's thou shall not murder" in your religion ...I was born catholic and it's "thou shall not kill" ..the original text is in hebrew ...not surprisingly for a religion catholics decided they liked this version better (I agree, more humanitarian of them)
lol, assassination is murder. killing in general is murder.
Ennui said:
lol, assassination is murder. killing in general is murder.
I'm sorry but that is simply not true. Murder is a defined term.

If someone is assaulting me and I kill them in self defense I am not a murderer. If a soldier defends a convoy that is assaulted by opposing forces and has to do so by shooting the enemy he is not a murderer. There are many cases where killing is not murder.
It's more a matter of opinion, and I should have stated that.
anyways ..regardless of the definition it's un-christian of Robertson to advocate murder
Or any type of killing.

I should make a thread in OT sometime about the many misconceptions of christianity.
Ennui said:
It's more a matter of opinion, and I should have stated that.
Well I'm going by the defined version, and law of most Western Society nations, which is derived straight from Judeo-Christian values.

CptStern said:
anyways ..regardless of the definition it's un-christian of Robertson to advocate murder
Assassination isn't always murder (assuming we define assassination as the killing of a political or societal leader/head figure), depends on the situation. He's blowing out of proportion the direct threat, though but I'm betting he honestly believes it to be that much himself.
That Chavez film is well worth watching ,it was on bbc2 a year or two ago(last year I think).
The cameras were very close to the action, they got a hell of a lot more than they bargained for.
The full title is "The revolution will not be televised".
CptStern said:
I saw the footage today on the news ..there's no doubt he called for chavez's death ....some christian he is ..what happened to "thou shall not kill"?

omg that is so true I wonder If those guys listen to them selfs when they talk.

also when you listen to FOX News it sounds like they agree with him.......buncha retards
Pat's just getting down with his Christian roots. The Christian god will kill pretty much any one for just about any reason he can pull out of his divine ass. Hell, for him it's a case of the bloodier the better. Someone trying to escape your wrath? Why strike him dead right then and there? Why not take his child and murder it before his eyes, then rape his wife, and then kill him (Isaiah 13:15, 13:16)? That's much more entertaining. The leader of a country sinned? Why punish him when you could wait for several generations to pass and then kill everyone in the country, tear their flesh with dogs, and have the birds and beasts eat their bodies (Jeremiah 15:3, 15:4)? The bible has a huge body count. Assassination is kid stuff for the "mighty smiter".
I wish there was a good way to combine "qckbeam" and "pwnage"
That would work, mainly because I wouldn't know how to pronounce "qck".
perhaps beamage?

I think you pronounce "qck" just like "quick"...just without saying the vowels.. ;)

then again..I could be wrong..
Pat's just getting down with his Christian roots. The Christian god will kill pretty much any one for just about any reason he can pull out of his divine ass. Hell, for him it's a case of the bloodier the better. Someone trying to escape your wrath? Why strike him dead right then and there? Why not take his child and murder it before his eyes, then rape his wife, and then kill him (Isaiah 13:15, 13:16)? That's much more entertaining. The leader of a country sinned? Why punish him when you could wait for several generations to pass and then kill everyone in the country, tear their flesh with dogs, and have the birds and beasts eat their bodies (Jeremiah 15:3, 15:4)? The bible has a huge body count. Assassination is kid stuff for the "mighty smiter".

Quoted for, well , the hell of it really. :D

Say , is that quote too long for a sig?
Ya. Just saw in on CNN, But he didn't break any law. The 1st Amendment clearly states you have have free speech and that you can say what you want. The government isn't taking it seriously...and why would they?
Ennui said:
pwnbeam strikes again!

That has a nice ring to it. So does beamage. ;)

Absinthe said:
That would work, mainly because I wouldn't know how to pronounce "qck".

T.H.C had it. I always thought of it as an abbreviation for "quick". Pretty crap abbreviation on my part really :eek:

SAJ said:
Quoted for, well , the hell of it really. :D

Say , is that quote too long for a sig?

Thanks :) Sigs can be four lines max ;):p
dream431ca said:
Ya. Just saw in on CNN, But he didn't break any law. The 1st Amendment clearly states you have have free speech and that you can say what you want. The government isn't taking it seriously...and why would they?

I'd be willing to place a wager that had it been a muslim cleric saying the same thing about a western leader on national television heads would have definately rolled. The FCC should investigate as I'm sure it's a violation of broadcasting laws

btw I know for a fact that had it been a muslim cleric he would have been arrested
I've always thought of qck to be pronounced quick.

speaking of which, isn't quickbeam an attack from pokekekekemon?
I think all americans should write to the FCC and complain about robertson gotta stop these kind of nutjobs before more people start paying attention. The problem as I see it is that there's no voice against the religious right in america ..when Janet Jackson exposed her nipple (boobiegate) on tv the religious right was instantly mobalised ..when Howard Stern made off-colour remarks on the radio Jack thompson supported by the religious right successfully fined Stern ...teletubbies, Ernie and Bert, SpongeBob etc etc's like an epidemic. Mark my words fundamentalist christianity is just as dangerous as radical mulim fundamentalism ...more so because the religious right are in positions of power
CptStern said:
I think all americans should write to the FCC and complain about robertson gotta stop these kind of nutjobs before more people start paying attention
I'm too lazy. Not unless you would write one for me. :D
oh dear god man!! ...hmmm that's not a bad idea ..but I'm not much of creative writer ..I'm more of a "skewer the other guy with facts" kinda guy. We need someone like Mechagodzilla to lay it all out, I can do the research needed to show how rovbertson crossed the line
Mecha certainly is capable of skewering-facts-pwnage.
It would have to be like 3 pages of complete pwnage. Like when he reads it he has a heart attack.
we dont want to kill the FCC guy :O ...ok maybe we'll send Robertson a copy ;)
might as well CC Jack thompson :E ..get more bang for the buck
Ennui said:
I've always thought of qck to be pronounced quick.

speaking of which, isn't quickbeam an attack from pokekekekemon?


Quickbeam is an Ent in The Two Towers.
and you shortened it because you were running out of space?
fundamentalist christianity is just as dangerous as radical mulim fundamentalism ...more so because the religious right are in positions of power

Thank you stern, I think that pretty much nails it.