Religious nutjob Pat Robertson calls for assassination of Chavez

Pi Mu Rho said:
and you shortened it because you were running out of space?

I don't really remember why I shortened it. I've been using it for ages.
It makes it more.....edgy!
CptStern said:
fundamentalist christianity is just as dangerous as radical muslim fundamentalism ...more so because the religious right are in positions of power
If by "radical musim fundamentalism" you mean terrorist orginizations such as al-queda and the like, then how the hell is fundamentalist Christianity as dangerous as fundamentalist Islam? Do you see Christian terrorist orginizations? Do you see people blowing up school buses in the name of Jesus? Your just making blanket statements without backing them up. Infact, it seems to me that you just hate all christians for no good reason.
Fundamentalist Christianity has done plenty of damage over the course of history and you'd be ignorant to think otherwise. Just because it doesn't have such violent prominence today doesn't mean it's never existed.

Fundamentalist Christianity has just as much volatile potential as Fundamentalist Islam.
Teta_Bonita said:
If by "radical musim fundamentalism" you mean terrorist orginizations such as al-queda and the like, then how the hell is fundamentalist Christianity as dangerous as fundamentalist Islam? Do you see Christian terrorist orginizations? Do you see people blowing up school buses in the name of Jesus? Your just making blanket statements without backing them up. Infact, it seems to me that you just hate all christians for no good reason.

you see only one type of fundamentalist: terrorist ..therein lies your problem's not black and white

that said I could pick the obvious cases of christian terrorism like the abortion clinic murders/bombings, the bombing of gay night clubs in the 80's but that's not the sort of terrorism these people are responsible for. Their form of terrorism comes from influencing others into suspending people's rights, manupulating the system to shut out anyone who doesnt fit the mold. They're pushing forward the cause for the betterment of their faith, their moral code. They never sleep, they never tire, always shaping, manupulating, cajoling society into their brand of idealism, their ethics, their way of life. Sanitized of all risk of all true joy, stripped of all that makes us alive and keeps us from the precipice into madness!

....or they could just be a bunch of ****ing nutbars :O
Absinthe said:
Fundamentalist Christianity has done plenty of damage over the course of history and you'd be ignorant to think otherwise.
No that was the Roman-Catholic church. :p

CptStern said:
Their form of ism comes from influencing others into suspending people's rights, manupulating the system to shut out anyone who doesnt fit the mold. They're pushing forward the cause for the betterment of their faith, their moral code. They never sleep, they never tire, always shaping, manupulating, cajoling society into their brand of idealism, their ethics, their way of life. Sanitized of all risk of all true joy, stripped of all that makes us alive and keeps us from the precipice into madness!
lol stern you sound a little paranoid... the way I see it all Fundamentalist Christians want to do is spread their faith, then nutjobs like Pat Robertson screw up and make them look bad. :rolleyes:
Teta_Bonita said:
No that was the Roman-Catholic church. :p

Which was...? Think hard.

lol stern you sound a little paranoid... the way I see it all Fundamentalist Christians want to do is spread their faith, then nutjobs like Pat Robertson screw up and make them look bad. :rolleyes:

Again, fundamentalism of any kind is equal in its potential for destruction. Christian fundamentalism is just as capable as its Islamic contemporary.
Like I said on the other thread... he is right :eek:

It's a hell of a lot cheaper than war. And everyone seems to be pretty anti-war, which would help the economy. Three covert operatives taking out communist leaders, lot's of America's problems solved.
What the **** are you on about?
I'm asking a simple question: was the Church fundamentalist?

If you're going to say no, well... ciao. I have no interest in making a debate over the something so painfully obvious.
So Chavez threatens to cut off oil to America and you see all the virtuous show us their true colours. Cool.

I see he's trying to cover his arse now by saying his statements can be interpreted a few ways, haha how ironic for a bible basher to say that ...
Ennui said:
I've always thought of qck to be pronounced quick.

speaking of which, isn't quickbeam an attack from pokekekekemon?
I've heard of solar beam, ice beam and hyper beam but not quick beam.
Pesmerga said:
Like I said on the other thread... he is right :eek:

It's a hell of a lot cheaper than war. And everyone seems to be pretty anti-war, which would help the economy. Three covert operatives taking out communist leaders, lot's of America's problems solved.

Why would we start a war with Venezuela???
CptStern said:
I wouldnt waste my time:

O Reilly: Today on my "news" program we have esteemed contributor and all around good guy CptStern

CptStern: Hi Bill it's a pleasure ..


CptStern: :O

... anti-democracy? He's the president of a democracy. He was elected in a landslide. When he continued to support the same things he said he would support (the poor people)... the upper class tried to overthrow him because they were getting rich off of the country's oil production, and he wanted to spread that money around to help the 80% or so of the population that was poor. Within days after he was captured by the opposition (in a planned coup involving the media, parts of the military, etc) millions of people surrounded the government buildings... and when the guards noticed the kind of support he had they organized an impromptu overthrow to return him to power. He is ruling by the will of the people. Isn't that democratic? I would call his opposition anti-democratic.

Also, he has a good reason to distrust the American government. The leaders of the American government don't like his policies (because they think what's best for America is best for the world and want him to only do things that benefit us) and talk about him like he's a terrorist. There is even suspicion that Americans were involved in the attempted coup. I don't think I would be pro-American either if I happened to be in his position.
KoreBolteR said:
all i know is, chavez is anti-american. anti-democracy
Like I told you quite a bit you don't know very much.
KoreBolteR said:
all i know is, chavez is anti-american.

God forbid somebody is anti-American in this world! We can't allow people to harbor views that go against us and our interests! We need to subjugate these people and make them kiss our asses!