Patch Is Out!!! SDK and SURPRISE next week! :)

I'm confused... what was the HL2 update just now, if not the "audio stutter" fix? I'd already patched my game a day ago...

If it was the stuttering fix, it certainly didn't help at all...
People keep getting so angry at valve when a simlar thing happened with doom3. It's seems obviously to be a texture thrashing problem and could very well be a driver problem, like it was with doom3.
Commando, the patch is out now, not next week. It is the SDK and suprise that are being released next week.
blahblahblah said:
It isn't a patch, its a damn insult.

They are telling me to turn down AA. Yeah right, my X800 Pro is not the cause of the problem. They need to actually fix the problem instead of blaming something else.
They arnt blaming it on something else, they are informing people about other possible causes who dont know what AA is and how it can adversly affect system performance. chill out dude. :rolleyes:
yeah, can we clarify if the update on Steam was the stuttering fix? Cuz it didn't do a thing for me either..(in fact i just finished the game despite the stutter)
Mhm.... i bet the surprise is the special welding gun that was shown in the 2003 E3... you know, the one that could move and weld objects toghether.... I hope so. Imagine what will be with that.
Minerel said:
Orrr maybeee!! TF2 INFO!! New screenshots and everything :).

exactly what i was thinking(or hoping rather)
Baal said:
Yea I haven't recieved an update..

the update was pretty small, if you have a highspeed connection, you might not have noticed..
I sincerly hope the 'surprise' is the other 15 chapters and a means of no longer using steam period.
The patch is up. It's very small so you may not have noticed it being downloaded.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)

ArKTisK said:
this makes me a sad panda

well i take that back. a very pissed off and agitated panda with the clap.

normally i wouldnt be upset over a video game, but jesus lord does it bother me when people say one thing and then say another.


If you want to verify that you have the patch, see if the convar "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware" exists at the console.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)
GaryMcT said:
If you want to verify that you have the patch, see if the convar "mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware" exists at the console.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)

Another wannabe Valve empoyee.
the suprize is either.... TFC:Source (a very very smalll chance) OR its CS:Source update with new player models and some new weapons??

i dunno :) i would love it 2 be some DOD:Source videos or a DoD:source beta test
That blog post said something like:

"To those who are upset that CS:S is the only multiplayer component for HL2, you will have a surprise shortly after release. PHYS CANNON!"

Something like that... Sounds like DM.
its gonna be the anouncement of tf2 which releases dec31

Team Fortress 2
Ships on 12/31/2004
TF2!! TF2!! Info at least. Orrr possibly
CS2, TF2 info, DOD:S Beta, TFC:S, New Cs:S models&Maps, a 5k computer for me, and $1,000,000 for me to :)
I hope!! I hope!!

How do you know when TF2 ships? Do you have a quote from valve or something quoting a valve employ. Onelss you do I wont believe it.
the patch didn't work for me. i'm still getting the minor stutters whenever entering a new area. this is not related to an autosave, as i hear 3 seperate stutters before stepping off the train into city 17. sigh.
I'm sure the surprise is the HL2 DeathMatch.

do you remember this Blog?

"However, here's something I thought that you would want to know. The same source who scored on the game going gold sent this to me last night:
There's going to be a special treat near launch or soon after for those who are upset that Counter-Strike Source is the only multiplayer offered out of the box. I'd hate to ruin the surprise but let's just say traditionalists will be happy even if it's just one map at first. Physics Cannon!"
Screw DOD: Source, I want some major CS: S update where they have 2 new models for each side, few new maps & few fixes, but I know it aint happening.
Well if my game was patched, it sure doesn't seem like it, because it still stutters. GJ valve. :rolleyes:
cliffe said:
He is legit.

Yes master, whatever you say master .... :farmer:

BTW Cliffe, I saw youre name in the HL2 ending credits, you lucky bastard you.
Bah.. I was beaten to it.. needless to say, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy in the blog was right. Hopefully anyway.

I want to see team oriented Combine vs Resistance damnit! :)
ailevation said:
:cheers: Haha, owned.

Might just be TF 2 though.

Another idiot, I bet you children dont even know what owned means but just want to use it to sound "cool", idiots.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Another idiot, I bet you children dont even know what owned means but just want to use it to sound "cool", idiots.

Man shut the **** up. DOn;t get mad because you were owned(moded) by Cliffe, trying to assume somebody isn't a Valve employee.
I'm sure valve will delay the SDK. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was delayed, I mean, we're talking about valve here.
Mr-Fusion said:
Skyline, biggest douchebag in the galaxy!

And you are the biggest lifeless trailer trash on these forums, whats your point you fudge packer ?
ailevation said:
Man shut the **** up. DOn;t get mad because you were owned(moded) by Cliffe, trying to assume somebody isn't a Valve employee.

Look how upset you get, go join your mom on the freeway and help her sell some oranges you aids victim.
And you proved that you are a moron because you will believe anyone who says they work for Valve, jackass.