patch 1.03 coming in august


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

Server and Client performance improvements.

Improved Server Browser - added Favorites and History Lists.

Point-farming prevention - game will stop Support/Medic/Engineer point farming exploits.

Squads - locked squad leader will get a message if someone wants to join.

Many HUD improvements - see the names of others in your vehicle, zoom level changing depending on vehicle, map zoom depending on map setup (16, 32 or 64 player map) etc.

Teamkilling changes - the logic of how teamkills are tracked will be changed.

Gameplay tweaks - the way transport helicopters work will be tweaked.

Additional scoring changes - players who destroy an enemy commander's assets will be given points.

Sounds great, should make maps like Mashtuur and Songhua more balanced. Oh, and pubs easier to tolerate :)
Good news!

CptStern said:
Gameplay tweaks - the way transport helicopters work will be tweaked.

Right now they fly like swimming thru syrup. A bit more nimble would be nice.
Shakermaker said:
Good news!

Right now they fly like swimming thru syrup. A bit more nimble would be nice.
That's like real life though..the sky IS made of syrup :(

All in all, GREAT NEWS!! Best patch I've seen in a while
Sounds wonderful, I can't wait for the patch, hopefully I'll still be able to load up a BH and cap flags fast ;) I love pissing people off that way, thanks Stern.

cyberpitz, IM me bia!
Cheers for the heads up- that's good- so how will it stop exploiting ?(just wanted to know is all) hehe.
I wonder what they mean by "the way transport helicopters work will be tweaked."

Do they mean the physics or some balancing changes?

So far changes sound good to me. I'm sure there's a bunch more too or lese this patch wouldn't take 'till late August :P
I think they mean take out the BH whoring that everyone is complaining about. Which I can't understand, I have it happen to myself and do it to others, its quite easy to take out a huge target, get AA's and blast them down. Its not that difficult but must be hard for some that whine.
I am almost positive that they will be tweaking the MEC and Chinese transport helos guns, to make them much stronger, equal to the black hawks. The blackhawk can take down an APC with about a 5 second burst, and the Chinese and MEC can't even damage it.
CptStern said:
Point-farming prevention - game will stop Support/Medic/Engineer point farming exploits.

Many HUD improvements - see the names of others in your vehicle, zoom level changing depending on vehicle, map zoom depending on map setup (16, 32 or 64 player map) etc.

Teamkilling changes - the logic of how teamkills are tracked will be changed.


OMFG! I've been waiting for this!

The TK system is complete BULLSHIT! I'm so glad they're going to do something about it.

I mean, cmon, when you get in an attack chopper and it fills, what people will do is LAY DOWN ON THE COCPIT so that when you take off, they die and they can TK you.

Which brings to mind this one time, me and a friend were waiting for an attack chopper to spawn, and there was a third guy who was also waiting. In the team chat, he went "should I kill him?". I replied "Don't do it, it's not worth it. I hate being TKed for stupid things like that so he would too".

So I turned around to check out the battlefield, and I hear PACK PACK PACK. I went "WTF I TOLD YOU NOT TO KILL HIM", turned around, and saw my friend laying on the ground dead and the other guy reloading his pistol. So me, being a medic, revived my friend, who then killed the other guy.

I've never been padded, but a friend of mine had it happen to him. Only, the squad doing it was too stupid to realise that the guy who does the knifing is supposed to be on the other team. The guy was in a FAV, so after my friend got revived, he ran up and C4 pwned him. He got a TK but IMHO it was worth it.
Wahay, good to hear, 'speciallly bout adding a Favourites and History to the server browser, will be much easier to return to good ranked servers
I thought this was a funny quote:

This patch is currently underway and will undergo thorough testing to avoid the problems that have occurred in the past.

In other words: the former two patches haven't been tested.
Shakermaker said:
I thought this was a funny quote:

In other words: the former two patches haven't been tested.

Thats what I thought.... :D
Awsome!! This might just be that patch that gets me to start playing Battlefield 2 again.
Server and Client performance improvements.

This is the only thing I want, maybe then I can play the game
bvasgm said:
Awsome!! This might just be that patch that gets me to start playing Battlefield 2 again.
never noticed you stopped playing borgasm..then agian, never played with you :(

and yeah, again, this patch is going to rule..bring it on!
CptStern said:
Additional scoring changes - players who destroy an enemy commander's assets will be given points.

Yay! Now blowing the commander's stuff up won't just be for fun.
Canadian Gunner said:
Yay! Now blowing the commander's stuff up won't just be for fun.
Yeah, I'm kind of suprised that the Spec Ops never ORIGINALLY got points for that. I say 3 for UAV and Radar, and 2 for artyl. or maybe 2 for UAV and 3 for artyl*but there are sometimes 3 per map..that might be alot of free points D:*